VU Virtual University of Pakistan
Department of Mathematics



To provide accessible and flexible distance learning opportunities that enable students to pursue their mathematical education regardless of geographical or socioeconomic barriers.


The Department of Mathematics, established in 2016, is a cornerstone of the Faculty of Science and Technology. Offering a comprehensive BS degree in Mathematics and an ADP in Science, our department is deeply interconnected with various disciplines, including Statistics, Computer Science and Information Technology, Bioinformatics, and Management.

Our primary objective is to nurture a new generation of skilled mathematicians, innovative researchers, and inspiring educators who will significantly impact the intellectual and academic landscape of our nation. At the core of our mission is our dedication to providing students with a robust platform to enhance their understanding of Mathematics and its diverse applications.

Through an integrated approach, our students adeptly utilize a wide array of mathematical tools to tackle complex problems spanning multiple domains. Our rigorous academic curriculum prepares alumni to assume diverse roles in academia and research, equipped with the knowledge and skills honed through their comprehensive education.

We are committed to fostering a culture of excellence and intellectual engagement, ensuring that our alumni continue to uphold the department's legacy of academic distinction.

Incharge’s Message

Dear Students,

Greetings from the Department of Mathematics.

I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of my Department at our prestigious e-learning University that is based completely on modern Information and Communication Technologies. As the department Head, I'm dedicated to creating a culture that values critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, and a love of Mathematics and all its infinite potential.

We aim for excellence in both teaching and learning in our department. In addition to being authorities in their domains, our committed faculty members are devoted to mentoring and encouraging you throughout your academic career. We are here to inspire, challenge, and empower you whether you are just beginning to explore Mathematics or are exploring more complex subjects.

Our goal is to give you a rich and interesting online learning experience while we navigate the constantly changing world of e-learning by using modern ICT with content developed by top experts of their respective fields. Our e-class rooms (student-teacher interaction) are made to be participatory, team-based, and adapted to the needs of different types of students from all over the country. We invite you to actively engage in conversations, ask questions in both MDBs and Support/Ticketing systems, when necessary, and take advantage of the fascinating potential that technology presents for the field of Mathematics education.

I strongly advise you to take full advantage of all the resources at your disposal, such as online courses, discussion boards, and extra readings for an enhanced learning experience. Keep in mind that learning is a shared adventure, and we are here to help you along the way.

Please don't hesitate to contact me or any other member of the department with any queries, worries, or just to talk about your interests in academia. Let's explore, learn, and become experts in the interesting field of Mathematics together.

I hope your university year is fruitful and rewarding.

Dr Shahzad Faizi

Head, Department of Mathematics
Virtual University of Pakistan




Degree Programs


Active Students


Total Graduates





Faculty Members of the Department

The Department of Mathematics comprises 39 faculty members, consisting of 21 males and 18 females. Our faculty includes one Associate Professor, nine Assistant Professors, 16 Lecturers, and 13 Instructors. Among them, 12 hold PhD degrees, and ten are currently pursuing doctoral studies.

Academic Programs

We offer both a 4-Year undergraduate degree program and a 2-Year associate degree program tailored to meet the needs of students upon completion of their intermediate or equivalent studies. Our comprehensive programs afford students the opportunity to delve into various facets of Mathematics, fostering the development of critical thinking skills essential for successful careers in academia, industry, and beyond.

Research and Innovation

Our department is leading the University in research contributions, boasting faculty expertise in specialized areas such as algebra, analysis, geometry, and computational Mathematics. Through collaborative efforts within the department and across disciplines, our faculty members are actively tackling intricate mathematical challenges and making noteworthy advancements in their respective fields.

Student Support and Engagement

We are committed to fostering student success through our distance learning platform and beyond. Our department offers a comprehensive range of resources and support services, including tutoring, advising, and research opportunities, to help students excel academically. Additionally, we organize various extracurricular activities such as student seminars, math competitions, and networking events to promote a vibrant sense of community and engagement among our students.