Virtual University of Pakistan
Department of Sociology


Sr. No. Title Author(s) Journal Category Year Volume & Issue
1 The Foundations of Democracy: A Literature-Based Examination of Qualities and Evolution Dr. Ahtasham Jan Butt, Dr. Zubaida Zafar, Dr. Shoukat Ali Contemporary Journal of Social Science Review Y 2024 2/4
2 Democratic Consolidation and Will of Civil Community: Lessons from Nigeria, South Africa and Brazil Dr. Ahtasham Jan Butt, Dr. Shoukat Ali, Dr. Zubaida Zafar Contemporary Journal of Social Science Review Y 2024 2/4
3 Sustainable Democracy and Crisis of Governance in Pakistan Dr. Ruqia Kalsoom, Dr. Zubaida Zafar, Dr. Shoukat Ali, Journal of Indian Studies Y 2024 10/1
4 Socio-Economic And Cultural Issues Faced by Disabled Population: A Case Study Of Chakwal City Sadia Jabeen, Nimra Ikhlaq International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences Y 2024
5 Caste-Based Differences in Rural Areas and Its Effect on Educational Opportunities of Youth Sadia Jabeen, Mehwish Iqbal Journal of Asian Development Studies Y 2024 13(3)
6 Impact of Social Media on Socio-Political Socialization of Youth in Pakistan Dr. Zubaida Zafar, Dr. Ruqia Kalsoom & Ms. Maria Jafar Journal of Policy Research Y 2024 10/2
7 Determinants of Maternal Health in Punjab: Evidence from Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys 2011-2014-2018. Sadia Jabeen, Sonia Omer, Ume Aiman Journal of Development and Social Sciences Y 2024 5(2)
8 Abbas S, Zakar R, Fischer F. (2024). Exploring perceptions of nursing identity construction in Pakistan: Qualitative study on self, public, and professional perspectives. Sidra Abbas, Rubeena Zakar, Florian Fischer BMC Nursing W 2024
9 Comparing Marital Satisfaction: Insights from South Asian and Middle Eastern Perspectives. Dr. Amber Asghar, Dr. Ruqia Kalsoom, Dr. Zubaida Zafar, & Dr. Hina Khan. Arbor X 2024 11/1
10 Experiences of family caregivers in dealing with cases of advanced breast cancer: a qualitative study of the sociocultural context in Punjab, Pakistan.  Sadia Jabeen, Dr. Rubeena Zakar, Muhammad Zakria Zakar & Florian Fishcer BMC Public Health W 2024
11 Role of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in Providing Health Care Services: A Case Study of Baloch Women Domestic Workers.   Ruby Baig, Sadia Jabeen, Sonia Omer Journal of Asian Development Studies Y 2024
12 The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations Dealing with Disastrous Floods in Pakistan in the Year 2022.  Sadia Jabeen, Sonia Omer & Steven Granich, Annals of Human and Social Sciences Y 2024
13 Exploring the Socio-cultural Barriers to Girls’ Education: A Qualitative Study of Parents’ Perspective of School Dropout of Girls of South Punjab. Sadia Jabeen, Sonia Omer & Asma Zafar  Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies Y 2024
14 "Political leadership: An Important determination to Politicize the state religion in Pakistan” Dr. Zubaida Zafar, IJARBAS International 2023 5/7
15 Analysing The Role of Religion in Political Structure of Pakistan Dr. Zubaida Zafar, Ms. Sheeba Irfan, Mr. Mubbshar Ali ISSRA Papers Y 2023 15/1
16 ``Socio-cultural Determinants of Domestic Violence against Women``: A Case study of Pakistan, Zubaida Zafar, Maria Jafar, Naseem Mashud, Arbor X 2023
17 Socio-Cultural Determinants of Domestic Violence against Women: A Case Study of Pakistan. Zubaida Zafar, Ms. Maria Jafar, Nasim Khan Mahsud, Arfan Latif, Nasir Iqbal, and Mazhar Islam Arbor Journal X 2023 10/2
18 `Socio-cultural Determinants of Domestic Violence against Women``: A Case study of Pakistan, Dr. Zubaida Zafar, (Principal Author), Ms. Maria Jafar (Corresponding Author) , Dr. Nasim Khan Mahsud, Dr. Arfan Latif, Dr. Nasir Iqbal, Dr. Mazhar Islam, Arbor X 2023 10/2
19 Exploring the Structural and Legal Impediments of Probation: A Case Study of the Punjab. Shoukat Ali, Zubaida Zafar, & Naeem Ghafoor Jahan-e-Tehqeeq Y 2023 6/4
20 Modi’s Urge for Hindu State: A Historical Overview of Identity Doctrine Isra Sarwar, & Zubaida Zafar. PERENNIAL JOURNAL OF HISTORY Y 2023 4/2
