Virtual University of Pakistan
Department of Mass Communication

Bachelor of Science in Mass Communication (4 year program)


The Bachelor of Science in Mass Communication strives to provide students with a creative, diverse, and challenging academic environment that encourages risk-taking and promotes an examination of human values, cultural differences, and social questions and to prepare students for areas in the print and telecommunications media sectors. BS Mass Communication is offered with major in:

  • Print Media

  • Electronic Media


After completing the BS Mass Communication, the students will be able to:

  • Learn latest trends in mass media as to how latest technology has changed the meaning of communication for us;

  • Analyze critically the contents of both print & electronic media as per their selected major subjects;

  • Develop a practical understanding of field through internship and specialized project;

  • Become media professional;

Eligibility Criteria

Intermediate (12 years of education)/ A- Level or equivalent qualification with at-least 45% marks



  • Candidates having ‘A’ level or Deeni Asnad or foreign qualification are required to provide equivalence certificate from IBCC or HEC, Islamabad as applicable.

  • Candidates having less than 45% marks in Intermediate or equivalent qualification will be eligible for admission after the successful completion of “Zero  Semester”.

BS Entry Route:

Applicants having B.A./B.Sc./Associate Degree (14 years of education) from an HEC recognized university / institute with at-least 45% marks or CGPA 2.00 out 4.0 are eligible for course exemption (as determined by the Equivalence Committee of VU). However, applicants shall meet admission entry requirements based on their 12 years of education as stated above.

Assessment Criteria

The students’ study progress evaluation mechanism is based on continuous assessment throughout the semester by giving assignments, on-line quizzes, Graded Moderated Discussion Board (GDB), mid-term and final-term exams. The mid and final term exams are conducted at VU’s designated exam centers and usually count for 80 to 85% of the total marks for a course.

Award of Degree

To become eligible for the award BS (Mass Communication) degree, the students are required to complete prescribed 134 credit hours with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.0 out of 4.

Project / Internship / Practicals

w.e.f. Batch 2104

Rules for Final Year Project:

  1. The Final Year Project shall be of 06-Credit Hours and will be split in the 7th and 8th semester equally (carrying a workload of 3 credit hours per semester).
  2. In order to enroll Final Year Project, students must have:
    1. Achieved a CGPA of 2 or higher
    2. Earned 101 or more credit hours.
    3. Passed STA630-Research Methods course.
  3. If a student fails to qualify of the Final Year Project, the “F” grade will be awarded to the student in the Final Year Project.

Rules for Specialized Project:

  1. In final semester, students are required to complete a Specialized Project (MCM620: Specialized Project). The Specialized Project (MCM620) shall be of 03-Credit Hours.
  2. In order to enroll the Specialized Project, :
    1. Earned 118 or more credit hours.
  3. The students opting for Major in electronic media will do projects on video production, music videos or documentary making; while the students opting for Major in print media should develop website of newspaper or magazine. In this way, they will be engaged in writing articles and features

Rules for Internship

  1. In Internship Report (MCMI619: Internship Report), students are required to complete 6-8 weeks internship in any media organization, Ad Agency or PR department. Students shall get Internship Completion Certificate issued by concerned organization.
  2. Students will submit a detailed internship report and will give a viva presentation.
  3. In order to enroll the Internship course, the student must earned 82 or more credit hours.

Scheme of Study

Total Credit Hours 134
Total Semesters 8
Duration 4 Years

BS (Mass Communication) Course Selection Rules
Semester No. 1
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
CS101 Introduction to Computing Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ENG101 English Comprehension Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCM101 Introduction to Mass Communication Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MGT502 Organizational Behaviour Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
PAK301 Pakistan Studies Required 2 (Theory:2, Practical:0)
VU001 Introduction to e-Learning Required 1 (Theory:1, Practical:0)
Semester No. 2
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
ENG201 Business and Technical English Writing Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCM401 Fundamentals of Public Relations Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MGT211 Introduction To Business Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
SOC101 Introduction to Sociology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
URD101 Urdu Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
ETH202 Ethics (for Non-Muslims) Elective 2 (Theory:2, Practical:0)
ISL202 Islamic Studies Elective 2 (Theory:2, Practical:0)
Semester No. 3
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
GSC101 General Science Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCM301 Communication skills Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCM601 Media Management Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MGT301 Principles of Marketing Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MTH100 General Mathematics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 4
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
ECO401 Economics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCM304 Mass Media in Pakistan Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCMP310 Journalistic Writing Required 3 (Theory:2, Practical:1)
MTH302 Business Mathematics & Statistics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
SOC401 Cultural Anthropology Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 5
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
MCM431 Development Communication Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCM511 Theories of Communication Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCM604 International Communication Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCM610 Mass Communication Law & Ethics Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MGT503 Principles of Management Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
STA301 Statistics and Probability Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 6
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
MCM520 Contemporary Mass Media Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCMI619 Internship Report-Mass Communication Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCMP501 Advertising for Print and Electronic Media Required 3 (Theory:2, Practical:1)
MCMP517 Online Journalism Required 3 (Theory:2, Practical:1)
SOC610 Electronic Media & Virtual Community Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
STA630 Research Methods Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 7
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
CS204 Cyber Law Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
IT430 E-Commerce Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCM499A Final Year Project Required STA630
3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCM611 Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Media Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCMP531 Community Journalism Required 3 (Theory:2, Practical:1)
PSC201 International Relations Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
Semester No. 8
Course Code Title Type Pre Requisite Credit Hours Specialization
MCM499B Final Year Project Required MCM499A
3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCM620 Specialized Project Required 3 (Theory:3, Practical:0)
MCMP311 Reporting and Sub-editing Elective 3 (Theory:2, Practical:1) Print Media
MCMP411 Introduction to Broadcastings Elective 3 (Theory:2, Practical:1) Electronic Media
MCMP514 Feature & Column Writing Elective 3 (Theory:2, Practical:1) Print Media
MCMP515 Radio News Reporting & Production Elective 3 (Theory:2, Practical:1) Electronic Media
MCMP516 TV News Reporting & Production Elective 3 (Theory:2, Practical:1) Electronic Media
MCMP532 Magazine Journalism Elective 3 (Theory:2, Practical:1) Print Media

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