Virtual University of Pakistan
Department of Psychology

Bachelor of Science in Psychology (4 year program)


Psychology is the science of behavior and the mind. In the BS program, the study of psychology provides an understanding of the basic processes of sensation, perception, learning, cognition, development, and personality, along with the principles of social psychology, clinical psychology, and behavioral neuroscience. The knowledge of psychological principles and scientific methods for evaluating theories and research in the social sciences is essential in our rapidly changing society.

The basic goal of the program is to integrate the scientific foundation of psychology with a strong background in humanities and basic sciences to better prepare students for advanced training in psychology, medicine, cognitive science, neuroscience, and other related disciplines. The BS degree program is explicitly aimed at preparing students for advanced graduate study in the sciences and science-based professions.


Following are the main objectives of the program:

  • To equip students with conceptual tools, scientific knowledge, and practical skills so that they can gain a deeper understanding of themselves, others, and human existence in general.
  • To articulate how psychological principles can be used to explain and understand the dynamics of social and psychological issues.
  • To develop insights among students about how psychological principles can be used to understand and improve lifelong learning, social skills, and environment-related issues.

Eligibility Criteria

Intermediate (equivalent to 12 years of education) with at least 45% marks is required.


  • Candidates having ‘A’ levels are required to provide equivalence certificate from Inter Board Committee of Chairman (IBCC), Islamabad. (
  • Candidates having less than 45% marks will be eligible for admission after the successful completion of “Zero Semester”.

BS Entry Route:

Applicants having B.A./B.Sc./Associate Degree (14 years of education) from an HEC recognized university / institute with at-least 45% marks or CGPA 2.00 out 4.0 are eligible for course exemption (as determined by the Equivalence Committee of VU). However, applicants shall meet admission entry requirements based on their 12 years of education as stated above.

Assessment Criteria

The students’ study progress evaluation mechanism is based on continuous assessment throughout the semester by giving assignments, on-line quizzes, Graded Moderated Discussion Boards (GDB), mid-term and final-term exams. The mid and final term exams are conducted at VUP’s designated exam centers and usually count for 80 to 85% of the total marks for a course.


Award of Degree

It is a four-year study program spread over eight semesters. Each semester has at least 18 weeks duration for teaching and examinations etc.

Minimum: 4-Years / 8 semesters

Maximum: 8-years / 16 semesters

Maximum time duration includes semester freeze period.

  • To be eligible for the award of BS (Psychology) Degree, the students are required to earn prescribed 133 credit hours with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.0 out of 4.

Project / Internship / Practicals

Both Project and internship are mandatory for the completion and award of BS Psychology degree.

Students are required to complete a Research Project (PSY499A & 499B) of six credit hours in final semester of the program. The choice of final project is at the student’s discretion. However, consultation with the student advisor is compulsory. Students will submit a detailed write-up of the research project and will give a viva presentation.

In Internship Report (PSYI619), students are required to complete 6-8 weeks internship in any organization (Psychiatric clinic/School) and shall get an Internship Letter from the concerned organization. A. Students shall get Internship Completion Certificate issued by concerned organization. Students will submit a detailed internship report and will give a viva presentation.

(Note: Evaluation of the course "Final Project" / "Internship Report" will be based on pass/fail criteria and will not affect a student's CGPA. However, being a compulsory requirement, it is necessary to pass this course to fulfill the requirements of the degree program).

Scheme of Study

Total Credit Hours 132
Total Semesters 8
Duration 4 Years

BS (Psychology) Course Selection Rules
Semester No. 1
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
CS101 Introduction to Computing Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO401 Economics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG101 English Comprehension Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCM101 Introduction to Mass Communication Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PAK301 Pakistan Studies Required 2 (Theory:2, Practical:0)
VU001 Introduction to e-Learning Required 1 (Theory:1, Practical:0)
Semester No. 2
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
ENG201 Business and Technical English Writing Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MGT211 Introduction To Business Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MTH302 Business Mathematics & Statistics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY502 History & Systems of Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
SOC101 Introduction to Sociology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ETH202 Ethics (for Non-Muslims) Elective 2 (Theory:2, Practical:0)
ISL202 Islamic Studies Elective 2 (Theory:2, Practical:0)
Semester No. 3
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
BIO101 Basic I-Biology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCM301 Communication skills Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY404 Abnormal Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
SOC401 Cultural Anthropology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
SOC404 Pakistani Society and Culture Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 4
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
PSYP631 Psychological Testing and Measurements Required 4 (Theory:3, Practical:1)
MCM304 Mass Media in Pakistan Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY504 Cognitive Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
SOC301 Introduction to Social Work Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
URD101 Urdu Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 5
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
PSY405 Personality Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY512 Gender Issues in Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY516 Statistics in Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY611 Ethical Issues in Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSYP402 Experimental Psychology Required 3 (Theory:2, Practical:1)
STA630 Research Methods Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 6
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
PSYP610 Neurological Bases of Behavior Required 4 (Theory:3, Practical:1)
PSY403 Social Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY505 Developmental Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY515 Cross Cultural Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
STA641 Statistical Packages and its Applications Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY612 Active Citizenship Required 0 (Theory:0, Practical:0)
Semester No. 7
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
PSY499A Final Year Project Required STA630
3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY511 Environmental Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSYI619 Internship Report-Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
SOC609 Qualitative Research Methods Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY401 Clinical Psychology Elective 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY406 Educational Psychology Elective 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY510 Organizational Psychology Elective 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY632 Theory & Practice of Counseling Elective 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 8
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
PSY407 Sport Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY408 Health Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY409 Positive Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY499B Final Year Project Required PSY499A
3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY513 Forensic Psychology Elective 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY514 Consumer Psychology Elective 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)

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