VU Virtual University of Pakistan
Department of Mass Communication
Ahmer Safwan
Department of Mass Communication
Faculty of Arts

M.Phil (Mass Communication)

Advertising, Political Communication, Social Media, Journalism and Communication
Mr. Ahmer Safwan is currently working as a Lecturer in the Department of Mass Communication at the Virtual University of Pakistan. Before Joining VU, he served as a Visiting Lecturer of Journalism and Media Studies for a few years at Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan. He also served as a part-time tutor in the Department of Mass Communication at Allama Iqbal Open University for the subject of ‘Reporting.’ Besides this, he is doing Ph.D. in Mass Communication with a research focus on Social Media Influencers. Mr. Safwan has been engaged in academic research activities since 2018. His research interests include advertising, new media, health communication, journalism and democracy, peace and conflict journalism, political communication, war and media reporting, and Mass Communication in general. He got an opportunity to be a reviewer of various HEC-recognized national and international journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. He has published research studies of journalism and communication in HEC-recognized journals. In 2022, he contributed a chapter in the book of renowned publisher Routledge, named The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism, related to the area of war reporting. He has also been a part of a funded research project by UNICEF related to health communication. He worked as Communication Officer in the private healthcare organization, utilizing his skills and expertise in all areas of organizational communication, including announcements, memos, and effective communication activities for customers and stakeholders. Additionally, he also performed various tasks related to centralized call center operations.
Honors And Awards
Year: 2018
Category: -
Appealing Factors of Transit Advertisement as Outdoor Media: Analysis of Public Perception in Southern-Punjab.
Year: 2019
Category: Y
Portrayal of civil and military leadership of Pakistan: Content analysis of Newspapers of UK and USA during PPP regimes -- Journal of Humanities, Social and Management Sciences (JHSMS)
Category: Y
Online media advertising and buying behavior of consumers: A systematic review - Pakistan Journal of Media Sciences
Category: Y
Public Perception and Attitude towards Transit Advertisement as Outdoor Media Platform: Investigating Age and Gender-based Associations - Annals of Social Sciences and Perspective
Category: Book Chapter (X eqv.)
"News Reporting of Pakistan and the War on Terror" published in the Routledge Companion to News and Journalism
Category: Y
Image of Civil and Military Establishment of Pakistan in Perspective of Combating Terrorism and Extremism: A Qualitative Analysis of Mainstream British and American Print Media - Pakistan Journal of Media Sciences
Category: Y
Exploring Post-9/11 Media Narratives: A Review of Pakistan’s Portrayal in the Context of Terrorism - International Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities'