Virtual University of Pakistan
Department of Management Sciences


Sr. No. Title Author(s) Journal Category Year Volume & Issue
1 Occupational Experience and Entrepreneurial Challenges: A Case Study of Women Entrepreneurs in Peshawar Zeb, A., Sethi, S., Hayat, K., & Qamar,N. Kashf Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Y 2025 2 (3)
2 1. The Impact Of Service Recovery On Consumer Loyalty With A Mediating Role Of Consumer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study On The Fast Food Industry Of Pakistan Muhmmad Rizwan, Adeel Naqvi, Dr. Rab Nawaz Lodhi International Journal of Social Sciences Bulletin HEC "Y" 2024 2/4
3 Ahmed, M., Saleem, N. & Naeem, M. (2024). Evaluating Public Health Campaigns on Social Media using the Health Belief Model: Evidence from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, Academic Journal of Social Sciences, 8(2) Ahmed, M., Saleem, N. & Naeem, M. Academic Journal of Social Sciences Y 2024 8(2)
4 Consumer Responses to Eco-Friendly Product Claims: The Role of Information Asymmetry and Online Reviews. Sarmad, I., Bukhari, S. M. H., Hafeez, S. International Journal Management Research and Emerging Sciences. Y 2024 14(4), 147-171
5 Effect of Shari`ah Governance Framework Implementation on the Financial Performance of Islamic Banks. Bukhari, S. H., Khalil, M. N, Qureshi, M.H & Hassan, N.U Al-Qirtas Y 2024 3(3), 130-140.
6 Emigration Implications for Economic Growth and Human Capital Formation. Khan, M. S., Hassan, N.U., Bukhari, S.H., Ahmad, Z. International Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture Y 2024 4(3), 158-170.
7 Consumer Responses to Eco-Friendly Product Claims: The Role of Information Asymmetry and Online Reviews Imran Sarmad, Syed Muhammad Hassan Bukhari, Sajida Hafeez International Journal Management Research and Emerging Sciences Y 2024 14/4
8 Validity of Governance-Prosperity: Fresh Evidence Under Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Methods Shahid Ali , Aamir Azeem, Zhou Xiaohong, Muhammad Akram Naseem, Syed Waqar Haider Sage Open W 2024 14(3)
9 International Journal of Social Sciences BulletinVolume 2, Issue 4, 2024ISSN: (E) 3007-1917 (P) 3007-1909|Matin et al.,2024|Page 422RETHINKING THE ROLE OF THE ORGANIZATION IN PURSUING THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS: AMIDST PANDEMIC Amtul Matin Articles published by refereed journals HEC recognized "Y" 2024
10 Comparative Examination of Risk in Islamic and Conventional Banks: An Extensive Review of the Literature. Aysha Sami Latif, Jamshid ur Rehman, Syed Hassan Bukhari Qualitative Research Review Letter Y 2024 2(3)
11 Role of a Regulator in Developing Maqasid al Shariah Based Model of Islamic Banks: A Qualitative Analysis. Muhammad Nadeem Khalil, Talat Hussain, Syed Hassan Bukhari International Review of Basic and Applied Sciences Y 2024 12 (3)
12 Rethinking the Role of The Organization in Pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals: Amidst Pandemic Amtul Matin, Amara Awan Dr. Ijaz Butt ,Aamir Azeem International Journal of Social Sciences Bulletin Y 2024 2(4)
13 Relationship Between Talent Management and Job Satisfaction Among Pakistani Universities’ Teachers: Psychological Empowerment And Psychological Capital As Mediators Begum, S., Shah,M., Karamat, J., Khan, J., Zeb, A., Ali, N. Kurdish Studies W 2024 12 (5)
14 Gender-Based Analysis of Learning Styles among University Students in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Study. Nabia Siddiquei, Neelam Sarfraz, Usman Khan The Dialogue y 2024 19(3)
15 Gender-Based Analysis of Learning Styles among University Students in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Study Nabia Siddiquei, Neelam Sarfraz, Usman Khan The Dialogue Y 2024 19(3)
16 Cryptocurrency in a Pandemic Era: Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 During and Post-Crisis Periods on Digital Currencies Karamat, J., Muhammad, N., Begum, S., Subhan, M., Zeb, A., Shah, M. Remittances Review X 2024 9 (S3)
17 Generative AI in Curriculum Development: A Framework for Adaptive, Customized, and Personalized Learning Mariam Tanweer, Aisha Ismail Books - 2024 -
18 Transforming Assessments With Generative AI Aisha Ismail, Mariam Tanweer, Sadia Farooq Books - 2024 -
19 The Influence of Brand Capital, Earnings Smoothing, And Stock Liquidity on Stock Price Crash Risk: Insights from Pakistan Co-Author Remittances Review X 2024 9 (3)
20 Profitability of Reversals in Emerging Asian Economies: Role of Industries as Drivers Munir, A., Ahmad, I., Jabbar, A., Hassan, N., & Butt, I. Empirical Economic Review (EER) Y 2024 7(1)
21 Examining Stock Market Co-Movement In The Pre, During, And Post-Covid Eras In Developing And Developed Markets Co-Author Migration Letters X 2024 21 (2)
22 Effect of Shari’ah Governance Framework Implementation on The Financial Performance of Islamic Banks Syed Hassan Bukhari, Muhammad Nadeem Khalil, Muhammad Hussain Qureshi, Naveed ul Hassan Al-Qirtas Y 2024 3 (3)
23 Role of a Regulator in Developing Maqasid al Shariah Based Model of Islamic Banks: A Qualitative Analysis Muhammad Nadeem Khalil, Talat Hussain, Syed Hassan Bukhari International Review of Basic and Applied Sciences (IRBAS) Y 2024 12 (3)
24 Experience Matters: Turning Psychopathy into Self-Efficacy and Job Performance Sajida Hafeez, Faisal Qadeer, Albert John, Asif Iqbal, Tuan Luu, Muhammad Qamar Khan and Imran Sarmad Journal of Asian Development Studies Y 2024 13/2
25 Mahmood, N., Hadi, N.U., Talha, M. (2024). Simple Mediation Analysis: The Complementing Role of Parallel Multiple Mediation Approach via Process Analysis. In: Hamdan, R.K., Buallay, A. (eds) Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Customer Social Responsibility (CSR). Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 517. Springer, Cham. Dr. Nabegha Mahmood In: Hamdan, R.K., Buallay, A. (eds) Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Customer Social Responsibility (CSR). Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 517. Springer, Cham. Indexed by SCOPUS, DBLP, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH, SCImago. 2024 517
26 Navigating Performance Dynamics: Empowering Psychopaths Group Performance through Social and Collective Efficacy Sajida Hafeez, Faisal Qadeer, Albert John, Asif Iqbal and Imran Sarmad International Review of Management and Business Research Y 2024 13/2
27 Mach Mechanics: How Self-Efficacy Drives Machiavelli’s Job Performance Sajida Hafeez, Faisal Qadeer, Albert John, Asif Iqbal and Imran Sarmad Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition X 2024 20/7
28 Literature Review of Solar Photovoltaic Adoption Behavior Research: A detailed Scientometric Analysis (1978-2022) Hafiz Jawad Hassan, Malik Irfan Qasim GCU Economic Journal Y 2024 1
29 Brand Experience and Brand Loyalty: The Moderating Role of Brand Trust and the Mediating Role of Brand Love in Pakistani Smartphone Users Imran Sarmad (Corresponding author), Muhammad Ahsin Imtiaz Syed Muhammad Hassan Bukhari, Ali Abbas & Ismat Munir Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences X 2024 Vol. 18(1)
30 Brand Experience and Brand Loyalty: The Moderating Role of Brand Trust and the Mediating Role of Brand Love in Pakistani Smartphone Users Imran Sarmad (Corresponding author), Muhammad Ahsin Imtiaz, Syed Muhammad Hassan Bukhari, Ali Abbas & Ismat Munir Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences X 2024 18/1
31 Impact of Green Dynamic Capabilities on Sustainable Development: mediating role of Green Financing Naheed Shaban, Dr. Talat Afza, Dr. Rizwan Danish and Dr. Sadaf Ehsan Advances in Business and Commerce (ABC) Y 2024 Volume 1, Issue 2
32 How Does Environmental Performance Contribute to Firm Financial Performance in a Multi-country Study? Mediating Role of Competitive Advantage and Moderating Role of Voluntary Environmental Initiatives Aamir Azeem, Muhammad Akram Naseem, Muhammad Rizwan Ali, Shahid Ali Journal of the Knowledge Economy W 2024 15(1)
33 Green supply chain management as a pathway to sustainable operations in the post-COVID-19 era: investigating challenges in the Chinese scenario M Iqbal, M Waqas, N Ahmad, K Hussain, J Hussain Business Process Management Journal W 2024 30 (4)
34 Nexus among Exchange Rate Volatility, Inflation, and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis Solaiman Din, Haroon Din, Imran Khan, and Sobia Naheed Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Y 2024 12(1)
35 Prospects, Issues, and Policy Implications for Islamic Fintech Development in Pakistan Muhammad Shahid Siddique, Ghulam Sughra Sadiq, Muhammad Hussain Qureshi International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences Y 2024 14(2)
36 Prospects, Issues, and Policy Implications for Islamic Fintech Development in Pakistan Muhammad Shahid Siddique, Ghulam Sughra Sadiq, Muhammad Hussain Qureshi International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences HEC (Y) 2024 14(2)
37 HOW STRONG IS THE EVIDENCE OF THE WEAK FORM OF EFFICIENT MARKET HYPOTHESIS-EMH? Aisha Ismail, Sadaf Choudhary, Rahil Nazar Chawla, Abdul Waris Khan Review in Business and Economics Y 2024 4(1)
38 Brand Experience and Brand Loyalty: The Moderating Role of Brand Trust and Mediating Role of Brand Trust and the Mediating Role of Brand Love in Pakistani Smart Phone Users. Imran Sarmad, Muhammad Ahsin Imtiaz, Syed Muhammad Hassan Bukhari, Ali Abbas, Ismat Munir Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Science X 2024 18(1)
39 Unlocking Value: The mediating Role of Corporate Governance on the CSR-Performance Link in the Banking Sector of Pakistan. Faiza Raza, Aysha Sami Latif, Syed Muhammad Hassan Bukhari Journal of Business and Management Research Y 2024 3(1)
40 Brand experience and brand loyalty: The moderating role of brand trust and the mediating role of brand love in Pakistani smartphone users Imran Sarmad, Muhammad Ahsin Imtiaz, Syed Muhammad Hassan Bukhari, Ali Abbas and Ismat Munir Pakistan Journal of Commerce X 2024 18/1
41 The antecedent cognitions of brand love and its impact on brand loyalty: The moderating role of sustainability marketing. Afia Khalid, Raheel Amir Awan, Rizwan Ali and Imran Sarmad Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society W 2024 24/3
42 Investigating the Role of Perceived Convenience and Perceived Privacy Risks on E-Waste Disposal Behavior among Smartphone Users in Pakistan Adeel Naqvi, Dr. Sadia Farooq Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste HEC "X" 2024 28/2
43 Environmentally specific servant leadership and workplace pro-environmental behavior: A dual mediation in context of hotel industry. Journal of Cleaner Production Maryam Javed, Qasim Ali Nisar, Amara Awan, Usman Nasir Journal of Cleaner Production W 2024 446, 141095
44 Is tourism conducive to green growth? An investigation of the role of tourism-based economic expansion in the nexus of leisure tourism and business tourism Amara Awan, Kashif Hussain, Mahwish Zafar, Sami Ullah Bajwa Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights X 2024
45 An Integrated Model of Entrepreneurial Intent among Undergraduate Medical Students: Mediation of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Umair Ali, Hira Ejaz. Journal of Educational Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences (JEPPS) Y 2023 3 (2)
46 Brain Drain in Pakistan: Implications for Economic Growth and Human Capital Formation Khan, M. S., ul Hassan, N., Bukhari, S. H., Ahmad, Z., & Liaquat, I Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University HEC (X) 2023 19 (08)
47 Performance Evaluation of Higher Education Institutes as an integrative tool for quality management. A content analysis. Saliha Anwar, Dr. Muhammad Usman Awan Pakistan Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Y 2023 4(1)
48 Role of Government in Making Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Conducive in Pakistan: Case of Emerging Businesses Urooj Qamar, Fatima Tanveer, Nighat Ansari, Nida Qamar, Shumaila Gull Journal of Management and Research Y 2023 10(2)
49 Exploring the Innovation Potential of Pakistan`s IT Sector: A Service-Dominant Logic Perspective Nida Qamar Int. J. of Business Innovation and Research Y 2023
50 An Integrated Model of Entrepreneurial Intent among Undergraduate Medical Students: Mediation of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Umair Ali, Hira Ejaz Journal of Educational Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences (JEPPS) Y 2023 3 (2)
51 E-Commerce Policy of Pakistan: Setting a Path to Development Amtul Mateen, Amara Awan, Dr. Kashif Mahmood Al-Kashaf Y 2023 3(3)
52 What makes people actually adopt the Mobile payment services in Pakistan? Anjum Ilyas Siddiqui, Amna Mumtaz, Muhammad Ashfaq Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences NA 2023 26(3)
53 International Conference on Islamic Finance and Banking (ICIFB`2023-Online) Mahmood, N., Hadi, Noor., Talha, M., (2023). Simple Mediation Analysis: The Complementing Role of Parallel Multiple Mediation Approach Via Process A Dr. Nabegha Mahmood Qatar University & EuroMid of Business and Technology International Conference on Islamic Finance and Banking (ICIFB`2023-Online) 2023
54 International Conference: 9th Global Conference on Business Management and Social Sciences (GCBMS) Organized by ABNC & Talent Nurtures Educational Institute Mahmood, N., (2023). Did Radical Social Innovation Occur in The Muslim Historical Scenario? Dr. Nabegha Mahmood Conference on Business Management and Social Sciences (GCBMS) Organized by ABMC & Talent Nurtures Educational Institute International Conference Proceedings-GCBMS-2023 2023
