VU Virtual University of Pakistan
Department of Mass Communication
Kausar Parveen
Department of Mass Communication
Faculty of Arts

M.Phil (Mass.Com)

Print media Theory & Research
Kausar parveen serving as an Instructor of Mass Communication Dept. in Virtual University of Pakistan. She has been served as a field reporter in Daily Pakistan. She gave many By-Line stories as a field reporter. she also served FM 100 radio Pakistan Lahore as a programming manager, besides this she also served University of the Punjab as an examiner. She holds a Masters Degree in Mass Communication with specialization in Print Media & Mass Communication Theory from University of the Punjab and in the same field she completed her M.Phill Mass Communication Management from the Superior University Lahore. She has been also engaged in writing articles on social issues in various National Urdu newspapers and magazine.
Virtual University of Pakistan
From Mar 27, 2019 To present
Instructor (Adhoc)
Virtual University of Pakistan
From May 04, 2018 To May 04, 2019
Programming Manager
Radio FM 100
From Feb 03, 2014 To Apr 30, 2017
Field reporter
Daily Pakistan
From Sep 01, 2010 To Apr 30, 2011
Worked as an Examiner
University of the Punjab
From Mar 30, 2009 To Mar 11, 2011
Category: Proceedings of International conference
Representation of transgender in print media: A study of OP-ED pages of four dailies of Pakistan. Proceedings of international conference human rights: challenges and prospects (ICHRCP), 184-188, ISBN:978-969-9071-09-6 (pbk), ISBN:978-969-9071-10-2 (
Category: Y
Articles published by refereed journals Evaluating the Impact of Final Year Project in Mass Communication on Professional Development of Students: A Study of Virtual University of Pakistan JDER (2019) ISSN 2521-2397 Vol IV, pp 33-50
Category: Y
Category: Y Articles published by refereed journals Representation of Psychological Violence against Women in TV Dramas: Perception of Young Females. Journal of Media & Communication (JMC), Volume 2.2, 143-157
Category: Y
Category: Y Articles published by refereed journals Social Media Consumption as a Predictor of Narcissism and Exhibitionism, Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 4(4): 717-723 (2022)
1 Research Paper Presentation at the 33rd AAOU International Conference, Lahore. 14-16 Oct, 2019.
2 Proceedings of international conference human rights: challenges and prospects (ICHRCP), GC University