VU Virtual University of Pakistan


International Accomplishments of the Department of English

Oxford University Fellowship

Dr. Qurrat-ul-Ain (Assistant Professor & In-charge Department of English) won a six months fellowship (October 1, 2017-March 31, 2018) at the University of Oxford utilizing Higher Education of Pakistan (HEC) International Research Support Initiative Programme (IRSIP). She attended the University of Oxford as a recognised student of the Phonetics Laboratory, Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics (41, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1) in Michaelmas Term 2017 and Hilary Term 2018 and worked with her Advisor, Prof. Dr. John Coleman (one the senior professors at the University of Oxford and Director of the Phonetics Laboratory). Her stay at the University of Oxford allowed her to avail a number of benefits, including but not limited to, advanced and fast data analysis techniques, exposure to the Oxford education system, attending a number of courses of the graduate programme and General Linguistics seminars, and visits to the phonetic lab, main library, colleges, and museums.

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Shanghai University Scholarship

Muhammad Asif (Lecturer, English) embarked on a transformative academic journey from 2018 to 2021, securing the prestigious Shanghai University scholarship to pursue a PhD in Applied Linguistics at Shanghai University, China. During this period, he delved deeply into the field of Applied Linguistics, engaging in rigorous research and academic exploration that expanded his horizons and expertise. During his PhD coursework at Shanghai University, M. Asif made significant contributions to the field of Applied Linguistics by authoring more than 20 research papers. His dedication to research excellence and the quality of his work were recognized as he received the Best Research Scholar Award.


M. Asif during his departmental meeting and touring with his friends & colleagues.

Shanghai Government Partial Scholarship


Muhammad Imran (Tutor English) in the year 2020 got a Shanghai Government partial scholarship to study at the School of Foreign Languages of Shanghai University as a PhD candidate. In 2020, only two Pakistani students could obtain PhD scholarships in School of Foreign Languages Shanghai University and Muhammad Imran is one of them. Due to Pandemic-19, he could not travel to China and completed his coursework in a blended mode of education.

Currently, M. Imran is working on his research dissertation. He reviewed four research books on the theme of "Second Language Learning" and presented his views on similarities, differences, and gaps in the authors' approaches.

Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA)

Talaat Mariyam (Lecturer, English) was selected as a Fulbright foreign language teaching assistant in the year 2018-19. She was positioned at Indiana University, Bloomington as an Urdu language teacher where she taught Urdu to the American students. She was the first ever Pakistani Urdu language teacher at the Indiana University and designed the Urdu language course for the Bachelor’s level university graduates.

Ms Mariyam studied at IU, Bloomington for two semesters and took part in various cultural & linguistic events arranged at School of Global International Studies, IU. She also attended the Fulbright mid-year conference arranged at Washington D.C. She was awarded with certificates by the Indiana University and the Fulbright Commission on the successful completion of the scholarship.