55 Studying Insider Ownership and Institutional Ownership Nexus with Islamic Mutual Funds Dividend Policy in Pakistan: Revisiting and Presenting New Insights ABDUL RAZZAQ, KASHIF MAHMOOD Articles published by refereed journals Y 2023 Vol. 11 Issue.2
56 Impact of Credit Risk on the Profitability of Banks: A Case of Retail Banking Products. Asrar Iqbal, Muhammad Nadeem Khalil, Lubna Hamid, Syed Hassan Bukhari International Review of Management and Business Research Y 2023 12(3)
57 Impact of Institutional Quality, Financial Inclusion, and Information Communication Technology on Economic Growth: Evidence from Selected Asian Countries. Aysha Sami Latif, Syed Hassan Bukhari, Muhammad Mahmood Shah Khan Bulletin of Business and Economics Y 2023 12(3)
58 How does customer advocacy influence brand loyalty? A serial mediation of brand relationship quality and brand trust Imran Sarmad and Rizwan Ali Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences X 2023 17/1
59 Role of Regulator in Developing Maqasid al Shariah Based Model in Islamic Banks: A Qualitative Analysis. Muhammad Nadeem Khalil, Talat Hussain 7th International Conference on Islamic Banking & Finance (ICIBF-2023), Institute of Business Management. Conference paper 2023
60 Impact of Credit Risk on the Profitability of Banks: A Case of Retail Banking Products. Asrar Iqba, Muhammad Nadeem Khalil, Lubna Hamid, Syed Hassan Bukhari International Review of Management and Business Research. Y 2023 12 (3)
61 Determinants of rural household poverty in Pakistan with multilevel approach Saleem, S., Aslam, M., Sherwani, R. A. K., Jadoon, A. K., Sarwar, A., & Butt, I. Cogent Economics and Finance X 2023 11(1)
62 A novel lens of stock market capitalization and environmental degradation Azeem, A., Naseem, M.A., Hassan, N.U., Butt, I., Aslam, M.T., Ali, S., Jadoon, A.K. Environmental Science and Pollution Research W 2023 29(41)
63 A novel lens of stock market capitalization and environmental degradation. Aamir Azeem, Muhammad Akram Naseem, Naveed Ul Hassan, Ijaz Butt, Muhammad Toseef Aslam, Shahid Ali & Atif khan Jadoon Environmental Science and Pollution Research W 2023 30(2)
64 Towards a Greener Tomorrow: Investigating Future Directions of e-Waste Management through Bibliometric Analysis Adeel Naqvi, Dr. Fouzia Hadi Ali, Dr. Sabra Munir Journal of Development and Social Sciences HEC "Y" 2023 4/3
65 Climate Change and Social Concerns: Saeed Ahmad Qaisrani, Muhammad Mubeen, Zoobia Abbas, Bushra Abbas, Nadeem Akbar, Asghar Ali, Muhammad Faisal, Ahtasham Saleem, Sajid Hussain, and Wajid Nasim Jatoi Springer W 2023
66 Hussain, S. (2023). Book Review of the Encyclopedia of Female Pioneers in Online Learning. Open Praxis, 14(3), 249–251. DOI: Sajid Hussain Open Praxis Y 2023 14 (3)
67 The Nexus between Self-Efficacy of LMS Usage and Motivational Regulation Strategies in Distance Education: Moderation of Academic Level. Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Umair Ali Pakistan Journal Of Distance And Online Learning Y 2022 8 (2)
68 Investigating the Influence of Flexible Work Arrangements on Work-Life Balance in South Asian Gig Workers: Does Ryff`s Six-Factor model of Psychological Well-being Moderates? Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Saira Rafiq, Umair Ali, iRASD Journal of Management Y 2022 4 (2)
69 COVID-19, Government Initiatives, and Stock Market Liquidity in Pakistan Aamir Azeem , Muhammad Asghar, Dr. Naveed ul Hassan, Dr. Ijaz Butt Asian Finance Research Journal Y 2022 4(2)
70 Sectorial Volatility Transmission in Stock Market: Empirical Evidence From Dow Jones Indices Iqbal, B., Butt, I., Asian Finance Research Journal (AFRJ) - 2022 4(2)
71 Evolution of Green Finance: A Comprehensive Science Mapping Analysis by Using the Lens of Bibliometrix Amara, Dr. Nadia Nasir , Aamir Azeem , Muhammad Toseef Aslam Asian Finance Research Journal Y 2022 4(2)
72 COVID-19, Government Initiatives, and Stock Market Liquidity in Pakistan Azeem, A., Asghar, M., Hassan, N., U., Butt, I. Asian Finance Research Journal (AFRJ) - 2022 4(2)
73 Visualizing the Evolution and Knowledge Landscape of Adaptive Market Hypothesis (2004-2022): A Scientometric Analysis Muhammad Toseef Aslam, Dr. Nadia Nasir, Amara Asian Finance Research Journal Y 2022 4(2)
74 Evolution of Green Finance: A Comprehensive Science Mapping Analysis by using the lens of Bibliometrix Amara, Dr. Nadia Nasir , Aamir Azeem , Muhammad Toseef Aslam Asian Finance Research Journal Y 2022 4(2)
75 The Nexus between Self-Efficacy of LMS Usage and Motivational Regulation Strategies in Distance Education: Moderation of Academic Level. Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Umair Ali Pakistan Journal Of Distance And Online Learning Y 2022 8 (2)
76 Investigating the Influence of Flexible Work Arrangements on Work-Life Balance in South Asian Gig Workers: Does Ryff`s Six-Factor model of Psychological Well-being Moderates? Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Saira Rafiq, Umair Ali iRASD Journal of Management Y 2022 4 (2)
77 THE EFFECT OF PROFITABILITY ON FIRM VALUE WITH MEDIATING ROLE OF CAPITAL STRUCTURE Muhammad Aamir, Muhammad Akram, Imran Khan, Mahir Farooq, and Zahid Abbas Competitive Social Science Research Journal (CSSRJ) Y 2022 3(1)
78 Factors Affecting Mobile App-based Shopping in Pakistan: An Implication of UTAUT2 Model with Deal Proneness Ijaz Butt, Rahila Hanif, Naveed ul Hassan, Imran Khan, and Muhammad Toseef Aslam Competitive Educational Research Journal (CERJ) Y 2022 3(2)
79 International Conference: New Approaches and Searches in Social Sciences Symposium / New Approaches in The Research of Social Sciences / Nouvelles Approaches Et Recherches En Sciences Mahmood, N., (2022). An Incremental Social Innovative Leader Dr. Nabegha Mahmood Arranged by Imbat Academy on New Approaches and Searches in Social Sciences Symposium / New Approaches in The Research of Social Sciences / Nouvelles Approaches Et Recherches En Sciences International Conference Proceedings-Imbat Academy Turkey2022 2022
80 International Conference: 8th Global Conference on Business Management and Social Sciences GCBMS-2022 Mahmood, N., (2022). Incremental Social Innovation from a Historical Standpoint: Mental Models and Implementation Strategies. 17& 18th March 2022. Dr. Nabegha Mahmood 8th Global Conference on Business Management and Social Sciences GCBMS-2022 International Conference Proceedings GCBMS-2022 2022
81 Naeem, M., Shah, F.A., Kakakhel, S.J. & Gul, S. (2022). What Matters When Examining the Performance of Salespersons? Analyzing the Boundary Conditions of Personal Dispositional Factor. Frontiers in Psychology, 1-14. Naeem, M., Shah, F.A., Kakakhel, S.J. & Gul, S. Frontiers in Psychology W 2022 1-14
82 Iqbal, M. N., Naeem, M., Shah, F. A., & Shahzad, S. K. (2022). Nursing in developing country’s context: examining the perception of politics as mediator in between emotional intelligence and work outcomes. Journal of Quantitative Methods, 6(1),71-107 Iqbal, M. N., Naeem, M., Shah, F. A., & Shahzad, S. K. Journal of Quantitative Methods Y 2022 6(1)
83 Gul, S., Jamal, W., & Naeem, M. (2022). The performance status of higher educational institutions: A transfer of knowledge perspective. Education and Information Technologies, 27,7583–7596. Gul, S., Jamal, W., & Naeem, M. Education and Information Technologies W 2022 27
84 Challenges and issues of green banking in Islamic and traditional banks of Pakistan. Muhammad Hussain Qureshi, Talat Hussain Journal on Innovation and Sustainability, RISUS HEC (Y) 2022 13(3)
85 Shariah Legitimacy of Islamic Letter of Credit and Shipping Guarantee Procedure adopted by Islamic Banks in Pakistan. Muhammad Shahid Siddique, Muhammad Hussain Qureshi, Ghulam Sughra Sadiq, Muhammad Sadil Ali, Irfan Ullah Shah Al-Qantara HEC (X) 2022 8(3)
86 Shariah Legitimacy of Islamic Letter of Credit and Shipping Guarantee Procedure adopted by Islamic Banks in Pakistan Muhammad Shahid Siddique, Muhammad Hussain Qureshi, Ghulam Sughra Sadiq, Muhammad Sadil Ali, Dr. Irfan Ullah Shah Al-Qantara x 2022 8(3)
87 Impact of Shari`ah Compliance on Financial Performance of Islamic Banks: Evidence from Pakistan. Muhammad Mansoor Javed, Syed Muhammad Hassan Bukhari, Adnan Bashir Islamic Banking and Financial Review Y 2022 9(1)
88 Implementation of Shari’ah Governance Framework and Change in Performance of Islamic Banks in Pakistan. Syed Hassan Bukhari, Mohammad Ayaz, Rukhsana Kalim Alirfan Y 2022 7(1)
89 Determinants of Sustainable Marketing Activities and their Impact on Customer Loyalty Imran Sarmad and Rizwan Ali Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences Y 2022 15/2
90 Connecting the Dots of Brand Experience and Happiness: The Mediating Role of Happiness Orientations Imran Sarmad and Rizwan Ali Reviews of Management Sciences Y 2022 4/2
91 Qualitative Analysis of Maqasid Al Shariah Based Model in Islamic Banks: A Way Forward. Muhammad Nadeem Khalil, Talat Hussain Journal of Economic Impact Y 2022 4 (2)
92 Factors Affecting Mobile App-based Shopping in Pakistan: An Implication of UTAUT2 Model with Deal Proneness Butt, I., Hanif, R., Hassan, N., Khan, I., Aslam, T., Competitive Education Research Journal Y 2022 3(2)
93 Nexus of Tax Avoidance and Firm Value in Pakistan: Moderating Role of Board Independence. Butt, I., Ahmed, Z., NUML International Journal of Business & Management Y 2022 16(2)
94 Mediating Effect of Halal Logo on Purchase Intention the Food Items in Pakistan: A Causal Mediation Analysis by Using R Language Adeel Naqvi, Ali Abbas, Ismat Munir Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies HEC "Y" 2022 9/1
95 Development of Service Quality Scale in Online Higher Education Saliha Anwar, Tayyaba Rafique. Bulletin of Business and Economics Y 2022 11(1)
96 Knowledge Management Practices and Employee Performance: Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence. Zohaib Ali Butt, Saba Munir, Muhammad Zaheer Journal of Managerial Sciences Article 2022 16(2)
97 Promoting an Ecosystem Approach for Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Underserved Communities Aisha Ismail, Sadia Farooq, JoAnn D. Rolle Books - 2022
98 Evolution of Green Finance: A Comprehensive Science Mapping Analysis by Using the Lens of Bibliometrix Amara, Nadia Nasir, Aamir Azeem, Muhammad Toseef Aslam Asian Finance Research Journal Y 2022 4(2)
99 Visualizing the Evolution and Knowledge Landscape of Adaptive Market Hypothesis (2004-2022): A Scientometric Analysis Muhammad Toseef Aslam, Nadia Nasir, Amara Asian Finance Research Journal Y 2022 4(2)
100 A Novel Lens of Stock Market Capitalization and Environmental Degradation Aamir Azeem, Muhammad Akram Naseem, Naveed-ul-Hassan, Ijaz Butt, Muhammad Toseef Aslam, Shahid Ali, Atif Khan Jadoon Environmental Science and Pollution Research W 2022 29(41)
101 Factors Affecting Mobile App-based Shopping in Pakistan: An Implication of UTAUT2 Model with Deal Proneness Ijaz Butt, Rahila Hanif, Naveed-ul-Hassan, Imran Khan, M. Toseef Aslam Competitive Education Research Journal Y 2022 3(2)
102 Zeb, A., Hayat, K., Raza, W., Naeem, M., & Gul, S. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 on the performance of business operations of Pakistan. Multicultural Education, 7(9). 432-439. Zeb, A., Hayat, K., Raza, W., Naeem, M., & Gul, S. Multicultural Education, X 2021 7(9)
103 A Multilevel SACK model of Tacit Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Higher Education Institutions Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Umair Ali International Review of Basic and Applied Sciences Y 2021 9 (4)
104 The Mediating Impact of Psychological Wellbeing on Relationship Between Work Life Balance and Employee Performance: An Evidence From Pakistani News Media Industry Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Umair Ali, Haroon Naeem International Journal of Management (IJM) Y 2021 12 (4)
105 GLASS CEILING: A COMPARISON BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR UNIVERSITY Summan Chaudhary, Urooj Qamar, Nida Qamar Governance and Management Review (GMR) Y 2021 6(1)
106 A Multilevel SACK model of Tacit Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Higher Education Institutions Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Umair Ali International Review of Basic and Applied Sciences Y 2021 9 (4)
107 Knowledge Management based HR practices and Three-Dimensional Knowledge Sharing Behavior: Evidence from South Asian Higher Education Institutes. Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Dr. Muhammad Waqas Raja International Journal of Management (IJM) Y 2021 12 (4)
108 Does COVID-19 Induced Occupational Stress Moderates the Relationship of Spiritual Motivation and Academicians’ Tacit Knowledge Sharing Behaviour Among South Asian Higher Education Institutions? Dr. Irram Shahzadi iRASD Journal of Management Y 2021 3 (2)
109 The Mediating Impact of Psychological Wellbeing on Relationship Between Work Life Balance and Employee Performance: An Evidence From Pakistani News Media Industry Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Umair Ali, Haroon Naeem International Journal of Management (IJM) Y 2021 12 (4)
110 The Impact of Corporate Governance Mechanism On Tax Planning: Empirical Study of Pakistan’s Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sector Muhammad Aamir, Imran Khan, Abu Bakar Mahmood, Muhammad Akram, and Muhammad Asad Ali Competitive Social Science Research Journal (CSSRJ) Y 2021 2(4)
111 Better Corporate Governance Leads to Better Performance: Evidence from Asian Countries Asghar, M. J. K. A., Anwar, Z., Khan, H. & Usman, M. Argumenta Oeconomica HEC Impact Factor 2021 1(46), 183-204.
