Virtual University of Pakistan
Department of Mass Communication


Sr. No. Title Author(s) Journal Category Year Volume & Issue
1 Comparative Analysis of the Coverage by British and American Newspapers on Pakistan`s Civil and Military Leadership during the Musharraf Regime Shahzad Ali and Ahmer Safwan ournal of Social Sciences and Media Studies Y 2024 8/1
2 Social Media Influencers as Catalysts: A Study on Parasocial Relationships and their Impact on Shaping Online Buying Intentions and Behaviors Ahmer Safwan and Shahzad Ali CARC Research in Social Sciences Y 2024 3/2
3 Appealing Factors of Transit Advertisement as Outdoor Media: Analysis of Public Perception in Southern-Punjab. Shahzad Ali and Ahmer Safwan Global Media Journal: Pakistan Edition - 2019 12/2
4 Portrayal of civil and military leadership of Pakistan: Content analysis of Newspapers of UK and USA during PPP regimes -- Journal of Humanities, Social and Management Sciences (JHSMS) Ahmer Safwan Articles published by refereed journals Y
5 Online media advertising and buying behavior of consumers: A systematic review - Pakistan Journal of Media Sciences Ahmer Safwan Articles published by refereed journals Y
6 Public Perception and Attitude towards Transit Advertisement as Outdoor Media Platform: Investigating Age and Gender-based Associations - Annals of Social Sciences and Perspective Ahmer Safwan Articles published by refereed journals Y
7 "News Reporting of Pakistan and the War on Terror" published in the Routledge Companion to News and Journalism Ahmer Safwan Books Book Chapter (X eqv.)
8 Image of Civil and Military Establishment of Pakistan in Perspective of Combating Terrorism and Extremism: A Qualitative Analysis of Mainstream British and American Print Media - Pakistan Journal of Media Sciences Ahmer Safwan Articles published by refereed journals Y
9 Exploring Post-9/11 Media Narratives: A Review of Pakistan’s Portrayal in the Context of Terrorism - International Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities' Ahmer Safwan Articles published by refereed journals Y
10 USAID: Investing in Primary Education for the Sustainable Development of Pakistan : European Journal of Sustainable Development Research Mehak Shahzad Articles published in non-refereed journals e-ISSN: 2542-4742
11 Economic Security and National Security Nexus Mehak Shahzad Articles published in popular press Opinion Article
12 Education For Development Mehak Shahzad Articles published in popular press Blog
13 India-Afghanistan Intimacy And Its Implications For Pakistan Mehak Shahzad Articles published in popular press Blog
14 Research and Development for Food and Security in Pakistan, Development News Spring 2018(Food Security & The Future of Pakistan) Volume ! Mehak Shahzad Articles appearing in in-house organs In-house publication
15 Aisha Muhammad Din, Ayesha Shahid & Muhammad Abrar (2021). Use Of Constructive Approach In Talk Shows: A Case Of Post Corona Raised Social, Economic And Religious Issues In Pakistan. Journal of Media Studies Vol. 36(1): January 2021 pp.01-22 Ayesha Shahid Articles published by refereed journals Mass Communication
16 Evaluating the Impact of Final Year Project in Mass Communication on Professional Development of Students: A Study of Virtual University of Pakistan Muhammad Abrar Articles published by refereed journals N/A
17 Use Of Constructive Approach In Talk Shows: A Case Of Post Corona Raised Social, Economic And Religious Issues In Pakistan Muhammad Abrar Articles published by refereed journals Y
18 Exploring Post-9/11 Media Narratives: A Review of Pakistan’s Portrayal in the Context of Terrorism. Vol.:02, Issue:02,July-Dec,2023PP:181-197 International Research Journal of Social sciences and Humanities DOI: Asim Razzaq Articles published by refereed journals Y
19 Effects of the Usage of Social Media on Political Socialization of Youth , Journal of Peace, Development and Communication. Volume 04, Issue 1, June2020pISSN: 2663-7898, eISSN: 2663-7901Article DOI: Asim Razzaq Articles published by refereed journals Y
20 Evaluating the Impact of Final Year Project in Mass Communication on Professional Development of Students: A Study of Virtual University of Pakistan JDER (2019) ISSN 2521-2397 Vol IV, pp 33-50 Asim Razzaq Articles published by refereed journals Y
21 Representation of transgender in print media: A study of OP-ED pages of four dailies of Pakistan. Proceedings of international conference human rights: challenges and prospects (ICHRCP), 184-188, ISBN:978-969-9071-09-6 (pbk), ISBN:978-969-9071-10-2 ( Kausar Parveen Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Proceedings of International conference
22 Articles published by refereed journals Evaluating the Impact of Final Year Project in Mass Communication on Professional Development of Students: A Study of Virtual University of Pakistan JDER (2019) ISSN 2521-2397 Vol IV, pp 33-50 Kausar Parveen Scholarly and / or creative activity published through a refereed electronic venue Y
23 Category: Y Articles published by refereed journals Representation of Psychological Violence against Women in TV Dramas: Perception of Young Females. Journal of Media & Communication (JMC), Volume 2.2, 143-157 Kausar Parveen Articles published by refereed journals Y
24 Category: Y Articles published by refereed journals Social Media Consumption as a Predictor of Narcissism and Exhibitionism, Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 4(4): 717-723 (2022) Kausar Parveen Articles published by refereed journals Y
