VU Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University

  • VKHI01-Karachi
  • VFSD01- Faisalabad
  • VRWP01-Rawalpindi
  • VMTN01-Multan
  • VPSW01-Peshawar
  • Mobile Lab
  • Smart Lab

Laboratories Facilities

S.N. Facilities (available) Can be used for
1. High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge DNA/ RNA extraction, Genotyping, SNP/ Mutation analysis, Cloning, Molecular Evolution and Comparative Genomics
2. Shaking water bath
3. Vortex
4. Gel electrophoresis (Horizontal gel)
5. SDS-PAGE (Vertical gel)
6. PCR (Thermocycler)
7. Gel Documentation/ imaging system Imaging of DNA/ RNA amplifications
8. PCR Workstation Gene expression studies
9. Real Time PCR (RT-PCR)
10. Spectrophotometer Quantification, Biodegradation analysis, bacterial growth kinetic analysis
11. ELISA reader Viral detection, quantification and antibody titers measurement
12. Incubator Various Microbiological studies
13. Hot air oven
14. Autoclave
15. Laminar Flow Hood Aseptic Cell Culturing
16. Refrigerators Sample, chemicals storage
17. Water Distillation Unit Support in lab research
18. Microwave oven Support in lab research
19. Micropipettes (various sizes) Support in lab research
20. Dissolved Oxygen Mater Soil and water analysis
21. Temperature and conductivity meter Soil and water analysis
22. pH Meter Solutions preparation
23. Microscopes (USB- Digital) Microorganism studies
24. Liquid Nitrogen Cylinder Tissue grinding and storage
25. RFID Readers and Tags Animal tagging