112 International Conference: Mahmood, N., (2021). A Comparative study on the concept of Intuition: Iqbal’s Perspective & 4 I Framework’s Paradigm of Intuition. 2 Days Conference on Allama Iqbal Relevance of Iqbal’s thought in modern times. NUML Dr. Nabegha Mahmood 2 Days International Conference on Allama Iqbal Relevance of Iqbal’s thought in modern times. National University of Modern Languages NUML. International Conference Proceedings NUML 2021
113 International Conference: Riphah University Pakistan (Online). Mahmood, N., (2021). 2nd International Conference of Islamic Studies 2021 Perspective on Leadership: A Framework for Practice in the Contemporary World. AN INCREMENTAL SOCIAL Dr. Nabegha Mahmood Riphah International University Pakistan (Online). 2nd International Conference of Islamic Studies 2021 Perspective on Leadership: A Framework for Practice in the Contemporary World. International Conference Proceedings- Ripah International university 2021
114 Muhammad Umar Riaz Abbasi, Dr. Rabia Aamir, Dr. Nabegha Mahmood, 2021. Contemporary Challenges of Digital World and Cyber Crime and Management Solutions in the light of Cyber Crime Bill 2016 of Pakistan and Islamic Management Perspective, Indian Jour Dr. Nabegha Mahmood Indian Journal of Economics and Business X 2021 20(3)
115 Naeem, M., Shah, F. A., & Kakakhel, S. J. (2021). Performance Appraisal Purpose and Job Embeddedness: Examining the Interaction Effect of Multidimensional Locus of Control. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(06), 1681-1698. Naeem, M., Shah, F. A., & Kakakhel, S. J. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Y 2021 27(6)
116 Status of Green Banking in Islamic and Traditional Banks of Pakistan. Muhammad Hussain Qureshi, Talat Hussain Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management HEC (Y) 2021 5(2)
118 Sarfraz, N., Syed, T., & Khan, U. (2021). A STUDY ON PERCEPTIONS OF MARKETING PROFESSIONALS TOWARDS DIGITAL MARKETING IN SAUDI ARABIA. Journal of Social Research Development, 2(2), 120-128. Neelam Sarfraz, Tayyaba Syed, Usman Khan Journal of Social Research Development Y 2021 2(2)
119 Sarfraz, N., Syed, T., & Khan, U. (2021). A STUDY ON PERCEPTIONS OF MARKETING PROFESSIONALS TOWARDS DIGITAL MARKETING IN SAUDI ARABIA. Journal of Social Research Development, 2(2), 120-128. Neelam Sarfraz, Tayyaba Syed, Usman Khan Journal of Social Research Development y 2021 2(2)
120 Blockchain and Cryptocurrency for Islamic Finance: A Perspective of Scholars Muhammad Shahid Siddique, Dr. Hassan Shakeel Shah Al-Qamar Y 2021 4(1)
121 Occupational Stress and Job Burnout of Female Medical Staff: The Moderating Role of Psychological Capital and Social Support Aleena Shah, Saba Munir, Muhammad Zaheer Journal of Management and Research Y 2021 8(1)
122 Exploring innovation for Non-affluent customers: A perspective of entrepreneurs working in incubation centers of Pakistan NIGHAT NAEEM, MUQQADAS REHMAN, AISHA ISMAIL Articles published by refereed journals Y 2021 10(2)
123 The Effect Of Organizational Justice On Counterproductive Work Behaviors: Investigating The Mediating Role Of Affective Job Insecurity And Moderating Role Of Job Insecurity Climate Imran Sarmad International Journal of Business Reflections Y 2020 1/1
124 Mediation of E-learner’s Achievement: A Structural Model on Enablers of Motivation for Skill Transfer in Job-Holder E-Learners of Pakistan Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Umair Ali Pakistan Journal Of Distance And Online Learning Y 2020 6 (2)
125 Assessment of Financial Technology Services for Value Co-Creation or Value Co-Destruction in Emerging Economies: ISPAR Model Nida Qamar, Ashfaq Ahmad, Sadia Farooq International Journal of Management, Y 2020 11(9)
126 The Nexus of Institutional Pillars and Service Innovation in Pakistan`s ICT SME Sector: An Empirical SEM Analysis Nida Qamar, Fouzia Hadi Ali Academic Journal of Social Sciences Y 2020 7(2)
127 Social Entrepreneurship in Pakistan: Challenges and Prospects Urooj Qamar, Nighat Ansari, Fatima Tanveer, Nida Qamar Journal of Management and Research Y 2020 7(2)
128 Mediation of E-learner’s Achievement: A Structural Model on Enablers of Motivation for Skill Transfer in Job-Holder E-Learners of Pakistan Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Umair Ali Pakistan Journal Of Distance And Online Learning Y 2020 6 (2)
129 Dr. Rabia Aamir, Dr. Nabegha Mahmood, and Sonia Bokhari. 2020. “Inner Human Voracity and Forbearance: Debates of Feminism in the Light of Quran and Iqbal”. Al-Qamar 4 (4):99-118. Dr. Nabegha Mahmood Al-Qamar Y 2020 4 (4)
130 Mahmood, N., & Hadi, ul. N., (2020). Intuition, Knowledge Management, & SECI in Global Perspectives and Iqbal’s thought: A Prospect for Innovative Organizational Outcomes. The Iqbal Review, 61 (2), 111-138. Dr. Nabegha Mahmood The Iqbal Review Y 2020 61 (2), 111-138.
131 Green Banking Products: Challenges and Issues in Islamic and Traditional Banks of Pakistan. Muhammad Hussain Qureshi, Talat Hussain Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies HEC (Y) 2020 6(3)
132 Trend Analysis of Islamic Financing: A Case of Islamic Banks in Malaysia. Muhammad Hussain Qureshi, Talat Hussain Journal of Islamic Business and Management HEC (Y) 2020 10(1)
133 Performance Profile of Islamic and Traditional Banks of Pakistan: A Comparative Study. , (7)1&2, (2020): 28-46. Muhammad Hussain Qureshi, Kausar Abbas The International Journal of Excellence in Islamic Banking and Finance NA 2020 7(1, 2)
134 Comparison of Job Satisfaction among Male and Female Teachers from Government Primary Schools, in District Sargodha, Pakistan, Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 2020: Vol 19 (Issue 4): pp.4166-4173, Rafiullah Bilal, Tayyaba Syed, Sajjad Hussain, Usman Khan. Elementary Education Online (EEO) x 2020 Vol 19 (Issue 4)
135 Shari’ah Scholars’ Insight on Shari’ah Governance Framework for Islamic Banking Institutions in Pakistan. COMSATS Journal of Islamic Finance, 5(2), 29-47. Syed Muhammad Hassan Bukhari, Mohammad Ayaz, Rukhsana Kalim COMSATS Journal of Islamic Finance, Y 2020 5(2)
136 Fiscal Policy under Islamic Economic System: A Case of Pakistan. Talat Hussain, Muhammad Nadeem Khalil Global Forum on Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking March 11 UMT Lahore. Conference paper 2020
137 Impact of electricity consumption on economic growth: an application of vector error correction model and artificial neural networks. Shahid Ali , Junrui Zhang , Aamir Azeem , Asif Mahmood The Journal of Developing Areas - 2020 54(4)
138 Exploring the Organizational Factors That Influence Creativity: A Study on Advertising Agencies of Pakistan Hamnah Rahat, Adeel Naqvi Journal of Media Studies HEC "Y" 2020 35/1
139 Research supervision in distance learning: issues and challenges Muhammad Zaheer, Saba Munir Asian Association of Open Universities Journal Y 2020 15(1)
140 Understanding the Functions of Microfinance Ecosystem: A Perspective of Microfinance Providers in Pakistan Aisha Ismail, Sadia Farooq , Zafar Ahmed Articles published by refereed journals Y 2020 14(2)
141 Strategies into Actions: Finding Gaps between Expected and Actual Outcomes of Microfinance Aisha Ismail, Sadia Farooq, Rab Nawaz Lodhi Articles published by refereed journals Y 2020 6(1)
142 Rehman, U.Z., Mahmood, N., & Ghafoor., (2019). Radical and Incremental Social Innovative Leaders from Historical Standpoint: Mental Models and Enactment Strategies. Conference Proceedings: NDU-1st ICLMG-2019 First International Conference on Leadership, Management & Governance, 17th & 18th January 2019. National Defence University, Islamabad. Dr. Nabegha Mahmood NDU-1st ICLMG-2019 First International Conference on Leadership, Management & Governance, 17th & 18th January 2019. National Defence University, Islamabad. International Conference Proceedings-NDU 2019
143 Mediating Role of Customer Trust in Predicting Customer Commitment Through Automated Service Quality in Commercial Banking Shaharyar, Jawad Hassan, Fatima Mazhar, Aisha Javeria Journal of Accouting and Finance in Emerging Economies Y 2019 5
144 IMPACT OF ETHICAL CLIMATE ON EXTRA-ROLE PERFORMANCE BEHAVIOR: MEDIATING ROLE OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Rabbia Arshad, Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Umair Ali Contemporary Issues in Business & Economics (ICCIBE) NA 2019
146 Career Counseling to expedite university-industry partnership (UIP) and to hamper unemployment Umair Ali, Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Rabbia Arshad Contemporary Issues in Business & Economics (ICCIBE) NA 2019
148 IMPACT OF ETHICAL CLIMATE ON EXTRA-ROLE PERFORMANCE BEHAVIOR: MEDIATING ROLE OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Rabbia Arshad. Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Umair Ali Contemporary Issues in Business & Economics (ICCIBE) NA 2019
149 Career Counseling to expedite university-industry partnership (UIP) and to hamper unemployment Umair Ali, Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Rabbia Arshad Contemporary Issues in Business & Economics (ICCIBE) NA 2019
150 Mahmood, N., & Ghafoor., (2019). Analysing Universities in Pakistan with Porter’s Five Forces Model: Recommendations Generated for Higher Education Commission. Conference Proceedings: NDU-1st ICLMG-2019 First International Conference NDU Dr. Nabegha Mahmood Conference Proceedings: NDU-1st ICLMG-2019 First International Conference on Leadership, Management & Governance, 17th & 18th January 2019. National Defence University, Islamabad. International Conference Proceedings NDU 2019
151 Mahmood, N., & Qureshi, M. A., & Hadi, ul. N., (2019). Simple Mediation Analysis: The Complementing Role of Parallel Multiple Mediator MODEL. Conference Proceedings: NDU-1st ICLMG-2019 NDU Dr. Nabegha Mahmood Conference Proceedings: NDU-1st ICLMG-2019 First International Conference on Leadership, Management & Governance, 17th & 18th January 2019. National Defence University, Islamabad. International Conference Proceedings NDU 2019
152 Mahmood, N., & Qureshi, M. A., & Hadi, ul. N., (2019). Industry Cluster Resources Impacting Dual Innovations in Pakistan`s IT Sector: Mediating Effect of Knowledge & Learning Processes. City University Research Journal, 9(1), 144-163. Dr. Nabegha Mahmood City University Research Journal. Y 2019 9(1), 144-163.
153 Sher, A., Gul, S., Riaz, M.K., & Naeem, M. (2019). Psychological safety: A cross-level study of a higher educational institute (HEI). Journal of Management Sciences, 6(1), 30-49. Sher, A., Gul, S., Riaz, M.K., & Naeem, M. Journal of Management Sciences Y 2019 6(1)
154 Performance Analysis of Islamic and Traditional Banks of Pakistan. Muhammad Hussain Qureshi, Kausar Abbas International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting HEC (Y) 2019 27(1)
155 Research paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Business & Economics (ICCIBE), Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Turkey on October 4-6, 2019 Topic: Gender Gap in Acquisition of ICT Expertise in Pakistani Entrepreneurs Tayyaba Syed, Neelam Sarfraz, Sadia Kousar Papers published in refereed conference proceedings International Conference 2019 NA
156 Beyond finance: Impact of Islamic finance on economic growth in Pakistan. Huma Nawaz, Maira Abrar, Asma Salman, Syed Muhammad Hassan Bukhari Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Y 2019 11(1)
157 Shari‘ah issues in Islamic capital markets of Pakistan: A case study of Sukuk. Talat Hussain, Muhammad Nadeem Khalil Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization Y 2019 9 (1)
158 COVID-19 and index returns of sub-continent: An exploration via Markov-Switching model. Aamir Azeem , Muhammad Zubair Akhtar Asian Finance Research Journal Y 2019 3(1)
159 Investors` concern for value addition in their economic decisions: empirical investigation of the banking sector of Pakistan. , 20(3), 261-277 (HEC Recog) Shahid Ali , Junrui Zhang , Aamir Azeem International Journal of Business Performance Management X 2019 20(3)
160 Impact of Sales Force Automation System on Performance of Salesman: Pakistani Companies’ Perspective Adeel Naqvi, Dr. Imad ud Din Akbar Sir Syed University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology HEC "Z" 2019 9/1
161 Impact of Leverage on Earning Management: Empirical Evidence from the Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan Aysha Asim, Aisha Ismail Articles published by refereed journals Y 2019 1(1)
162 Analyzing the Arbitrage Opportunities and their Determinants in Deliverable Future Contracts: Evidence from Pakistan Meriam Chuhdary, Aisha Ismail Articles published by refereed journals Y 2019 1(2)
163 OPEN AND DISTANT LEARNING (ODL) STUDENTS ARE NO MORE JUST LEARNERS Aisha Ismial, Sadaf Choudhary, Rahila Hanif Articles published by refereed journals Y 2019 2(1)
164 Rehman, U.Z., & Mahmood, N., (2018). A Discursive Analysis of an Incremental Social Innovative Leader from the East: Mental Models and Implementation Tactics: proceedings of the 3rd Islamic conference at LUMS Dr. Nabegha Mahmood Proceedings of the 3rd Islamic Finance, Banking & Business Ethics Global Conference held at Suleman Dawood School of Business, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan, 2nd & 3rd May, 2018. Centre for Islamic Finance. International Conference proceedings LUMS 2018
165 Zafar, J., Naeem, M., & Jamal, W. (2018). Organizational diagnosis using Weisbord model: A comparative study of health sector in Peshawar. Global Management Journal for Academic & Corporate Studies, 8(1), 43-52. Zafar, J., Naeem, M., & Jamal, W. Global Management Journal for Academic & Corporate Studies, Y 2018 8(1)
166 How Shariah Compliance and Traditional Banks Are Performing? A Case of Pakistan. Muhammad Hussain Qureshi, Rukhsana Kalim International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies NA 2018 4 (3)
167 Practical Application of Currency Salam Transaction in Islamic Banking: A Case Study of Pakistan. Syed Muhammad Hassan Bukhari, Muhammad Junaid Sharif Epistemology Y 2018 5(1)
168 Growth Analysis of Islamic Banking in Pakistan: A Qualitative Approach Asma Salman, Huma Nawaz, Syed Muhammad Hassan Bukhari, Abou Baker Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal Y 2018 22 (Special Issue)
169 Economic value addition implications: A study of the Pakistani banking industry. Aamir Azeem, Alif Fayyaz, Atif khan jadoon Pakistan Business Review X 2018 19(4)
170 Role of job satisfaction as a mediator of the relationship: Academicians Psychological empowerment and organizational commitment. Imran Amanat, Khurram Shahzad Khan, Saba Munir Governance and Management Review Y 2018 3(2)
171 The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital in the Relationship between Ethical Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Riffut Jabeen, Saba Munir Journal of Management and Research Y 2018 5(2)
172 Clan Culture and Spiritual Motivation to devise Academicians’ Intention towards Tacit Knowledge Sharing in business schools of Pakistan Dr. Irram Shahzadi, Dr. Muhammad Waqas Raja Journal of Managerial Sciences Y 2017 11 (3)
173 Mahmood, N., (2017). Implications of Knowledge Processes, Principles & Learning Organization: Explorative and Exploitative Innovations: proceedings of the 2nd international research conference on Economics Business & Social Sciences, BZU, Multan. Dr. Nabegha Mahmood 2nd international research conference on Economics Business & Social Sciences, Bahaud-din-Zikaraya University, Multan, Pakistan, 17-18 April 2017. Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy. International Conference Proceedings- BZU 2017
174 Naeem, M., Jamal, W., & Riaz, M.K. (2017). The relationship of employees’ performance appraisal satisfaction with employees’ outcomes: Evidence from Higher Educational Institutes. FWU Journal of Social Sciences, 11(2), 71-81. Naeem, M., Jamal, W., & Riaz, M.K. FWU Journal of Social Sciences X 2017 11(2)
175 Role of Islamic Financial Literacy on adoption of Islamic banking services: An Empirical Evidence from Lahore Zunaira Zaman, Bilal Mehmood, Rashid Aftab, Muhammad Shahid Siddique, Yasir Ameen Journal of Islamic Business and Management Y 2017 07(02)
176 Islamic Banking Model in True Spirit of Islam. Muhammad Nadeem Khalil Global Forum on Islamic Finance and Economics (IEFB) Jan 25 -26 Flaties Hotel Lahore Conference paper 2017
177 A sustainable Islamic microfinance model in the true spirit of Islam. Talat Hussain, Muhammad Nadeem Khalil Islamic Banking and Finance Review Y 2017 4 (1)
178 Better tool for economic growth? Banks or secondary markets: Empirical evidence from selected ASIAN countries. Aamir Azeem, Bilal Aziz, Atif khan jadoon Articles published by refereed journals Y 2017 11(10)
179 Education, Employment and Economic Growth Nexus: A case study of Pakistan. Ambreen Sarwar, Atif Khan Jadoon, Aamir Azeem JISR management and social sciences & economics Y 2017 15(1)
180 Individual compassion leading to employees’ performance: An empirical study from Pakistan Sadaf Choudhary, Aisha Ismail, and Rahila Hanif Articles published by refereed journals Y 2017 4(1)
181 Measuring mediating role of consumer ethics in green buying intentions with respect to consumer personality Imran Sarmad Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research Y 2016 6/2
182 Encouraging knowledge sharing behavior through team innovation climate, altruistic intention and organizational culture I Ullah, KM Akhtar, Dr. Irram Shahzadi, M Farooq, & Dr. Robina Yasmin Knowledge Management and E-Learning W 2016 8 (4)
183 Foreign Direct Investment and Employment Nexus: Evidence from Pakistan Sarwar,A., Jadoon,AK.,Butt,I.,Sair,SA. Science International Z 2016 24(8)
184 Does Debt Servicing Hinder Public Investment in Pakistan? . 57(4).1-17 Atif Khan Jadoon , Aamir Azeem, Ambreen Sarwar The Asian Economic Review - 2016 57(4)
185 Disseminating Social Entrepreneurship Education in Pakistan: A Conceptual Framework. h Sajid Hussain Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy Y 2016
186 Sandhu, R. S., & Hussain, S. (2016). Role of Faculty Development Forums in Virtual Teaching Environment: A Case Study of Marketing Research & Case Group. Open Praxis, 8(4), 325–335. DOI: Rizwan Saleem Sandhu, Sajid Hussain Open Praxis Y 2016 8 (4)
187 Personality: A Stimulus for Entrepreneurial Motivations Saba Munir, Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu City University Research Journal Y 2016 6(1)
188 Factor Affecting Consumer Purchase Intention toward Multinational Apparel Brands Imran Sarmad Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research Y 2015 5/6
189 Are Advertising Practices in Islamic Republic of Pakistan Influenced by Principles of Islamic Marketing: A Study of Audience Perspective from Pakistan Nida Qamar, Rab Nawaz Lodhi and Urooj Qamar Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research Y 2015 23(1)
190 The Development of Employees’ Knowledge Sharing Behavior through Team Innovation Climate and Organization Culture I Ullah, KM Akhtar, Dr. Irram Shahzadi, M Farooq, R Yasmin Information and Knowledge Management NA 2015 5 (10)
191 Individual motivational factors of optimistic knowledge sharing behavior among University academia Dr. Irram Shahzadi, RM Hameed, AR Kashif The Business & Management Review NA 2015 6 (1)
193 Mahmood, N. (2015). Similarities between Western, Eastern and Islamic Perspectives with Regards to the Concept of Dynamics of Organizational Learning. Al-Adwa, 43:30, 23-38. Dr. Nabegha Mahmood Al-Az?va Y 2015 43:30, 23-38
194 Is EVA a Better Performance Measure than Accounting Measures? Evidence from Pakistani Listed Companies Muhammad Shahbaz Yaqub, Bilal Mehmood, Naveed ul Hassan, Muhammad Zohaib, Syed Muhammad Hassan Bukhari Science International Z 2015 27(2)
195 The Impact of Motivational Factors on Organizational Learning: A Study on Education Sector of Pakistan Naqvi , A., Khan, I., Butt, I. Pakistan Business Review Y 2015 17(2)
196 Stock Market Response to Monetary Policy Azeem, A., Aslam, M. T., Butt, I., & Sair, S. A. Science International Z 2015 27(2)
197 Impact of Financial and Real Assets on Volatility in KSE100 Index Aamir Azeem, Amara awan, Atif Khan Jadoon, Shrafat Ali Sair Science International Z 2015 27(1)
198 Financial Development A Contributing Agent Of Economic Growth, An Empirical Study Of Selected Asian Countries Aamir Azeem, Bilal Aziz, Atif khan jadoon Pakistan Business Review Y 2015 17(2)
199 Stock Market Response to Monetary Policy Aamir Azeem, Muhammad Toseef Aslam, Ijaz Butt, Shrafat Ali Sai Science International Z 2015 27(2)
200 Trade liberalization, human capital and economic growth: empirical evidence from selected Asian countries. Atif Khan Jadoon, Hafiz Abdur Rashid , Aamir Azeem Pakistan economic and social review Y 2015 53(1)
201 Impact of motivational factors on organizational learning: A study on educational sector of Pakistan Adeel Naqvi,Imran Khan, Ijaz Butt Pakistan Business Review HEC "Y" 2015 17/2
202 Credit Risk, Capital Adequacy and Bank’s Performance: An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan Maryam Mushtaq, Aisha Ismail, Rahila Hanif Articles published by refereed journals - 2015
203 Income-diversification in banking sector of Pakistan: a ‘Blessing’ or ‘Curse’? Aisha Ismail, Rahila Hanif and Sadaf Choudhary Articles published by refereed journals Article 2015
204 IMPACT OF FINANCIAL AND REAL ASSETS ON VOLATILITY IN KSE100 INDEX Azeem, Aamir, Amara Awan, Atif Khan Jadoon, and Shrafat Ali Sair Science International (Lahore) NA 2015 27(1)
205 Stock Market Response to Monetary Policy Aamir Azeem, Muhammad Toseef Aslam, Ijaz Butt, Sharafat Ali Sair Science International Z 2015 27(2)
206 Advertising Practices in Pakistan According to Islamic Marketing Principles: A Study of Demographic Antecedents in Measuring Perception of People Nida Qamar, Rab Nawaz Lodhi, Urooj Qamar, Umie Habiba and Anam Amin Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research Y 2014 21(12)
207 Motivation for skill transfer: Mediating role of e-learner`s satisfaction Dr. M Zia-ur-Rehman, Dr. Irram Shahzadi Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS) X 2014 8 (3)
208 Mediating role of motivation to learn in determining e-learning outcomes: A conceptual study TZ Bukhari, J Khan, Dr. Irram Shahzadi, A Khalid International Journal of Information, Business and Management NA 2014 6 (2)
209 Religious Aspects of Finance Promises: Evidence from Pakistan. Science International, 26(5), 2471-2475. Syed Muhammad Hassan Bukhari, Huma Nawaz, Awais Imam, Mubashar Majeed Qadri Science International Z 2014 26(5)
210 Compliance of Investment Sukuk with Shari`ah. Syed Muhammad Hassan Bukhari, Huma Nawaz, Sharafat Ali Sair, Science International Z 2014 24(4)
211 Waves of Microfinance and its Influence on Economic Growth of Pakistan Azeem, A., Aslam,T., Butt. I. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Consortium - 2014 1(1)
212 Impact of Profitability on Quantum of Non-performing Loans Aamir Azeem , Amara Awan International Journal of Research & Development in Technology and Management Science –Kailash - 2014 21(1)
213 Determining the Impact of Dividends, Earnings, Invested Capital and Retained Earnings on Stock Prices in Pakistan: An Empirical Study. Asma Rafique Chugtai, Aamir Azeem, Amara Awan, Shahid Ali International Journal of Financial Management - 2014 4(1)
214 Road to the Success – Luck or Hard Work ?Available on SSRN. Aamir Azeem Social & Political Philosophy eJournal - 2014 67
215 Waves of Microfinance and its Influence on Economic Growth of Pakistan. Aamir Azeem, Muhammd Toseef Aslam, Ijaz Butt Elixir Financial Management - 2014 74
216 Central Bank`s Role in Controlling Inflation: A Research Essay Aamir Azeem Emerging Markets: Finance eJournal - 2014
217 Impact of User Friendly Packaging on Consumption of Brand: A Study on Cooking Oil Sector of Pakistan from Consumer`s Perspective Adeel Naqvi Science International HEC "Y" 2014 26/2