21 A Qualitative Study of the Female University Students’ Experiences on the Psycho-Social Consequences of Sexual Harassment. Sadia Jabeen, Sonia Omer Journal of Asian Development Studies Y 2023
22 Constraints and Challenges of Online Teaching during Covid-19. Afshan Ambreen and Sadia Jabeen International Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning Y 2023 08,1
23 Socio-Cultural And Religious Issues Faced By Pakistani Migrants In Spain. Syeda Aiman Fatima & Sadia Jabeen Pakistan Journal of Social Research (PJSR) Y 2023 05,1
24 Social Exclusion and Mental Health Issues of Transgender Community in Lahore City.  Syeda Narjis Sherazi, Dr. Najma Najam & Sadia Jabeen FWU Journal of Social Sciences X 2023 17,1
25 Constraints and Challenges of Online Teaching During Covid-19. Afshan Ambreen, Sadia Jabeen, Muhammad Zaheer International Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning Y 2023 08, 1
26 Abbas, S., Zakar, R., Fischer, F., & Gilani, A. (2022). Challenges perceived by nursing professionals in physician-centred organizations: an exploratory qualitative study. International nursing review, 69(3), 384-391. Sidra Abbas, Rubeena Zakar, Florian Fischer, Amir Gilani International Nursing Review W 2022 Volume69, Issue3
28 The Influence of Decision Making on Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities: A Case Study of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Shakeel Ahmad, Mazhar Islam, Muhammad Zada, Afraseyab Khattak, Rezwan Ullah, Heesup Han, Antonio Ariza-Montes, and Luis Araya-Castillo. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health W 2022 19/2
29 How Social Capital Varies With Socio-Demographic Factors In The High Mountainous Gilgit District, Pakistan? Tajir Hussain, Saira Akhtar, Shabbir Ahmad, Naima Nawaz, Aimon Aslam Rao, Munazzah Manzoor, Wajeeha Khalil, Iftikhar Ali Journal of Positive School Psychology X 2022
30 Women Protection Bill In Punjab: Current Realities And Strategies For Change Wajeeha Khalill, Aimon Aslam Rao, Munazzah ManzoorJ, Nouman Khaliq, Zaighum Aqeel Atif, Syed Ali Muneeb, Muhammad Jamil Brohi Journal of Positive School Psychology X 2022
31 Women Protection Bill in Punjab: Current Realities and Strategies for Change. Khalil, w*., A.a. rao, m. Manzor, N. Khaliq, Z.a. Atif, S.a. Muneeb, and M.j. Borhi. Journal of Positive School. x 2022 Vol. 6, NO. 11
32 How Social Capital Varies With Socio-Demographic Factors In The High Mountainous Gilgit District, Pakistan? Tajir Hussain, Saira Akhtar, Shabbir Ahmad, Naima Nawaz, Aimon Aslam Rao, Munazzah Manzoor, Wajeeha Khalil, Iftikhar Ali. Journal of Positive School Psychology x 2022 Vol. 6, No. 10
33 The Issues and Challenges Faced by Lady Health Workers in Maternal Health Care in Rural Communities: An Evidence from South Punjab.  Sadia Jabeen, Sonia Omer Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies Y 2022
34 Socio-demographic Antecedents, Intrapersonal factors and Patient Delay among Breast Cancer Cases in Punjab Province. Pakistan Sadia Jabeen & Rubeena Zakar Journal of Medical & Health Sciences Y 2022 16,4
35 Gender-Sensitive Public Policy Initiatives: An Analytical Study Of The Punjab Women Empowerment Package (Pwep) 2012–2016 . Sadia Jabeen, Sonia Omer & Muhammad Zaheer Pakistan Journal of Women’s Studies: Alam-E-Niswan Y 2022 29,1
36 Role of peer group on juvenile delinquency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan. Dr. Mazhar Islam, Dr. Fazal Hanan, Dr. Najeeb Khan, Rafeed Ullah Khan, Dr. Shahid Iqbal, Dr. Kifayatullah Khan Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry Y 2021 12/7
37 The impact of Doha peace agreement on Pakistan. Samiullah, Dr. Mazhar Islam, Sanaullah, Shakeel Iqbal, Rafeed Ullah Khan PalArch`s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology Y 2021 18/10
38 Role of Family on Juvenile Delinquency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mazhar Islam, Aisha Shoukat &Muhammad Ibrahim Pakistan Journal of Criminology Y 2021 13/3
39 A situational analysis of China role in Afghan peace process. Samiullah, Dr. Mazhar Islam, Sanaullah, Shakeel Iqbal, Rafeed Ullah Khan PalArch`s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology Y 2021 18/10
