Virtual University of Pakistan
Department of Public Admin


Sr. No. Title Author(s) Journal Category Year Volume & Issue
1 Political Economy of Regional Integration: A Case of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Maryam Ahmad Academic Journal of Social Sciences Y 2024 8(1)
2 Envisage the Creation and Development of Knowledge Landscape of Executive Governance and Federalism (1974-2022) through Scientometric and Bibliometric Analysis Maryam Ahmad Journal of Politics and International Studies Y 2023 9(2)
3 China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Challenges of Urban Governance in Pakistan Maryam Ahmad Journal of Politics and International Studies Y 2022 8(2)
4 Employee Voice: A Mechanism to Harness Employees’ Potential for Sustainable Success. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(2):921. Shakira Nazeer Articles published by refereed journals Interdisciplinary (W)
5 Mediating Role of Moral Identity in the Relationship between Ethical Leadership and Unethical Behavior of Employees: Evidence from the Oil and Gas Sector of Pakistan. Journal of Management and Research, 8 (2), 98-130, 2021 Shakira Nazeer Articles published by refereed journals Management (Y)
6 Scrutinizing United States from Diversity Perspective: Reflections from Domestic and Global Practices. ( Sci.Int.(Lahore),28(2),1489-1495,2016) Shakira Nazeer Articles published by refereed journals Multidisciplinary
7 Course Reduction can Reduce Failure Rates of Students: Lessons From the Study of an E-Learning University of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning, 5(2), 41-66, 2019. Shakira Nazeer Articles published by refereed journals Social Sciences
8 Is Freewill Free in Philosophical Perspective? (Sci.Int.(Lahore),28(2),1437-1442,2016 Shakira Nazeer Articles published by refereed journals Multidisciplinary
9 Personality Mediated Career Development under Islamic Work Ethics in Pakistani Religious Schools. (European online journal of natural and social sciences, Volume 4, No. 4, 2015) Shakira Nazeer Articles published by refereed journals Management
10 Habiba, U., Shafeeq, S., & Arshad, R. (2024). Embodiment of Stigma and Biographical Disruption Faced by HIV Concordant Couples in Pakistan: A Phenomenological Study. Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences and Management Practices, 3(1), 92-104. Rabbia Arshad Articles published by refereed journals Y
11 Ali, U., Shahzadi, I., & Arshad, R. (2019). CAREER COUNSELING TO EXPEDITE UNIVERSITY-INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIP (UIP) AND TO HAMPER UNEMPLOYMENT1. Contemporary Issues in Business & Economics (ICCIBE) October 4-6, 2019 Tokat-TURKEY, 76. Rabbia Arshad Papers published in refereed conference proceedings International Journal
12 Shahzadi, I., Ali, U., & Arshad, R. (2019). STRUCTURAL ASSOCIATION OF ENABLERS OF MOTIVATION FOR SKILL-TRANSFER: MEDIATION OF E-LEARNER’S ACHIEVEMENT1. Contemporary Issues in Business & Economics (ICCIBE) October 4-6, 2019 Tokat-TURKEY, 61. Rabbia Arshad Papers published in refereed conference proceedings International Journal
13 ARSHAD, R., SHAHZADI, I., & Umair, A. L. I. (2019). IMPACT OF ETHICAL CLIMATE ON EXTRA-ROLE PERFORMANCE BEHAVIOR: MEDIATING ROLE OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT. Contemporary Issues in Business & Economics (ICCIBE) October 4-6, 2019 Tokat-TURKEY, 104. Rabbia Arshad Papers published in refereed conference proceedings International Journal
14 Habiba, U., Perveen, M., & Arshad, R. (2022). Causes and Repercussions of HIV among Seroconcordant Couples in Pakistan. Journal of Management Practices, Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 42-50. Rabbia Arshad Articles published by refereed journals Y
15 Why Workers Switch Industry? The Case of Textile Industry of Pakistan (2013). Asian Journal of Business Management, 5(1): 130-139. Dr. Maryam Ahmad Articles published by refereed journals Management
16 Poster Presentation, HR Audit: An evaluation of HR practices (2012). International Conference on Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Trends, Challenges and Applications, National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad Dr. Maryam Ahmad Papers and extended abstracts published in conference proceedings. (refereed on the basis of abstract) Management
17 HR Audit: An evaluation of HR practices (2012). International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, 3(8), ISSN 0976-2183 Dr. Maryam Ahmad Articles published by refereed journals Management
18 Does Human Development demand an independent policy in Pakistan? (2015) Journal of Political Studies, Vol. 22, Issue - 1, 75:86 Dr. Maryam Ahmad Articles published by refereed journals Y
19 Ahmad, M & Ahmad, S. (2018). Public-Private Partnership in Pakistan: Aptness and Impediments. International Journal of Law, Humanities & Social Science, 2(4), 39-50. Dr. Maryam Ahmad Articles published by refereed journals Public Policy
20 Ahmad, M. VIABILITY OF TAPI FOR ENERGY SECURITY OF PAKISTAN: AN ANALYTICAL STUDY (2017) Proceedings of International Conference on Inter-Regional Connectivity: South Asia and Central Asia (pp. 275-281). Lahore, Pakistan: Center of Excellence Dr. Maryam Ahmad Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Political Science
21 Ahmad, M. (2015). Politics of Policy Making in Pakistan. Politics, 1(1), 01-13. Dr. Maryam Ahmad Articles published by refereed journals Y
22 Ahmad, M., & Ashraf, W. (2021). Integrated Response to COVID-19: A Case of Good Governance in Pakistan. Journal of Politics and International Studies, 7(1), 153-166. Dr. Maryam Ahmad Articles published by refereed journals Y
23 Zia, Z., Ahmad, M., & Ashraf. W. (2020). Multidimensional Effects of Covid 19 in Pakistan: A Cross-Country Analysis. Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan, 3 (1), 2020, 788-802. Dr. Maryam Ahmad Articles published by refereed journals Y
24 Ahmad, M. (2018). “Challenges of Governance for Pakistan in China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). CPEC: Strategic Implications on Political Economy of Pakistan (pp. 69–96). ISBN: 9789699325527. Lahore, Department of Press & Publications, UOP Dr. Maryam Ahmad Contribution to edited volumes Political Science
25 Ahmad, M. CHINA-PAKISTAN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR: A TEST OF GOOD GOVERNANCE IN PAKISTAN (2016) Proceedings of International Conference on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: International Conference on CPEC (pp. 122-126). Lahore, Pakistan Dr. Maryam Ahmad Papers published in refereed conference proceedings Political Science