Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University

Adjunct Faculty Profile

1. Dr. Junaid Zaidi & 2. Dr. Ataullah Kalim
1. University of Birmingham, England (UK), 2. University of Essex, Colchester, UK

1. Ph.D (Optimization of Algorithms on Networking) , 2. Ph. D ( Fluid Mechanics )



  Study Approach


What should you do to learn?

  • Read the text, watch the lectures and more you have to need just by attempting the exercises.
  • You will need to read the passages from Vu handouts and recommended books and work through example step by step. This kind of reading required by any deep and technical content, takes attention, patience and practice.
  • Do the assignment and quiz and see furthermore the assignments solutions, keeping the following principles in mind :

            a). sketch diagram whenever possible.

            b). Write your solution in connected step by step logical fashion as if you were solving problems

           c). Think about why each exercise there .Why was it assigned? How is it related to   the other assigned exercises?

  • Try on your own to write short descriptions of the key points each time you complete a section of the text. If you succeed, you probably understand the material. If you do not, you will know where there is a gap in your understanding.

Learning Numerical Analysis is a process… does not come all at once. Be patient, persevere, ask questions at Moderate Discussion Board .discuss ideas and solve assignments and see help when you need it.