40 Windfall effects of oil and gas discovery on economic conditions in District Karak, Pakistan. Rafeed Ullah Khan, Dr. Mazhar Islam, Dr. Najib Khan, Dr. Fazal Hanan, Shakeel Iqbal, Dr. Shahid Iqbal Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry Y 2021 12/8
41 Impacts of power-distance on political activism, political apathy: sports and Islamic perspective: A survey of faculty members from Gomal University, D.I. Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Dr. Muhammad Aslam, Dr. Noor Muhammad Marwat, Muhammad Wajeeh ud Din Nouman, Dr. Mazhar Islam, and Rashid Mehmood Arain Linguistica Antverpiensia W 2021 3
42 Ignorance to law fails the social inclusion of disabled persons. Shakeel Ahmad, Imran, Mazhar Islam, Noor Muhammad Marwat, Rais Gul, Rahman Ullah, Naqeeb Hussain Shah, Nasir Iqbal, Fazal Hanan, and Kifayatullah Khan. Oeconomia Copernicana X 2021 12/3
43 Social Darwinism In Burnt Shadows By Kamila Shamsie. Afza Sabir, Dr. Mazhar Islam, Dr. Fazal Hanan Linguistica Antverpiensia W 2021 3
44 Familial Role Impediments towards Women Shares in Inheritance Based Agricultural Land Distribution Practices in Pukhtun Society. Shahid Rehman, Shakeel Ahmad, Naqeeb Hussain Shah, Faisal Mehmood, Henna, Mazhar Islam, Rahman Ullah Indian Journal of Economics and Business X 2021 20/3
45 Umbrella of China Pakistan Economic Corridor Influence on Local Business Industries and Trade Balance: A mediation Analysis in Special Economic Zone of Hattar. Faisal Mehmood, Naqeeb Hussain, Henna, Akhtar Munir, Nazir Ullah, Mazhar Islam, Shakeel Ahmad Indian Journal of Economics and Business X 2021 20/4
46 Socio-Economic Constraints for Women Regarding Food Security Munazzah Manzoor, Aimon Aslam Rao,Wajeeha Khalil, Shabbir Ahmad Indian Journal Of Economics and Business X 2021
47 Socio- Economic Constraints for Women Regarding Food Security, Indian Journal of Economics and Business. Manzor, M., A. Aslam, Wajeeha Khalil, S.Ahmad And Z.Mhamood. Indian Journal of Economics and Business X 2021 Vol20(04)
48 Elahi, M. M., Ishaq, M., Chaudhary, N. A., & Butt, M. S. Cause of Resistance to Social Distancing in the Wake of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Pakistan. A Qualitative Study in Lahore, Pakistan. Moazzam Elahi Articles published by refereed journals Y 2021
49 Gender Mainstreaming in Education: An Overview of Educational Policies of Pakistan Sonia Omer, Sadia Jabeen. Abrar International Review of Social Sciences Y 2021
50 Books Sadia Jabeen and Aisha M.Din Recent Developments in Individual and Organizational Adoption of ICTs Chapter 2021
51 Abbas, S., Zakar, R., & Fischer, F. (2020). Qualitative study of socio-cultural challenges in the nursing profession in Pakistan. BMC nursing, 19, 1-7. Sidra Abbas, Rubeena Zakar, Florian Fischer BMC Nursing W 2020 Volume 19 (1):1-7
52 Socio-Cultural Determinants of Honor Killing in Pakistan Shoukat Ali, Arfan Latif & Zubaida Zafar Journal of Indian Studies Y 2020 6/1
53 Demand-and supply-side factors associated with the use of contraceptive methods in Pakistan: a comparative study of demographic and health surveys, 1990–2018. Sadia Jabee, Adnan Rathore,Maria Riaz, Dr.Rubeena Zakar, Florian Fisher BMC Women`s Health W 2020
54 Applying socioecological framework to acid attack violence: an exploration of inhabitant factors Sadia Jabeen and Maria Riaz Journal of interpersonal violence W 2020
55 Situational Analysis of Teacher Capacity Building Paradigm in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa–Pakistan. Mazhar Islam, Prof. Dr. Mussawar Shah, Dr. Saima Sarir, and Prof. Dr. Abbas Ullah Jan. Indian Journal of Science and Technology X 2019 12/46
56 Allama Muhammad Iqbal in Politics of the Indian Sub-continent Isra Sarwar & Zubaida Zafar Journal of Indian Studies Y 2019 5/2
57 Religion and Politics in Pakistan: A Historical Analysis of Islamization Zubaida zafar & Dr. Umbreen Javaid , The Journal of Political Science Y 2019 37
58 Modernization and Status of the Aged People in South Asia: A Mixed Methods Investigation from Pakistan   Arfan Latif, Shoukat Ali & Zubaida Zafar, J Journal of Indian Studies Y 2019 5/1