218 IMPACT OF PROFITABILITY ON QUANTUM OF NON-PERFORMING LOANS Aamir Azeem, Amara Awan International Journal of Research & Development in Technology and Management Science –Kailash NA 2014 21(1)
219 Waves of Microfinance and its Influence on Economic Growth of Pakistan Aamir Azeem, Muhammad Toseef Aslam, Ijaz Butt Elixir Financial Management - 2014 74
220 An Empirical Study of Cause Related Marketing and Consumer Purchase Decision: Evidence from Pakistan Nida Qamar and Rab Nawaz Lodhi World Applied Sciences Journal Y 2013 23(8)
221 A Comparative Study of Personality Dynamics of Family and Non-Family Entrepreneurs and their Impact on Organizational Effectiveness Zeeshan Ali and Uzma Hanif Gondal European Journal of Business and Management Management 2013 5(15)
222 Does Intelligence Always Guarantee Performance? Uzma Hanif Gondal and Zeeshan Ali Asian Journal of Business Management Management 2013 5(2)
223 A Comparative Study of Intelligence Quotient and Emotional Intelligence: Effect on Employees’ Performance Uzma Hanif Gondal and Dr. Tajamul Hussain Asian Journal of Business Management Management 2013 5(1)
224 “Brand Element – A Necessary Toolkit for Success of Any Brand” has been published in “The Patriot” Newspaper at July 12, 2013 on page # 3 Adeel Naqvi Articles published in popular press Newspaper 2013
225 “Loss Leader: A Useful Pricing and Promotional Strategy” has been published in “The Pak Banker” Newspaper at July 29, 2013 on page # 2 Adeel Naqvi Articles published in popular press Newspaper 2013
226 “Social Media: A Giant Party for Effective Promotion of Brand” has been published in “Cutting Edge” Newspaper at July 25, 2013 on page # 9 Adeel Naqvi Articles published in popular press Newspaper 2013
227 THRESHOLD-EFFECT OF LEVERAGE ON FIRM-VALUE: EVIDENCE FROM TEXTILE SECTOR OF PAKISTAN Aisha Ismail, Nguyen Thanh Cuong, Nisar Ahmad, Rahila Hanif Articles published by refereed journals Article 2013 1(3)
228 Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Market Index (A Case of Pakistan). Elixir Fin. Mgmt. Asma Rafique, Amara, Muhammad Akram Naseem, Naheed Sultana Finance Management (Elixir International Journal NA 2013 57
229 Impact of Consumer Price Index, Real Effective Exchange Rate Index, Per Capita Income and Discount Rate on Pakistan’s Stock Market Index Muhammad Toseef Aslam, Muhammad Ramzan International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management - 2013 5(3)
230 Interdepartmental Communication Increases Organizational Performance Keeping HRM as a Mediating Variable Uzma Hanif Gondal and Muhammad Shahbaz Journal of Asian Business Strategy Management 2012 2(6)
231 Zeshan A., Mirza H. H. , Asghar, M. J. K. A., Usman M. (2022) The Nexus Between CSR and Financial Accessability: A Comparative Analysis of Pakistan & India. Palarch’s Journal, 19(3), 718-730. Dr. Muhammad Jam-e-Kausar Ali Asghar Articles published by refereed journals HEC X
232 Afza, T., & Asghar, M. J. K. A. (2010). Efficiency of the Insurance Industry in Pakistan: An Application of Non-parametric Approach. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 2(8), 84-98. Dr. Muhammad Jam-e-Kausar Ali Asghar Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y
233 Afza, T., & Jam-e-Kausar (2010) Firm Size and Efficiency in the Non-life Insurers of Pakistan. Journal of Quality and Technology Management, 6(2), 165-183 Dr. Muhammad Jam-e-Kausar Ali Asghar Articles published by refereed journals HEC X
234 Afza, T., & Asghar, M. J. K. A. (2012). Performance Determinants of General Insurers in Pakistan. Actual Problems of Economics, 138(12), 286-292. Dr. Muhammad Jam-e-Kausar Ali Asghar Articles published by refereed journals HEC Impact Factor
235 Afza, T., & Asghar, M. J. K. A. (2017). Efficiency of Commercial Banks in Pakistan: Application of SFA and Value Added Approach. Argumenta Oeconomica, 38(1), 195-220. Dr. Muhammad Jam-e-Kausar Ali Asghar Articles published by refereed journals HEC Impact Factor
236 Asghar, M. J. K. A, Khan, A. Z., & Ghufran, H. (2018). Takaful, Insurer type and Efficiency: An Application of Parametric Approach. Global Regional Review, 3(1), 234-252 Dr. Muhammad Jam-e-Kausar Ali Asghar Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y
237 Asghar, M. J. K. A, Khan, A. Z., & Khan, H. G. A. (2019). Economies of Scale and Efficiency of Mutual Funds in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, 4(1), 96-103. Dr. Muhammad Jam-e-Kausar Ali Asghar Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y
238 Khan, A. Z., Khan, H. G. A., & Asghar, M. J. K. A. (2019). Issues of E-Banking in Pakistan: Managers’ Perception about E-Banking Issues. Global Regional Review, 4(2), 93-105. Dr. Muhammad Jam-e-Kausar Ali Asghar Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y
239 Anwar, Z., Asghar, M. J. K. A., Khan, M. K. & Danish, R. Q. (2019). Corporate Governance and Cost of Equity: Evidence from Asian Countries. Journal of Political Studies, 26(1), 193-216. Dr. Muhammad Jam-e-Kausar Ali Asghar Articles published by refereed journals HEC X
240 Iftikhar, U., Asghar, M. J. K. A., Khan, H. & Mirza, H. H. (2019). The Corporate Governance and Efficiency of Commercial Banks in Pakistan: Application of Non-Parametric Approach. Argumenta Oeconomica, 43(2), 169-189. Dr. Muhammad Jam-e-Kausar Ali Asghar Articles published by refereed journals HEC Impact Factor
241 Mushtaq, N., Mirza, H. H., Asghar, M. J. K. A, Rehman, S., & Saddique, F. (2020) Efficiency of Power Generation Companies in Pakistan: Application of Non-parametric Approach, Elementary Education Online, 19(4), 3486-3504. Dr. Muhammad Jam-e-Kausar Ali Asghar Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y
242 Ali, G., Mirza, H. H., Nazir, M. S., & Asghar, M. J. K. A (2020). Determining Indirect Cost of Financial Distress in Banking Sector of Pakistan. Paradigms, 14(1), 174-177. Dr. Muhammad Jam-e-Kausar Ali Asghar Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y
243 Asghar, M. J. K. A., Khan, A. Z., Mirza, H. H., Khan, H. & Khan, T. I. (2020). Does Sharia Compliant Performing Better? Modaraba vs Leasing Firms. Journal of Islamic Business and Management, 10(2), 287-297. Dr. Muhammad Jam-e-Kausar Ali Asghar Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y
244 Nexus Between Talent Management And Job Performance Organizational Citizenship Behavior As A Mediator Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals X
245 Does Authentic Leadership Mediate the Relationship between Personality Traits and Work Engagement? Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals X
246 he impact of inclusive leadership: Unraveling the dynamics of employee performance in the Pakistani education sector through the lenses of collectivism and psychological safety Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals X
247 Organizational Citizenship Behavior And Organizational Commitment: Mediating Role Of Authentic Leadership Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals X
248 Nexus Between Organizational Citizenship Behavior And Job Satisfaction Among Pakistani Teachers: Role Of Psychological Capital As Mediator Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals X
249 CSR Formal and Informal practices in SMES and Covid – 19 challenges Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals X
250 The Role of Self Employed Parents in Determining Performance Of The Women Entrepreneurs Of Pakistan Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals X
251 The role of demographic factors of Pakistani Women in the Entrepreneurial Performance. Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals Y
252 Investigating the Investment Behavior of Entrepreneurs in Stock Market of Pakistan Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals x
253 Legal Infrastructure for women Entrepreneurs of Pakistan as a barrier to success Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals X
254 Women behind the veil: The mediating role of Empowerment on the relationship between Social System and Performance of rural women in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals X
255 Moderating Role Of Board Size And Its Effect On Default Risk And Earning Response Coefficient (ERC) Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals X
256 Impact of COVID-19 On The Performance of Business Operations of Pakistan Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals X
257 The role of Informal networks in enhancing the performance of Women Entrepreneurs- A case study of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals x
258 Default Risk, Company Ownership and Earning Response Coefficient (ERC) in Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals X
259 Assessing the Role of Zakat as a Social Safety Net and problems faced by Zakat Recipients in receiving Zakat Assistance in Pakistan Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals X
260 The Circle of Innovation: You can’t shrink your way to greatness Dr. Arooj Zeb Books Book review Category Y
261 The role of Work Family Conflict on Burnout and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors on Nurses in Health Sector in Pakistan Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals Y
262 Impact of Political Factors on women entrepreneurial Performance in Pakistan Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals Y
263 Impact of Formal Networks on Women Entrepreneurship in Pakistan Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals Y
264 Determinants of successful women entrepreneurship in Pakistan Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals X
265 “Innovation and the entrepreneurial performance in women-owned small and medium-sized enterprises in Pakistan” Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals Impact Factor Journal Category W
266 Role of Zakat Department in Poverty alleviation in Pakistan Dr. Arooj Zeb Contribution to edited volumes Y
267 Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why it Matters Dr. Arooj Zeb Books Book review Category X
268 Effects of Career Plateau on employee’s behavior and ways to managing it Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals Y
269 Mediating Role of Capital Structure between Corporate Governance and Risk Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals Y
270 Impact of Financial Resources on women’s entrepreneurial performance of Pakistan; Comparative study of registered and non-registered women entrepreneurs Dr. Arooj Zeb Articles published by refereed journals Y
271 Kausar, S., Aneeqa, S., Waseem, T. S., & Subhan, T. (2022). The Perceived Glass Ceiling and Intention to Stay: An Empirical Study on Female Employees. Research Journal for Societal Issues, 4(1), 190-201. Talha Subhan Articles published by refereed journals Y
272 ~~~~2023. Does Workplace Ostracism Negatively Affect Family Life During a Pandemic? Personnel Review Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals W
273 ~~~~2023. I value ethics, do you? An employee-oriented perspective on ethical leadership and organizational change. Evidence-based HRM a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals X
274 ~~~2022. Disruption in Family Life due to Despotic Leadership and COVID-19: The Mediating Role of Emotional Exhaustion. Kybernetes Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals W
275 ~~~2022. How Ostracism Jeopardizes Customers' Interests at Restaurants: A Study in Context of COVID-19. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals Y
276 ~2022. Keeping the Faith in Times of Fear: COVID-19 and Its Effect on Employee’s Job Engagement. Academy of Management Proceedings Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Academy of Management Proceedings
277 ~~~2022. Role of Emotional Labor in Driving Sabotage Behaviors among Frontline Healthcare Workers. International Journal of Work Organization and Emotion Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals Y
278 ~~~2022. When Fear about Health Hurts Performance: COVID-19 and Its Impact on Employee’s Work. Review of Managerial Science Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals W
279 ~~~2022. Does Social Media Usage Boost Career Prospects of Women: An Exploratory Study in the Academia. Kybernetes Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals W
280 2021. COVID-19 and Its Impact on Employee’s Work Performance. Academy of Management Proceedings Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Academy of Management Proceedings
281 2016. The Best Perspective in Reward Structure: Case Studies from Pakistan with Theosophical Analysis. Science International Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals Y
282 2019. Exploring Women’s Multi-Level Career Prospects in Pakistan: Barriers, Interventions and Outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals W
283 2019. Mitigating Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Stress in the Presence of Workplace Ostracism in the Pakistani Nursing Sector. Psychology Research and Behavior Management Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals X
284 2019. The Effect of Innovative Organizational Climate on Project Success: Mediating Role of Innovative Work Behavior. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals Y
285 2019. Collaborative Effect of Workplace Ostracism and Self-efficacy Versus Job Stress. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals Y
286 ~2020. How does Workplace Ostracism lead to Service Sabotage Behavior in Nurses: A Conservation of Resources Perspective. Frontiers in Psychology Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals W