25 Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) Government through the Lense of Print Media: Exploring the Predominant Narratives. Global Social Sciences Review, 9(1), 10-21 (2024) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
26 Islam and Muslims in the Indian Press: A Content Analysis. Pakistan Journal of Law, Analysis and Wisdom, 3(3), 109-122. (2024) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
27 Self-Objectification and Social Media: An Exploratory Study Using Multimedia Influence Scale Pakistan Journal of Social Research, (4) 3: 963-968 (2022) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
28 A Comparative Analysis of the Coverage of the Arrest of Imran Khan and the May 09 incidents (Pakistan) in Global Media. . Pakistan Journal of Law, Analysis and Wisdom. 3(1): 50-67 (2024) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
29 Religious minorities and the role of press in Pakistan: A case study of the Jaranwala incident. Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition, 20 (2): 142-150 (2023) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals X
30 Representation of Islam and Muslims in the Bollywood During Modi Era (2019-2022). Pakistan Journal of Law, Analysis and Wisdom, 2(03), 56–70 (2023) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
31 Social Media as an Extended Public Sphere: A Study of Twitter (X) in the Context of India-Pakistan Relationship. Forman Journal of Social Sciences. 3(2). (2023) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
32 Political Comics: An Emerging Trend in Social Media and Its Impact on Youth. Bulletin of Business and Economics, 12(3), 393-397. (2023) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
33 Coverage of the Arrest of Imran Khan and the Subsequent Political Unrest in Pakistan: A Thematic Analysis. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 4(4), 603-613 (2023) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
34 Religious Minorities in Pakistan: A Thematic Analysis of the Editorial Coverage of the Lynching of a Sri Lankan Citizen in Sialkot. Annals of Human and Social Sciences, 4(4), 127–136. (2023) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
35 Perception of Youth Regarding The Credibility of TV News Channels In Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 5(1): 302-307. (2023) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
36 The role of social media in changing the littering behavior of tourist: A perspective of the Theory of Planned behavior, Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 2 (2): 925-935 (2023) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
37 Grandiose Narcissism and Social Media Usage; An Exploratory Study Using the Narcissist Personality Inventory, Journal of Positive School Psychology, 7(1): 334-343 (2023) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals X
38 Social Media Consumption as a Predictor of Narcissism and Exhibitionism, Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 4(4): 717-723 (2022) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
39 Impact of e-Commerce on Consumer Behaviour: A Study of Online Shopping Trend Among Youth in Lahore City, Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 21(1): 883-895 (2022) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals X
40 Pattern Of Social Media Usage During Covid-19: Sentiment Analysis Of Twitter; A Study Of China, India And Pakistan, Webology, 18(6): 7887-7896 (2021) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals X
41 The Dilemma of the Partitioning of the Subcontinent 1947: A Tale of Sacrifices and Hardships of Immigrants. Turkish Journal of Qualitative Inquiry Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
42 Turkish dramas and its effects on culture of Pakistan. Media and Communication Review, Vol 1 No 1 (2021) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals -
43 Representation of Psychological Violence against Women in TV Dramas: Perception of Young Females. Journal of Media & Communication (JMC), Volume 2.2, 143-157 Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
44 Impact of Social Media on Social Capital 3rd International Conference on "State and Society of Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities" Dr. Nadia Saleem Papers published in refereed conference proceedings -
45 Virtual Socialization; A step towards Social Transformation. Journal of Distance Education and Research (JDER) 2016; 1 Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published in non-refereed journals -
46 MDB as effective platform of communication between Students and Teachers; A study of Virtual University of Pakistan. International Journal of Research in E-learning (IJREL) Vol. 4 (2), 2018 Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals -
47 Freedom of expression in digital age; An Analysis of Twitter in Context of Pak-China Relationship. Global mass Communication Review (GMCR) , 5(4): 217-227. (2021) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
48 Portrayal of Islam and Muslims in western media: A study of Fox News. Global mass Communication Review (GMCR). 6(I), 108-116. (2021) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
49 Critical analysis of the effects of electronic media coverage during Covid-19. Psychology and Education Journal. 58(5): 3961-3972. (2021) Dr. Nadia Saleem Articles published by refereed journals Y
50 The Role of Parental Mediation Regarding Tablet Usage Among Children Dr. Masroor Ahmed Articles published by refereed journals Y
