VU Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University


Department of Sociology aims to develop an understanding and awareness among the students about trends of society and social issues through variety of courses which are specifically designed to enhance their knowledge in the field of Sociology. The mission of the Department of Sociology is to promote deeper understandings of fundamental concepts of Sociology and equip students with conceptual tools and scientific knowledge to improve the ability of the students to interpret the dynamics of varying human behavior and society. The variety and depth of courses in Sociology allow students to develop a comprehensive understanding of how the social world works, and how this knowledge can be applied to a diversity of social issues. The graduates of the department have a limitless career potential, not only in social sector but also in public and private sectors. The department also prepares the students for the challenges of globalization by imbibing in them analytic problem-solving, critical thinking, innovation, creativity, leadership, collaboration, multiculturalism and effective communication skills.

Why choose Sociology at VU ?

Our students at the department of Sociology, develop adequate research skills through rigorous online training of Quantitative and Qualitative research methods. Our national and international students achieve exceptional grades through continuous student-teacher interaction. Practical skills are developed in the students to enable them for the competitive job market through internship in NGOs and INGOs. By practical implementation of the knowledge, we enable students to make change-oriented contributions in the society.

Scope of Sociology

The Sociology graduates of Virtual University of Pakistan have the capacity to serve at different public and private sector organizations, teaching institutes, research centers and planning divisions at provincial and national levels.