287 ~2020. How Innovative Climate leads to Project Success: The Moderating Role of Gender and Work Culture. Innovation and Management Review Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals Y
288 ~~2021. Female Entrepreneurial Intentions in Pakistan: A Theory of Planned Behavior Perspective. Frontiers in Psychology Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals W
289 ~~2021. I Can, I'm doing, but I'm Unfit: An Exploratory Approach towards Entrepreneurial Regret, Gender in Management Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals W
290 ~~2021. Knowledge Management Capabilities and Organizational Outcomes: Contemporary Literature and Future Directions. Kybernetes Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals W
291 ~~2021. Will I Speak Up or Remain Silent? Workplace Ostracism and Employee Performance Based on Self-Control Perspective. The Journal of Social Psychology Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals W
292 ~~2021. Manifestations of Workplace Ostracism: An insight into Academics' Psychological Wellbeing. South Asian Journal of Business Studies Dr. Ambreen Sarwar Articles published by refereed journals X
293 The mediating effect of psychological capital between intellectual capital and organizational performance Mehreen Khan Articles published by refereed journals Y
294 Impact Of Informational Justice On Organization Commitment And Employee Motivation In Banking Sector Of Lahore Pakistan Arooj Zahra Articles published by refereed journals Y
295 The Role of Consumer Prices, Economic Growth and Rising Population in Determining Unemployment: A Time Series Evidence from Cyprus Economy Arooj Zahra Articles published by refereed journals Y
296 Mir, U. R., Hassan, S. S., Ali, A., & Kosar, R. (2016). New Knowledge Creation And Crisis Management Team’s Performance. Sci.Int.(Lahore), 28(3), 2831-2836. Asghar Ali Articles published by refereed journals Business & Management
297 Ali, A. (2020). Evaluating Service Quality of Commercial Banks towards SMEs in Pakistan: Implications for Improvement. Paradigms, 14(2), 136-145. Asghar Ali Articles published by refereed journals Business & Management
298 Ali, A., Irfan, S., & Salman, Y. (2020). University Business Incubators: A Systematic Literature Review from 2000 to 2019. Abasyn University Journal of Social Sciences, 13(2). Asghar Ali Articles published by refereed journals Business & Management
299 Ali, A., Salman, Y., & Irfan, S. (2019). An Analysis of Entrepreneurial Perspective of Public Sector; A systematic literature review from 1990 to 2016. Business & Economic Review, 11(3), 113-142. Asghar Ali Articles published by refereed journals Business & Management
300 Asghar, A., Aamir, S., & Asif, M. (2018). An Instrumental Perspective of Higher Education in Pakistan:From Public Good to Commercial Commodity. Bulletin of Education and Research, 40(3), 95-114. Asghar Ali Articles published by refereed journals Higher Education
301 Shaukat, A. R., Shahid, A. Z., Syed, A. H., & Asghar, A. (2012). Investigating Service Quality Initiatives of Pakistani Commercial Banks. International Business Research, 107-113. Asghar Ali Articles published by refereed journals Business Research
302 Ijaz, A. T., & Ali, A. (2013). Measuring Banks Service Attitude: An approach to employee and customer acuities. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 7(2), 60-66. Asghar Ali Articles published by refereed journals Business & Management
303 Ijaz, A. T., & Ali, A. (2013). Assessing Service Attitude: Service Quality Measures Taken by Islamic banks in Pakistan. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 8(1), 61-68. Asghar Ali Articles published by refereed journals Business & Management
304 Hassan, N.U., Ashfaque, M., Butt, I., and Masood, A., (2018). Implementation of Technology Acceptance Model in E-Learning Environment: An Empirical Study of the Behavioral Intention from Pakistan. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Asia Ahsan Masood Scholarly and / or creative activity published through a refereed electronic venue Research Paper
305 Aslam, Humna, Ahsan Masood, Naveed ul Hassan, and Muhammad Shahbaz Yaqub. "Dividend Policy and Ownership Concentration: An Empirical Analysis of the Non-Financial Sector of Pakistan." Journal of Education and Social Studies 4, no. 3 (2023): 442-454. Ahsan Masood Articles published by refereed journals Research Paper
306 Jasim Latif, Muhammad Shahbaz Yaqub, Ahsan Masood, & Rahman, A. (2022). Re-examining the Financial Performance Measures of Commercial Banks in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 42(4), 785-798. (Y-category journal - HEC) Ahsan Masood Articles published by refereed journals Research Paper
307 Ahsan Masood (2014). Capital structure and Ownership Structure Relationship: A Comparative Study of Textile and Non-textile Manufacturing Sectors of Pakistan. J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res., 4(7)69-79, 2014. ((ISI Indexed) Ahsan Masood Articles published by refereed journals Research Paper
308 Ahsan Masood (2014). Relationship between Ownership Structure and Capital Structure: A Case of Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan, J. Basic Appl. Sci. Res. 2014 4(2): 180-188. (ISI Indexed) Ahsan Masood Articles published by refereed journals Research Paper
309 Muhammad Azhar Farooq and Ahsan Masood (2016). Impact of Financial Leverage on Value of Firms: Evidence from Cement Sector of Pakistan.Research Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol.7, No.9, 2016. Ahsan Masood Articles published by refereed journals Research Paper
311 Consumer Perception towards Mobile Advertising: A Case of Service Sector in Pakistan ERA journal 2021 Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal Sajjad Hussain Articles published by refereed journals ERA journal: International Journal
312 Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Brands: A Case Study of the FMCG Sector Under the Shadow of Industrial RevolutionInternational Journal of Circular Economy and Waste Management Volume 2 • Issue 2 2022 Sajjad Hussain Articles published by refereed journals International Journal
313 Role of Perceived Organizational Support Improve Employee Performance in Alleviation of Smartphone and Social Loafing? Journal of ISOSS2022 Vol. 8(1), 417-428 Sajjad Hussain Articles published by refereed journals Y
314 Consumer Behavior Knocked Intense by Mood, Communication and Product Value International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2012 Sajjad Hussain Articles published in non-refereed journals International Journal
315 Comparison of Job Satisfaction among Male and Female Teachers from Government Primary Schools, in District Sargodha, Pakistan, Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 2020; Vol 19 (Issue 4): pp.4166-4173, Sajjad Hussain Articles published by refereed journals X
316 Customer Loyalty A key to Success: A Case Study in Telecom Sector of Pakistan Sajjad Hussain Articles published by refereed journals Y
317 Influence of Training and Learning on Employees Productivity in Service Sector in Pakistan American Journal of Business, Economics and Management 2020;8(1): 11-17 ISSN: 2381-4462 ( Sajjad Hussain Articles published in non-refereed journals International Journal
318 Determinants of Commercial Banks Performance: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan Maryam Mushtaq Articles published by refereed journals Article
319 Credit Risk, Capital Adequacy and Bank’s Performance: An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan Maryam Mushtaq Articles published by refereed journals Article
320 Do Macro-Economic and Technical Indicators Matter?- a Principal Component Analysis Approach for Equity Risk Premium Prediction Maryam Mushtaq Articles published by refereed journals Article
321 Javed, A., Ahmad, H., & Maeenuddin. (2020). Moderating Effect of Earnings Management on Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance. International Journal of Advanced Sciences and Technology, 29(8), 474-486. Hamid Ahmad Articles published by refereed journals Business
322 Ahmad, H., Fida, B., & Zakriya, M.(2013). The Co-determinants of Capital Structure and Stock Return: Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange. Lahore Journal of Economics, 18(1), 81-92 Hamid Ahmad Articles published by refereed journals Business
324 Perceived Behavioral Control Mediates the Relationship between Personal Characteristics and Psycho-Sociological Factors, and Entrepreneurial Inten-tions | Research Journal for Societal Issues,Idrees, F., Hassan, H. ., Syed, T. ., Ahmad, S. N. ., & Kh Tayyaba Syed Articles published by refereed journals y
325 A STUDY ON PERCEPTIONS OF MARKETING PROFESSIONALS TOWARDS DIGITAL MARKETING IN SAUDI ARABIA, Neelam Sarfraz,Tayyaba Syed,Usman Khan Tayyaba Syed Articles published by refereed journals y
326 Impact Of Informational Justice On Organization Commitment And Employee Motivation In Banking Sector Of Lahore Pakistan Rabia Aamir Malik, Tayyaba Syed, Arooj Zahra EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5608-5619 doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.01.591 https://ilkogretim-on Tayyaba Syed Articles published by refereed journals international journal
327 The Advent Of COVID-19 And The Case Of Emerging Financial Markets Mazhar Farid Chishti ,Tayyaba Syed, Allah Bux Lakhan EEO. 2021; 20(2): 1749-1759 Tayyaba Syed Articles published by refereed journals international journal
328 Research paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Business & Economics (ICCIBE), Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Turkey on October 4-6, 2019 Topic: Gender Gap in Acquisition of ICT Expertise in Pakistani Entrepreneurs Tayyaba Syed Papers published in refereed conference proceedings International Journal
329 Comparison of Local Self-Government concepts of Ayub And Musharraf Devolution Plan, Gomal University Journal of Research, Special Issue IV, December, 2016, ISSN: 1019-8180 Tayyaba Syed Articles published by refereed journals y
330 Indo- Afghan Nexus: Implications for Pakistan (2001- 2014). AJSS, 4(4), 782-792. Vol. 4 No. 4 (2020): AJSS Retrieved from Tayyaba Syed Articles published by refereed journals Y
331 Comparison of Job Satisfaction among Male and Female Teachers from Government Primary Schools, in District Sargodha, Pakistan, Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 2020; Vol 19 (Issue 4): pp.4166-4173, Tayyaba Syed Articles published by refereed journals x
332 RELIGIOUS MINORITIES RIGHTS: MYTH AND REALITIES; Academic Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 1 Issue 3 (July - Sept.2017) pp. 220 -234 Tayyaba Syed Articles published in non-refereed journals Y
333 China Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC): Benefits and Implementations Academic Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 1 Issue 2 (April- June 2017) Tayyaba Syed Articles published in non-refereed journals Y
334 M. Sarwar Sindhu, M. Ahsan, A. Rafiq, I. A. Khan, Multiple criteria decision making based on bipolar picture fuzzy sets and extended TOPSIS. Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 23 (2021), no. 1, 49--57. Imran Ameen Khan Articles published by refereed journals Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science (Y)
335 Role of Macro and Technical Indicators in Equity Risk Premium Prediction: A Principal Component Analysis Approach. International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering. 4(2) Imran Ameen Khan Articles published by refereed journals Management & Economics
336 Aslam, Humna, Ahsan Masood, Naveed ul Hassan, and Muhammad Shahbaz Yaqub. "Dividend Policy and Ownership Concentration: An Empirical Analysis of the Non-Financial Sector of Pakistan." Journal of Education and Social Studies 4, no. 3 (2023): 442-454. Muhammad Shahbaz Yaqub Articles published by refereed journals Finance
337 Capital Budgeting – A Value Creation Tool Muhammad Shahbaz Yaqub Articles appearing in in-house organs Finance
338 Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements Muhammad Shahbaz Yaqub Articles appearing in in-house organs Financial Accounting
339 Paper presented at 27th Annual Conference of Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU) 2013 themed as Leveraging the Power of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) for Building a Divergent Asia –Today's Solutions and Tomorrow's Vision. Javed Ali Papers and extended abstracts published in conference proceedings. (refereed on the basis of abstract) Distance Learning
340 Impact of Personality Traits on Facebook Usage Intensity: Mediating Role of Shyness Sadia Kausar Articles published by refereed journals Journal of System and Management
341 Impact of Senior Management Support, Employees' Involvement, and Open Corporate Culture on The Motivation of Employees: An Empirical Study Sadia Kausar Articles published by refereed journals Management sciences
342 "Impact of Quality Culture on Employees’ Motivation: A Study on Education Sector of Pakistan Sadia Kausar Articles published by refereed journals Management sciences
343 An evaluation of Pakistani online students’ persistence intention Asifa Ilyas Articles published by refereed journals Asian Association of Open Universities Journal
344 Existence of Glass Ceiling in Public Universities of Lahore (Pakistan) Asifa Ilyas Articles published by refereed journals Asian Journal of Business Management
345 Virtual Education System (Current Myth and Future Reality in Pakistan) Zameer Ahmad Articles appearing in in-house organs Accounting & Finance
