VU Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University
Shakeel Saeed
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology

M.Phil (Computer Science)

Software Engineering, Data Mining
Official Email
Shakeel Saeed (M.Phil Computer Science). After completing my Master’s degree in computer science from University of the Punjab. I joined Virtual University of Pakistan as tutor/instructor on September, 2005 up to March 19, 2023. I joined Virtual University as a Lecturer from March 20, 2023 and working there till date. My area of interest is software engineering and data mining. I completed my M.Phil in Computer science in 2020 from IMS(Pak-Aims).
Virtual University of Pakistan.
From Mar 20, 2023 To present
Tutor / Instructor
Virtual University of Pakistan
From Sep 24, 2005 To Mar 19, 2023
QA Developer
IT Works Pvt Ltd.
From Jun 24, 2005 To Sep 24, 2005
Honors And Awards
Student Week 2018 (IT Club - Android Programming & E-Gaming Competition Organizer and Judge Award)
Year: 2018
Student Week 2017 (IT Club - Android Programming & E-Gaming Competition Organizer and Judge Award)
Year: 2017
IT Club VU Society
Category: Y
Title: "Pest detection and classification using Machine Learning: Pest detection" Written by: Zeeshan Ali, Shakeel Saeed. Submitted on 8.11.2023. For Publication in ".International Journal of Information Systems and Computer Technologies".
Category: Y
Title: "Rice Disease Classification using Deep Learning" by: Muhammad Junaid, Muhammad Munwar Iqbal, Noureen Hameed, Shakeel Saeed. Accepted on April 05, 2023. For Publication in "Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Robotics".
Category: Y
Title: "Impact of COVID-19 on Human Health using Social Media Sentiment Analysis" Written by: Shakeel Saeed. Accepted on March-11, 2023 for publication in "Journal of Computing & Biomedical Informatics [JCBI]".
Category: X
Title: "An Intelligent Analysis of Crime Data using Data Mining Algorithms” written by: Shakeel Saeed and Muhammad Munwar Iqbal. Accepted on 10-04-2020 for review for the publication in Technical Journal, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2020 (Oct-Dec, 2020).
1 Plagiarism Detection Tools & Techniques in E-Learning in 2009 at ELDEC 2009, HEC Islamabad.
2 Proposed Prototype of Virtual University Computer Science Department Website in 2014 using Wix web development platform that allows users to create HTML5 web sites and mobile sites through the use of their online drag and drop tools.