VU Virtual University of Pakistan
Department of Mass Communication
Aisha Muhammad Din
Department of Mass Communication
Faculty of Arts

M.Phil (Mass Communication)

Mass Communication
Aisha Muhammad Din has been serving as Lecturer Mass communication in Virtual University of Pakistan since January 24, 2011. She has served the same University as Instructor Mass communication from November 01, 2006 to January 23, 2011. Before joining Virtual University she served at GC University Faisalabad as Lecturer Mass Communication for about one year. During her stay at GC University Faisalabad she has taught various Mass communication courses at post graduate level. She holds a Masters degree in Mass Communication with specialization in Public Relations and Advertising from University of the Punjab, Lahore. She has also been engaged in writing articles in national newspapers.
Lecturer Mass Communication
Virtual University of Pakistan
From Jan 24, 2011 To present
Instructor Mass Communication
Virtual University of Pakistan
From Nov 01, 2006 To Jan 23, 2011
Lecturer Mass Communication
GC University, Faisalabad
From Nov 17, 2005 To Oct 30, 2006
Category: Social Sciences
Narjis Sherazi, Aisha Muhammad Din, & Asma Zafar, (2023). Psycho-Social State and Coping Strategies of Childless or Infertile Women: A Qualitative Study. Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 5(01), 76-85.
Category: E-Learning
Nadia Saleem, Aisha M Din, Saba Sadiq, Masroor Ahmed, (2018). “MDB as an Effective Platform of Communication between Students and Teachers A Study of the Virtual University of Pakistan.” International Journal of Research in E-learning. Vol 4(2), 20
Category: Mass Communication
Aisha Muhammad Din, Ayesha Shahid & Muhammad Abrar (2021). Use Of Constructive Approach In Talk Shows: A Case Of Post Corona Raised Social, Economic And Religious Issues In Pakistan. Journal of Media Studies Vol. 36(1): January 2021 pp.01-22
Category: E-Learning
• Sadia Jabeen, Aisha Muhammad Din, Muhammad Farhan Sadiq. 2020. Chapter name: “Student Satisfaction From E-Learning Systems: The Assessment of Perceived Benefits, Conceivable Risks, and Prospective Implications” in the book Recent Developments in In
Category: Social Sciences
An article entitled “Communication barriers in e-learning” published in Entrepreneurial Tutors.Vol.01 (10).
Category: Social Sciences
Article entitled "Is advertising exploiting youth" Published in daily The Post
Category: Social Sciences
An article entitled “What it takes to produce a good drama” published in Entrepreneurial Tutors.Vol.01 (06).
Category: Social Sciences
Article entitled "A Wake-up Call" Published in The Post, Lehore.
Category: Online Learning
Students' Satisfaction from E-Learning System: A Case Study of Virtual University of Pakistan Volume 6: 2 Issues (2014) International Journal of E-Adoption (IJEA)
Category: Online Learning
Eliminating educational Inequality through e-learning: the case of Virtual University of Pakistan published in Open Praxis, Vol 6, No 4 (2014), the journal of International Council for Open and Distance Education – ICDE)