Virtual University of Pakistan
Department of Economics

Bachelor of Science in Economics (4 years program)


Bachelor of Science in Economics program is designed for those students who, after completing their 12 years of education, are looking for some knowledge based, career oriented and market determined educational program in the field of Economics. The program is a blend of different courses like theoretical, quantitative and applied areas in economics, which will enable the students to review, analyze and provide solutions to complex problems with intellectual independence.


The main objective is to achieve the highest possible standards of education, teaching and research in economics. More specific objectives are to:

  1. Impart sound theoretical and applied knowledge of economics.

  2. Provide a thorough understanding of the economic theory pertaining to global economic issues and its impact on Pakistan’s economy.

  3. Develop an ability in students to become effective independent researchers and learners.

  4. Develop professionals with a sound knowledge in the field of economics who can understand and analyze problems faced by developing country like Pakistan.

  5. Prepare students for advanced studies in economics.

Eligibility Criteria

Intermediate (12 years of education)/ A- Level or equivalent qualification with at-least 45% marks


  • Candidates having ‘A’ level or Deeni Asnad or foreign qualification are required to provide equivalence certificate from IBCC or HEC, Islamabad as applicable.

  • Candidates having less than 45% marks in Intermediate or equivalent qualification will be eligible for admission after the successful completion of “Zero  Semester”.

BS Entry Route:

Applicants having B.A./B.Sc./Associate Degree (14 years of education) from an HEC recognized university / institute with at-least 45% marks or CGPA 2.00 out 4.0 are eligible for course exemption (as determined by the Equivalence Committee of VU). However, applicants shall meet admission entry requirements based on their 12 years of education as stated above.

Assessment Criteria

The students’ study progress evaluation mechanism is based on continuous assessment throughout the semester by giving assignments, on-line quizzes, Graded Discussion Boards (GDBs), mid-term and final-term exams. The mid and final term exams are conducted at VU’s designated exam centers and usually count for 80 to 85% of the total marks for a course.

Award of Degree

To be eligible for the award of BS Economics degree, the student is required to complete prescribed course work of at least 134 credit hours with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.0 out of 4.

Project / Internship / Practicals

Students are required to complete a Final Year Project of 06-Credit Hours and it will be split in the 7th and 8th semester equally (carrying a workload of 3 credit hours per semester).

For the students going for Project, the choice of the final project is at the student’s discretion. However, consultation with the student advisor is compulsory. Students have to submit a detailed write-up of the Project and may be required to give a presentation.

Scheme of Study

Total Credit Hours 134
Total Semesters 8
Duration 4 Years

BS (Economics) Course Selection Rules
Semester No. 1
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
CS101 Introduction to Computing Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO302 Principles of Microeconomics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG101 English Comprehension Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MTH100 General Mathematics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
SOC101 Introduction to Sociology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ETH202 Ethics (for Non-Muslims) Elective 2 (Theory:2, Practical:0)
ISL202 Islamic Studies Elective 2 (Theory:2, Practical:0)
VU001 Introduction to e-Learning Required 1 (Theory:1, Practical:0)
Semester No. 2
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
ECO303 Principles of Macroeconomics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG201 Business and Technical English Writing Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MGT111 Introduction to Public Administration Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MTH302 Business Mathematics & Statistics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PAK301 Pakistan Studies Required 2 (Theory:2, Practical:0)
Semester No. 3
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
ECO402 Microeconomics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO501 Development Economics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO606 Mathematical Economics I Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
EDU101 Foundations of Education Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG301 Business Communication Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MGT503 Principles of Management Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 4
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
ECO403 Macroeconomics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO610 Issues in the Economy of Pakistan Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO612 Population Economics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG401 Introduction to Literature: Short Story and Poetry Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
STA301 Statistics and Probability Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 5
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
ECO603 International Economics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO607 Mathematical Economics II Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO614 Microeconomic Analysis Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MGT411 Money & Banking Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MGT602 Entrepreneurship Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
STAT404 Regression and Correlation Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 6
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
BNK611 Economic Ideology in Islam Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO601 Business Econometrics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO613 Globalization and Economics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO616 Macroeconomic Analysis Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
STA630 Research Methods Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 7
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
BNK610 Islamic Banking Practices Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO499A Final Year Project-Economics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO604 Monetary Economics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO605 Financial Economics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO609 Advanced Econometrics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO615 Poverty and Income Distribution Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 8
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
ECO404 Managerial Economics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO499B Final Year Project-Economics Required ECO499A
3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO608 Agricultural Economics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ECO622 Energy Economics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
HRM627 Human Resource Development Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)

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