346 Poorest As A Thriving Market Zameer Ahmad Articles appearing in in-house organs Accounting & Finance
347 Ahmad, Z. (2015). “Performance of PTCL”. VU Bytes, (XI), 29-31. Zameer Ahmad Articles appearing in in-house organs VU Bytes
348 Ahmad, Z. (2015). Critical analysis of the article “Vendor Industry as Revolution in Economic Growth (with reference to Pakistan)”. VU Bytes, (XI), 23-27. Zameer Ahmad Articles appearing in in-house organs VU Bytes
349 Success: A Divergent Phenomenon Which Need to Know for Making a Software Project Successful.Elixir International Journal,76 (2014) 28293-28301. Zameer Ahmad Articles published by refereed journals Project and Quality
350 Health consciousness and preference towards usage of packed milk. Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on New Trends in Natural Sciences II: Public Health & Food, Held on October, 2018 at Lahore College for Women University, Pakistan Adeel Naqvi Papers and extended abstracts published in conference proceedings. (refereed on the basis of abstract) Conference Proceedings
351 Sustainable pathways: the intersection of CSR, hospitality and the United Nations’ sustainable development goals Shahzad Mahmood Articles published by refereed journals W category
352 CSR and customer orientation: a sustainable pathway towards competitive advantage? A customer’s perspective Social Responsibility Journal Shahzad Mahmood Articles published by refereed journals W category
353 Customer Loyalty a Key to Success: A Case Study in Telecom Sector of Pakistan, Jinnah Business Review Shahzad Mahmood Articles published by refereed journals Z category
354 Zahra,N., Qayyum,A., Rashid,Y. (2018). Traveller’s Empowerment: Travelling website service quality, attitude towards UGC and booking intentions. Business & Economic Review, 11(4), 35-58 Dr. Noreen Zahra Articles published by refereed journals Service Quality: Y
355 Zahra, N., & Ahmad, M. (2017). Advanced Education and Entrepreneurship: Mediating Role of Information & Communication and Personal Freedom. Business & Economic Review, 9(3), 217-239. Dr. Noreen Zahra Articles published by refereed journals Entrepreneurship: X
356 Zahra, N., H, Rasheed., & Hassan,A. (2018). Online Retail Stores Service Quality and Its Impact on Behaviors of Customers with Mediating Role of Attitude. Global Management Journal for Academic & Corporate Studies, 8(1), 140-153 Dr. Noreen Zahra Articles published by refereed journals Service Quality: X
357 Zahra, N. (2013). Implications of demographic antecedents in determining the motivational drives among women entrepreneurs: a case study of women entrepreneurs venturing in Lahore, Pakistan. Asian journal of Business management, 5(1), 163-173. Dr. Noreen Zahra Articles published by refereed journals Women Entrepreneurship
358 Zahra, N., & Mahmood, K. (2012). Demographical Antecedents in Decisional Autonomy Of Women Entrepreneurs: A Case Study Of Women Entrepreneurs Of Lahore, Pakistan. International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management, 2(4), 163-173 Dr. Noreen Zahra Articles published by refereed journals Women Entrepreneurship
359 Zafar, A., Zahra, N., & Zia, Y. A. (2014). Antecedents of Job Burnout among Bank Employees. Putaj Humanities & Social Sciences, 21(2). Dr. Noreen Zahra Articles published by refereed journals Job Burnout
360 Sherazi,N., Zahra, N. (2015). Role of Self-efficacy in Shaping Entrepreneurial Intensions among Women Entrepreneurs Venturing in Lahore, Pakistan. PUTAJ-Humanities and Social Sciences, 22(2), 99-109. Dr. Noreen Zahra Articles published by refereed journals Women Entrepreneurship
361 Sandhu, M. R. S, Azhar, T. M. & Zaheer, M. (2023). Developing a Multidimensional Scale to Measure Barriers to Product Branding in International Firms. Journal of Asian Development Studies, 12(3), 140-157 Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
362 Jamal, Y. M., Munir, S., Zaheer, M., & Saleem, M. R. (2023).Don’t make me feel alone: Ostracism and its effects on Performance .Page 65-78 GMR Vol. 19, No. 2, 2023 Journal of Business Studies Volume 19, No. 1, July-Dec 2023 Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
363 Zaheer, M., & Sandhu, M. R. S. . (2022). Exploring Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing Strategies: A Qualitative Study from Pakistan Football Industry. International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences, 12(2). Retrieved from Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
364 Chohan, A., Sandhu, M. R. S., & Zaheer, M.(2022).Does Effectuation Theory Explain the Startup Behaviors of Entrepreneurs in Pakistan?.Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences,15(1),29- 45. Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
365 Zafar, S., Sandhu, M. R. S., & Zaheer, M.(2022).WHY DO ENTREPRENEURS LEAVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP? EXPLORATORY STUDY FROM LAHORE, PAKISTAN.International Journal of Business Reflections,3(1),33- 55. Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
366 Hussain,S., Sandhu, M. R. S., Zaheer, M.,(2021). Entrepreneurial Orientation of Internationalized Firms and Their Export Performance: Evidence from Surgical Instruments Industry of Sialkot,Journal of Asian Development Studies,10(2), 58-65. Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
367 Hussain,S., Sandhu, M. R. S., Zaheer, M.,(2021). Entrepreneurial Orientation in Born Internationalized Firms: A Study from Developing Country,Journal of Asian Development Studies,10(1), 76-82. Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
368 Sandhu, M. S., & Azhar, T. M. (2019). Barriers to branding in SMEs: An exploration at surgical industry of Sialkot, Pakistan. Paradigms, 13(1), 134-142. Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
369 Sandhu, M. R. S., Qamar, N., & Nazir, S. (2020). Course reduction can reduce failure rates of students: Lessons from the study of an e-learning university of Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning, 5(2), 41-66 Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
370 Chishti, U., Sandhu, M. R. S., Zaheer, M., & Muneer, S., (2020). How Brands Are Placed In Movies? A Study of Sub-Continent Movies. Paradigms, 14(2), 122-129. Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
371 Khalid, H., Zaheer, M., Munir, S., & Saleem, M. R. (2020).MEASURING THE PERCEIVED EFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE RECRUITMENT SYSTEM.Page 1. 67 GMR Vol. 5, No. 2, 2020 Governance and Management Review (GMR) Volume 5, No. 2, July-Dec 2020 Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
372 Sandhu, M. R. S. (2020),Is Theory Really Different from Practice? (A Reflection Further Explored Based on Expert Opinion).Journal of Contemporary Teacher Education.Volume: IV, 2020, 43-60 Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
373 Sandhu, M. R. S., Hussain, S (2016)Role of Faculty Development Forums in Virtual Teaching. Open Praxis, vol. 8 issue 4, October–December 2016, pp. 325–335 (ISSN 2304-070X) Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
374 Sandhu, M. R. S, & Azhar, T. M. (2020). Four-Factor Explanation on Working of SMEs without Product Brands: A study of Surgical Industry of Pakistan Using Higher Order Model in Smart PLS. Paradigms, 14(1), 194-213 Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
375 Saba,M., & Sandhu.M.R.S (2016). Personality; A Stimulus for Entrepreneurial Motivations. CURJ,06 (1), 23-36. Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
376 Sandhu, M. R. S, Zaheer, M., Sadiq,M.F., Feroze, A (2011). Transforming traditional industrial cluster into innovative cluster: A case of Surgical Instruments Forging Industry of Daska, Punjab, Pakistan. IJRCB, 3(3), 1355-1382. Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
377 Hassan, M., & Sandhu, M. R. S (2011). Organizational Determinants of Firm Performance: A Case of Garments Manufacturing Firms of Lahore, Pakistan. IJRCM,2 (11), 38-42. Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
378 . Sandhu, M. R. S., & Zaheer, M (2014). Interdependence of Value Chain Links : A Tale of Three Cities. Business Review 09 (1), 64-78. Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
379 Kausar, S. & Rafique, N. (2023). Impact of Personality Traits on Facebook Usage Intensity: Mediating Role of Shyness. Journal of System and Management Sciences, 13 (5), 390-412 Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
380 Abid, S. K., Rafique, N., & Raza, M. (2023). Leadership Styles Impacting Innovative Work Behavior with Moderating Role of Job Satisfaction. Journal of Management Sciences, 10 (1), 41-56. Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
381 Rafiq, N., Sarwar, A., & Rasheed, M. (2023). Disruption in family life due to despotic leadership and COVID-19: the mediating role of emotional exhaustion. Kybernetes, 52(7), 2305-2328. Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals W
382 Sarwar, A., Abdullah, M. I., Imran, M. K., & Rafiq, N. (2022). How ostracism jeopardizes customers' interests at restaurants: a study in context of COVID-19. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies. Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
383 Saqib, M., Rafiq, N., & Asadullah, M. (2022). Mediating Effect of Intrinsic Motivation on the relationship between Islamic Work Ethics and Job Performance. Journal of Islamic Business and Management, 12(1). Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
384 Hafeez, H., Rafiq, N., Chughtai, M. A., & Sarwar, A. (2023). Role of emotional labour in driving sabotage behaviours among frontline healthcare workers. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 14(1), 4-23. Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
385 Sair, S. A., Danish, R. Q., Hussain, I., Rafiq, N., Ali, H. F., & Sami, A. (2019). “How the structure of board impacts the firm performance at the SMEs business level”. Paper presented in the 17th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Dr. Nazia Rafiq Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Strategic Management
386 Rafiq, N., Abbasi, A. S. (2019). “Cultural Diversity and Islamic Traditions: Lessons for 21st Century Organizations”. Paper presented in 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Business & Economics (ICCIBE). Organized By The Instit Dr. Nazia Rafiq Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Organizational Culture
387 Rafiq, N., Abbasi, A. S., Sair, S. A., & Mehta, A. M. (2020). IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL LABOR STRATEGIES ON EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION: MEDIATING EFFECT OF ANXIETY IN PAKISTANI HOTEL INDUSTRY. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 24(3), 1-23. Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
388 Rafiq, N., Mehta, A. M., Sair, S. A., & Kaleem, M. S. (2020). Collaborative Effect of Emotional Labor Strategies and Positive Resources versus Affective Commitment. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 19(3), 1. Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals X
389 Rafiq, N., Abbasi, A. S., Ali Sair, S., Mohiuddin, M., & Munir, I. (2020). Emotional labor and its association with emotional exhaustion through cultural intelligence. Transnational Corporations Review, 1-14. Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals X
390 Sarwar, A., Ahsan, Q., & Rafiq, N. (2021). Female Entrepreneurial Intentions in Pakistan: A Theory of Planned Behavior Perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals W
391 Rafiq, N., Abbasi, A. S., Ali Sair, S. (2021). “Role of Emotional Labor Strategies on Affective Commitment through Anxiety: Empirical Study on Hotel Employees”. Paper presented in the 1st International Conference on Business Administration, Organi Dr. Nazia Rafiq Papers and extended abstracts published in conference proceedings. (refereed on the basis of abstract) Organizational Behavior
392 Rafiq, N. (2017) “Motivation Audit of Faculty Members in Distance Education”: Presented Paper in 31st Annual conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities(AAOU), Open University for Inclusive and Equitable Quality 2017, Organized By AA Dr. Nazia Rafiq Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Distance Education
393 Rafiq, N., Anjum, Z. (2017) “Self Concept And Its Impact On Self-Efficacy Of University Graduates”: Presented Paper In International Conference On Today’s Vision Tomorrow’s Reality 2017, Organized By The South Asian International Conference (SAICO Dr. Nazia Rafiq Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Organizational Behavior
394 Rafiq, N., Anjum, Z. (2016) “Locus Of Control And Its Impact On Self-Efficacy Of University Graduates”: Presented Paper In International Conference On Sustainability: A Business Imperative 2016, Organized By COMSATS Institute Of Information & Tech Dr. Nazia Rafiq Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Organizational Behavior
395 Rafiq, N.( 2016) “Significance Of Time factor In Quality Benchmarks: A Study Of Distance Education”: Presented Paper In International Conference On Indigenous Resource Management, Challenges And Opportunities 2016, Organized By University Of Managem Dr. Nazia Rafiq Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Distance Education
396 Amin, A, Arslan., Rafiq, N., & Sair, S. A. (2016). A study on motivation level of employees and its relationship with the leadership styles prevailing in a public sector oil and gas organization. Science International, 28(4), 729-733. Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