59 Bonding between Parent’s Qualification and Academic Achievement of School Going Children. Tariq Aziz, Zaki Ullah Khan, Wasif Ali, Acedamic Journal of Social Sciences (AJSS) Y 2018 2/1
60 Impact of South Asian Regional Disintegration on SAARC: A Comparison with ASEAN Shoukat Ali & Zubaida Zafar, Book Book 2018
61 Regional integration of South Asia: Analysis of the Indian Hegemony over SAARC Zubaida Zafar & Shoukat Ali, Book Book 2018
62 Kashmir an Ethno-Religious Issue: Apprehensions for Pakistan and India, Shoukat Ali, Zubaida Zafar & Nosheen Khalid, Book Book 2018
63 Kashmir and Regional Security of South Asia Zubaida Zafar & Shoukat Ali, Book Book 2018
64 Origin of "Hindutva" and Its Reflections in Modi`s Doctrine  Zubaida Zafar, Shoukat Ali & Sheeba Irfan  Journal of Indian Studies Y 2018 4/2
65 Extent and Magnitude of Child Labor in South Asia: Analyzing the Worst Forms of Child Labor in Pakistan   Arfan Latif, Shoukat Ali & Zubaida Zafar: Journal of Indian Studies Y 2018 4/2
66 Education System of Pakistan: Social Functions and Challenges  Zubaida Zafar & Shoukat Ali, Journal of Indian Studies Y 2018 4/1
67 Ethnicity in Afghanistan: Pakistani Factor Shoukat Ali, Zubaida Zafar & Mussarat Journal of Indian Studies Y 2017 3/2
68 An Analytical Study of Conflict and Democracy in Bangladesh  Zubaida Zafar & Shoukat Ali Journal of Indian Studies Y 2017 3/2
69 Reviewing the Birth of Bangladesh: Analyzing the Role of Big Powers  Shoukat Ali, Zubaida Zafar & Muhammad Waqas Gond Journal of Indian Studies Y 2017 3/1
70 Workplace Harassment: Psychological Effects and Coping Strategies in Public and Private Organizations of Lahore-Pakistan Nighat Yasmin, Sadia Jabeen FWU Journal of Social Sciences X 2017
71 Does internal migration make difference? An in-depth study to explore the change in socio-economic status and gender relations between internal migrant families. Sadia Jabeen, Wajid Tahir, Ghulam Murtaza Sahito FWU Journal of Social Sciences X 2017
72 Role of Economic Position and Electronic Media on Juvenile Delinquency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Mazhar Islam, Mushtaq Ahmad Jadoon,Intikhab Alam & Adnan Ashraf Pakistan Journal of Criminology Y 2016 8/3
73 Socio-Economic and Political Causes of Child Labor: The Case of Pakistan Zubaida Zafar, Isra Sarwar, Syed Imran Haider Global Political Review Y 2016 1/1
74 Women Empowerment in South Asia: The Role of Education in Empowering Women in India Zubaida Zafar Journal of Indian Studies Y 2016 2/2
75 Education Systems of South Asia: A Study of Indian Education System  Zubaida Zafar Journal of Indian Studies Y 2016 2/1
76 An analysis of operative capacity of non-governmental organizations in Southern region of Punjab Province, Pakistan Sadia jabeen, Nighat Yasmin . Community Development Journal W 2016
77 Exploring Karl Marx conflict theory in education: Are Pakistani private schools maintaining status quo? Sonia Omer, Sadia Jabeen Bulletin of Education and Research Y 2016
78 E-Educators’ Perspective on ICT and Its Social Implications. Sadia Jabeen, Afshan Ambreen, Asma Zafar PUTAJ Humanities & Social Sciences Y 2016
79 E-Educators’ Perspective on ICTs Its Implications. Sadia Jabeen, Afshan Ambreen and Asma Zafar PUTAJ Humanities Sciences X 2016 23,1
80 The Role of Family in Teaching Religious and Moral Values to their Children in Urban areas: A Case Study of Lahore (Pakistan). Sadia Jabeen, Sonia Omer Journal of Pakistan Vision Y 2015 16, 1
81 Gender Discrimination in Curriculum: A Reflection from Punjab Textbook board. Sadia Jabeen, Abdul Qayyum, Sonia Omer Bulletin of Education and Research. Y 2014 36, 1.
82 E-Learners’ Perception Regarding Academic Usability of Networking Sites. Afshan Ambreen, Asma Zafar and Sadia Jabeen Indian Journal of Open Learning Y 2014 23, 3.
83 Scenario Based Assessment Exercises and Perceived Learning of Mass Communication Students. Aisha M.Din and Sadia Jabeen AAOU Journal Y 2013
84 Rife Manifestations of Gender Segregation in Indian Society: Evidence from Textbooks. Umbreen Javaid, Sadia Jabeen, Sonia Omer South Asian Studies Y 2012 27, 1.