Virtual University of Pakistan
Department of English

BS English (Applied Linguistics)


BS English (Applied Linguistics) is a four-year degree program that has been designed with a special focus on advancing academic and professional development of students who want to gain knowledge of applied linguistics and apply it to practical problems related to language in use and language teaching. With an emphasis on developing skills and knowledge that can be utilized in diverse professional environments, this intensive program draws on knowledge about language, how it works and how it affects real-life issues. It not only focuses on the current practices and theories regarding English language but also incorporates secondary fields from other disciplines such as Social Sciences and Applied Sciences thus making the students more confident and subtle in interlinking their knowledge of Applied Linguistics with other disciplines and enhancing their professional career.

The program introduces students to key issues within the field of Applied Linguistics with a focus on topics relating to second language pedagogy. It encourages students to develop a broad theoretical base reflecting current cutting edge research within Applied Linguistics and related disciplines. Students will explore how language is used in a variety of social settings, compare language variability with social diversity and examine how language proficiency can impact on people’s lives. It offers specializations in a variety of fields ranging from language acquisitions, development, linguistics theory, language structure, bilingualism, language teaching and literacy in classrooms. Students of this program can also apply their knowledge in applied projects in the communities they live or study in.


The program aims to:

  1. Enable students to describe language by using appropriate linguistic concepts and terminology.
  2. Articulate reflective and critical thinking skills among language learners to comprehend possible links between language pedagogy and policies.
  3. Develop insights among students about social and psychological principles to understand language acquisition and development.
  4. Enable the learners comprehend cultural and sociopolitical dimensions of language to improve lifelong learning as well as social and communicative skills.
  5. Enhance students’ awareness of the latest and effective pedagogical tools to improve their professional career.
  6. Provide an understanding of a variety of language teaching methods to enable the students to develop and reflect upon their understanding of language learning and teaching by effectively incorporating technological advancements in their class room practices.
  7. Equip them with a better understanding of the standard procedures of curricula and syllabi design and development.
  8. Develop essential research and analytical skills in the learners who intend to opt English language teaching as their career.
  9. Provide in-service and aspiring language teachers an opportunity to develop a theoretical and practical understanding of English Language Teaching in order to explore, understand, and research the problems related to ELT in Pakistan.

Eligibility Criteria

Intermediate (12 years of education)/ A- Level or equivalent qualification with at-least 45% marks


  • Candidates having ‘A’ level or Deeni Asnad or foreign qualification are required to provide equivalence certificate from IBCC or HEC, Islamabad as applicable.
  • Zero  Semester” is not applicable.
BS Entry Route
Applicants having B.A./B.Sc./Associate Degree (14 years of education) from an HEC recognized university / institute with at-least 45% marks or CGPA 2.00 out 4.0 are eligible for course exemption (as determined by the Equivalence Committee of VU). However, applicants shall meet admission entry requirements based on their 12 years of education as stated above.

Assessment Criteria

The students’ study progress evaluation mechanism is based on continuous assessment throughout the semester by giving assignments, quizzes, Graded Discussion Board (GDB), mid-term and final-term exams. The mid and final term exams are conducted at VU’s designated exam centers and usually count for 80-85% of the total marks of a course. In the last semester of BS Program, a research project is mandatory to be submitted by the students.

Award of Degree

To be eligible for the award of degree in BS English (Applied Linguistics), the students are required to qualify the prescribed courses amounting to at least 132 credit hours with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00 out of 4.00.

Project / Internship / Practicals

Students are required to complete a Research Project of 3-credit hours in the final semester of BS English (Applied Linguistics). They have to produce a properly supervised, investigated and formatted research project (as per recommendations of HEC with regard to layout, referencing and indexing) on an approved topic. Students have to submit a detailed write-up of the project and may be required to give a presentation.

Scheme of Study

Total Credit Hours 134
Total Semesters 8
Duration 4 Years

BS (English (Applied Linguistics)) Course Selection Rules
Semester No. 1
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
ENG101 English Comprehension Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG501 History of English Language Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG502 Introduction to Linguistics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
SOC101 Introduction to Sociology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PAK301 Pakistan Studies Required 2 (Theory:2, Practical:0)
VU001 Introduction to e-Learning Required 1 (Theory:1, Practical:0)
Semester No. 2
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
EDU403 Art, Crafts and Calligraphy Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG201 Business and Technical English Writing Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG503 Introduction to English Language Teaching Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG506 World Englishes Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY406 Educational Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ETH202 Ethics (for Non-Muslims) Elective 2 (Theory:2, Practical:0)
ISL202 Islamic Studies Elective 2 (Theory:2, Practical:0)
Semester No. 3
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
CS101 Introduction to Computing Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
EDU406 Critical Thinking and reflective Practice Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
EDU410 Teaching of Literacy Skills Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG301 Business Communication Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG504 Second Language Acquisition Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MGT502 Organizational Behaviour Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 4
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
EDU401 Contemporary Issues and Trends in Education Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
EDU516 Teaching of English Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG505 Language Learning Theories Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG522 Applied Linguistics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
EDU101 Foundations of Education Elective 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
EDU505 Education Development in Pakistan Elective 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MGT501 Human Resource Management Elective 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
SOC401 Cultural Anthropology Elective 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 5
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
ENG507 Phonetics and Phonology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG508 Semantics and Pragmatics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG514 Teaching of Listening and Speaking Skills Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG515 Teaching of Reading and Writing Skills Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG518 Research Methodology in ELT Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG523 Discourse Analysis Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 6
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
EDU305 Classroom Management Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG509 Morphology and Syntax Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG511 Psycholinguistics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG516 Teaching Business Communication Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
EDU501 School, Community and Teacher Elective 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCM310 Journalistic Writing Elective 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 7
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
ENG510 Sociolinguistics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG512 Bilingualism Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG513 Language Teaching Methods Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG525 Final Year Project 1 Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG527 Language and Gender Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 8
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
ENG519 Curriculum Design Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG520 Testing and Assessment Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG524 Critical Discourse Analysis Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG526 Final Year Project II Required ENG525
3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG529 Technology in Language Teaching Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)

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