397 Rafiq, N., Sair, S. A., Ulfat, S., Jamil, M. A., & Abbas, A. (2014). ASSESSING DISTANCE LEARNING EDUCATION SYSTEM AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH EDUCATION STANDARDS: FACULTY PERSPECTIVE. Science International, 26(2). Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
398 Rafiq, N.,Arshad, S., & Shoaib. M. (2014). Impact of Distance Learning Education System on Education Standards. European Journal of Business and Management.6 (7), 231-238. Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals International
399 Ulfat, S.,Saleem. S., Rafiq. N. (2015). How Product Quality And Brand Trust Associates In Recurrent Purchase Decision Of Beauty Care Products Science International Lahore), 27(2), 1453-1456. Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
400 Sair, S., Rafiq, N., Asghar, A., Ulfat, S., Jamil, M., & Abbas, A. (2014). Which Positioning Strategy Outperforms?. Science International, 26(2), 923-932. Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
401 Rafiq, N., Shoaib, M., & Arshad, S. (2014). Exploring the Impact of Flexibility on Quality Benchmarks in Distance Education. Pakistan Journal of Science, 66(4). Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
402 Rafiq, N., Sarwar, A., & Haider Naqvi, S. M. I. (2016). THE BEST FIT PERSPECTIVE IN REWARD STRUCTURE: CASE STUDIES FROM PAKISTAN WITH THEOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS. Science International, 28(2), 1589-1596. Dr. Nazia Rafiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
403 Rafiq, N. (2018) “Association of Information Technology Support with Quality Benchmarks in Distance Education”: Presented Paper in 32nd Annual conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities(AAOU), Open Education in Human Resource Develo Dr. Nazia Rafiq Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Distance Education
404 Research Paper Publication on the Title “Impact of TV Content on Audience Perception of Materialism” in International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture Saba Muneer Articles published by refereed journals International Journal
405 Research Paper Publication on the Title “How Brands Are Placed in Movies? A Study of Sub-Continent Movies” in Paradigm – Research journal University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Saba Muneer Articles published by refereed journals HEC Y Category
406 Mediating Effect of Halal Logo on Purchase Intention of the Food Items in Pakistan: A Causal Mediation Analysis by Using R Language Ali Abbas Articles published by refereed journals Research Article
407 AAOU Conference, An Interpretive Analysis; Core Elements of “Economics of ODL” by keeping in view the Economical Requirements of Students and Institutions, 5th Nov, 2009, Tehran, Iran Ali Abbas Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Conference Proceedings
408 AAOU Conference, Non-Formal Education through ‘Controlled Virtual Groups (CVG)’; An Innovative Approach in Technology Based Learning System, 1st OCtober, 2013, AIOU Islamabad Ali Abbas Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Conference Proceedings
409 Effect of Shelf Space optimization on Consumer Decision Making: A case study with reference to Pakistan perspective”. 26th Feb, 2014, Sukker, Sindh Ali Abbas Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Conference Proceedings
410 Assessing Distance Learning Education System And Its Relationship With Education Standards: Faculty Perspective Ali Abbas Articles published by refereed journals Research Article
411 Effect of Shelf Space Optimization on Consumer Decision Making Ali Abbas Articles published by refereed journals Research Article
412 IMPACT OF COGNITIVE AND AFFECTIVE PROCESS OF DECISION MAKING ON IMPULSE PURCHASE.Science International, 27(1). Ali Abbas Articles published by refereed journals Research Article
413 Open and Distant Learning (ODL) Students are no more Just Learners Sadaf Choudhary Articles published by refereed journals Open & Distance Learning
414 Implementation of Fama and French Five Factor Model: A Case of Pakistan Stock Exchange Sadaf Choudhary Articles published by refereed journals Finance
415 Income-diversification in banking sector of Pakistan: a ‘Blessing’ or ‘Curse’? Sadaf Choudhary Articles published by refereed journals Finance
416 Choudhary, S. (2020). Do Employees Snooze or Strike Back to injustice Sadaf Choudhary Articles published by refereed journals Management
417 Paper titled “Individual compassion leading to employees’ performance: An empirical study from Pakistan” published in Journal of Management and Research (JMR) (HEC recognized Journal) Sadaf Choudhary Articles published by refereed journals Management
418 Choudhary, S. (2013). Cultural Comparison of ODL with Conventional Education in Pakistan. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 11(2), 4-24. Sadaf Choudhary Articles published by refereed journals Open & Distance Learning
419 How important strategic learning capabilities are during COVID-19? A model for innovation ambidexterity. 2022 Saba Munir Articles published by refereed journals Article
420 The role of extra-curricular activities in increasing student engagement, Asian Association of Open Universities Journal , 2021 Saba Munir Articles published by refereed journals Article
421 Leadership That Reinforces Learning: A Case Of A Textile Sector Organization Of Pakistan. Muhammad Atiq Khan Articles published by refereed journals ISI-indexed Journal
422 Building Blocks for a Learning Organization: A Case of A Textile Sector Organization of Pakistan. Muhammad Atiq Khan Papers and extended abstracts published in conference proceedings. (refereed on the basis of abstract) International Conference (SAICON- 2015)
423 Predicting Financial Distress - The Z-Score Analysis Asma Rafique Articles appearing in in-house organs Accounting and Finance
424 IMF Loan & Pakistan-Burden or Blessing . . . ? Asma Rafique Articles appearing in in-house organs Finance and Economics
425 The 3A’s of Finance Asma Rafique Articles appearing in in-house organs Finance
426 Impact of Disasters on the Economy of Pakistan: An insight into the last decade Asma Rafique Articles appearing in in-house organs Finance and Economics
427 Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Market Index. Elixir International Journal, 57, 14099-14104. Asma Rafique Articles published by refereed journals Economics and Finance
428 Determining the Impact of Dividends, Earnings, Invested Capital and Retained Earnings on Stock Prices in Pakistan: An Empirical Study. International Journal of Financial Management, 4(1), 74-81. Asma Rafique Articles published by refereed journals Finance
429 The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance: Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management, 3(3), 139-143. Asma Rafique Articles published by refereed journals Finance
430 Microfinance: Burden or Blessing - Impact on the Economy (Based on Meta-analysis). Elixir International Journal, 73, 26239-26245. Asma Rafique Articles published by refereed journals Finance
431 Constraints in Financing of SMEs: A Conceptual Paper in the Perspective of Pakistan. International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, 4(3), 143-146. Asma Rafique Articles published by refereed journals Finance
432 Capital Market Shocks: Responses to Macroeconomic Factors Concerning Price Level (An Empirical Study on Karachi Stock Exchange). Elixir International Journal, 73, 26230-26238. Asma Rafique Articles published by refereed journals Finance
433 Impact of Financial Leverage on Profitability of Automobile and Allied Companies of Pakistan Asma Rafique Articles published by refereed journals Accounting and Finance
434 “E-Learning and Student Satisfaction”. 29th annual conference of Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU) at Kuala Lumpur, November 30-December 2, 2015. Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Distance Education
435 “Perceived Effectiveness of Biological Science Education in e-Learning: A Study of Virtual University of Pakistan” Co-authored the paper in 29th annual conference of Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU) at Kuala Lumpur, November 30-Decembe Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Distance Education
436 “Comparing Quality Assurance Practices of Virtual University of Pakistan and Korea National Open University" Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Research reports submitted to sponsors Distance Education
437 Faculty: A success factor in improving quality of distance learning. Paper presented in 26th annual conference of AAOU, Japan. Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Distance Education
438 “HEC Scheme for Faculty Development through Overseas and Indigenous Scholarships - Policy and Its Implementation”. 3rd International Applied Business Research Conference International Islamic University, Islamabad. 13-14 December 2010. Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Higher Education
439 “Interdependence of value chain links: A tale of three cities”. Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Surgical Industry
440 “Transforming traditional industrial cluster into innovative cluster: A case of Surgical Instruments Forging Industry of Daska, Punjab, Pakistan” in Journal of Contemporary Research in Business (IJCRB) ISSN 2073-7122, Vol .3, No. 3, July 2011. Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Articles published by refereed journals Surgical Industry
441 Marketing Research: Need of the Hour Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Articles appearing in in-house organs Resaerch
442 Deception….Marketing Tool or Unethical Activity Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Articles appearing in in-house organs Marketing
443 Conflict Within Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Articles appearing in in-house organs OB
444 Perception and Impression Management in Organizations Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Articles appearing in in-house organs OB
445 Faculty: A success factor in improving quality of distance learning. AAOU Journal, VOL. 8, NO. 1, MARCH 2013, ISSN 1858!3431 Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Articles published by refereed journals Research
446 “Quality Assurance Practices in Distance Learning: A Study of Korea National Open University”. 29th Annual conference of Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU), Kuala Lumpur, November 30-December 2, 2015 Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Quality
447 Understanding Research in Business Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Articles appearing in in-house organs Research
448 Perceived Effectiveness of Foreign Scholarship Schemes for Faculty Development offered by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. PUTAJ Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol 20 (2013) Dr. Muhammad Zaheer Articles published by refereed journals Higher Education
449 Relationship between Code of Corporate Governance and Corporate Financial Performance (An Empirical Study of Food Companies Listed on KSE). International Journal of Financial Management, 7(1) Afifa Naseer Articles published by refereed journals Finance
450 Microfinance: Burden or Blessing - Impact on the Economy (Based on Meta-analysis). Elixir International Journal, 73, 26239-26245 Afifa Naseer Articles published by refereed journals Finance
451 Qamar, M.A.J., Hassan, A., Nazir, M.S. and Haque, A. (2021), "Investigating beta anomaly: comparison of Shariah-compliant and conventional stocks", International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management Asma Hassan Articles published by refereed journals Impact Factor
452 “Satisfaction level of teachers in virtual environment of distance learning” Naheed Shaban Articles published by refereed journals Distance Education
453 Skilled managers and capital financing decisions: navigating Chinese firms through financing constraints and growth opportunities Muhammad Shafiq Kaleem Articles published by refereed journals Management Sciences
454 Effective costing in the light of value chain Muhammad Shafiq Kaleem Articles appearing in in-house organs Accounting
455 Concomitant of Inside-Shareholding, Group Affiliation and Firm Value: Evidence From Pakistan Muhammad Shafiq Kaleem Articles published by refereed journals Management Sciences
456 Ownership Concentration and Firm Performance: Moderating Role of Group Affiliation In Pakistan Muhammad Shafiq Kaleem Articles published by refereed journals Management Sciences
458 Collaborative effect of emotional labour strategies and positive resources verses affective commitment Muhammad Shafiq Kaleem Articles published by refereed journals Management Sciences
459 E-Commerce Policy of Pakistan: Setting a Path to Development Amtul Matin Articles published by refereed journals HEC recognized "Y"
460 Customer Satisfaction Regarding Interest– Free Banking In Pakistan Amtul Matin Articles published by refereed journals Article
461 Manuscript "SME Definition: A Bridge Too Far" has been acknowledged and published by Small & Medium Enterprise Development Authority (Govt. of Pakistan) in its Research Journal (Vol. II, Issue 1, Dec 2015). Tooba Javaid Articles published by refereed journals Journal Paper
462 Abstract of the paper "Metaphor: Organizations as Plants" which was presented at First International Management and Applied Sciences Conference (MASCON 2016) has been published in the conferenece proceedings. Tooba Javaid Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Conference Paper