VU Virtual University of Pakistan
Department of Sociology

News & Events

Published On:  Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Pink Ribbon Day arranged at Lahore office

The Department of Sociology, Psychology and Mass Communication observed Pink Ribbon Day at LRO on October 30, 2019. Pink Ribbon Food Bazar was arranged as a fund-raising activity for the noble cause to support the cancer patients.

Mr. Naeem Tariq (Rector VUP) was the chief guest of the event. Dr. Mohsin Javed (Registrar VU) Dr. Syed Abdul Majid (Director QEC, VUP), Dr. Najma Najam (Advisor VU) and Dr. Munawar Mirza (Advisor Education) also attended the event and appreciated this fund raising activity. Different stalls were arranged. The basic purpose to arrange these stalls was to collect donations for the deserving cancer patients. All faculty members and employees of LRO donated and participated in the event enthusiastically.

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