51 Evaluating the Impact of Final Year Project in Mass Communication on Professional Development of Students: A Study of Virtual University of Pakistan Dr. Masroor Ahmed Articles published by refereed journals N/A
52 Impact of Fashion Vloggers in Promotion of Brands Dr. Masroor Ahmed Articles published by refereed journals Y
53 A Brief Review of Performance Appraisal Practices and its Implementation at Government Offices in Pakistan Dr. Masroor Ahmed Articles published by refereed journals N/A
54 MDB as an Effective Platform of Communication between Students and Teachers A Study of the Virtual University of Pakistan Dr. Masroor Ahmed Articles published by refereed journals N/A
55 DISSECTING NEW YORK TIMES AND THE HINDU PERSPECTIVE ON WAR ON TERROR Dr. Masroor Ahmed Articles published by refereed journals Y
56 Environmental Journalists Perspective on the Coverage of Environmental Issues in Media of Pakistan Dr. Masroor Ahmed Articles published by refereed journals Y
57 Design, Usage and Impact of Virtual University Mobile LMS Application on Students Learning of Virtual University of Pakistan Dr. Masroor Ahmed Articles published by refereed journals Y
58 Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa Government Health Communication Campaigns and its Impact on Social Media Users Dr. Masroor Ahmed Articles published by refereed journals Y
59 Career Counselling Approaches in Pakistani Students Dr. Masroor Ahmed Articles published by refereed journals Y
60 Fake news shared on WhatsApp during Covid-19: an analysis of groups and statuses in Pakistan Dr. Masroor Ahmed Articles published by refereed journals Y
61 Usage of Whatsapp: A Study of University of Peshawar, Pakistan Dr. Masroor Ahmed Articles published by refereed journals N/A
62 MDB as an Effective Platform of Communication between Students and Teachers A Study of the Virtual University of Pakistan Saba Sadiq Articles published by refereed journals Research Article
63 Pattern Of Social Media Usage During Covid-19: Sentiment Analysis Of Twitter; A Study Of China, India And Pakistan Saba Sadiq Articles published by refereed journals X
64 Turkish dramas and its effects on Culture of Pakistan Saba Sadiq Articles published by refereed journals Research Article
65 Representation of Psychological Violence against Women in TV Dramas: Perception of Young Females Saba Sadiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
66 Impact of e-Commerce on Consumer Behaviour: A Study of Online Shopping Trend Among Youth in Lahore City Saba Sadiq Articles published by refereed journals X
67 Grandiose Narcissism And Social Media Usage: An Exploratory Study Using The Narcissist Personality Inventory Saba Sadiq Articles published by refereed journals X
68 The Role Of Social Media In Changing The Littering Behavior Of Tourists: A Perspective Of The Theory Of Planned Behavior Saba Sadiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
69 Political Comics: An Emerging Trend in Social Media and Its Impact on Youth Saba Sadiq Articles published by refereed journals Y
70 Narjis Sherazi, Aisha Muhammad Din, & Asma Zafar, (2023). Psycho-Social State and Coping Strategies of Childless or Infertile Women: A Qualitative Study. Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 5(01), 76-85. Aisha Muhammad Din Articles published by refereed journals Social Sciences
71 Nadia Saleem, Aisha M Din, Saba Sadiq, Masroor Ahmed, (2018). “MDB as an Effective Platform of Communication between Students and Teachers A Study of the Virtual University of Pakistan.” International Journal of Research in E-learning. Vol 4(2), 20 Aisha Muhammad Din Articles published by refereed journals E-Learning
72 Aisha Muhammad Din, Ayesha Shahid & Muhammad Abrar (2021). Use Of Constructive Approach In Talk Shows: A Case Of Post Corona Raised Social, Economic And Religious Issues In Pakistan. Journal of Media Studies Vol. 36(1): January 2021 pp.01-22 Aisha Muhammad Din Articles published by refereed journals Mass Communication
73 • Sadia Jabeen, Aisha Muhammad Din, Muhammad Farhan Sadiq. 2020. Chapter name: “Student Satisfaction From E-Learning Systems: The Assessment of Perceived Benefits, Conceivable Risks, and Prospective Implications” in the book Recent Developments in In Aisha Muhammad Din Books E-Learning
74 An article entitled “Communication barriers in e-learning” published in Entrepreneurial Tutors.Vol.01 (10). Aisha Muhammad Din Articles appearing in in-house organs Social Sciences
75 Article entitled "Is advertising exploiting youth" Published in daily The Post Aisha Muhammad Din Articles published in popular press Social Sciences
76 An article entitled “What it takes to produce a good drama” published in Entrepreneurial Tutors.Vol.01 (06). Aisha Muhammad Din Articles appearing in in-house organs Social Sciences
77 Article entitled "A Wake-up Call" Published in The Post, Lehore. Aisha Muhammad Din Articles published in popular press Social Sciences
78 Students' Satisfaction from E-Learning System: A Case Study of Virtual University of Pakistan Volume 6: 2 Issues (2014) International Journal of E-Adoption (IJEA) Aisha Muhammad Din Articles published by refereed journals Online Learning
79 Eliminating educational Inequality through e-learning: the case of Virtual University of Pakistan published in Open Praxis, Vol 6, No 4 (2014), the journal of International Council for Open and Distance Education – ICDE) Aisha Muhammad Din Articles published by refereed journals Online Learning