Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University
Amina Tabassum
Department of Economics
Faculty of Arts

M.Phil (Economics)

Miss Amina Tabassum has been working as an Instructor (Economics) in the Department of Economics, Virtual University of Pakistan since November, 2010. She obtained M.Phil degree and Master's degree in Economics from Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. Currently, she is doing PhD Economics from Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad. Her area of interest is International Economics and Macroeconomics.
Instructor (Economics)
Virtual University of Pakistan
From Nov 12, 2010 To present
Honors And Awards
Five days training course on Food Security -Issues and Mitigation strategies held at AHKNCRD, Islamabad dated September 26-30,2022.
Year: 2022
Participation in Seminar on Chinese Economic Development Model and CPEC held on 25 August 2021.
Year: 2021
Participation in one Day Webinar on Governance in the Era of Covid-19: Disease Prevention, Economic Management & Budgeting
Year: 2021
Participation in one Day Webinar on Socio-economic Challenges of Covid-19 and Sustainable Response towards “New Normal”
Year: 2021
Participation in Two-days workshop on "Assessment in E-Learning and Quality Assurance Challenges" organized by Virtual University of Pakistan and Commonwealth of Learning Canada
Year: 2021
Participation in one day webinar on Self-Growth and Self Exploration: New Avenues in Positive Psychology during COVID 19 Pandemic
Year: 2020
Participation in Two-days workshop on "Quality Assurance in E-Learning" organized by Virtual University of Pakistan and Commonwealth of Learning Canada
Year: 2020
Attended webinar on the topic “Post Budget Analysis 2020 And Economic Impact of Covid-19”
Year: 2020
Attended International Conference on Collective Action for Knowledge Economy with Technology (CAKE-TECH) 25-26 February, 2019
Year: 2019
International Symposium on Technology Entrepreneurship and Incubation in Islamabad on the 19th and 20th of Aug, 2016.
Year: 2016
Islamic Banking Seminar by VU February 11, 2016.
Year: 2016
Workshop on Application of STATA for Survey Datasets from Jan 27,2016 to August18,2016 (18 sessions)
Year: 2016
Indigenous On campus Training phase II sponsored by HEC dated 26-28 October, 2015.
Year: 2015
8 Training sessions on Time series analysis by Trends dated February 25-June 11, 2015.
Year: 2015
Seminar on “Manage your work, Manage your Life" organized by Virtual University in collaboration with Evolve Nurturing Future & PIE
Year: 2014
’’IBM SPSS Certification Preparatory Course’’, organized by RCTD (Research Centre for Training and Development) on 19-20 September, 2014.
Year: 2014
Attended workshop on Test Item Development (Bloom’s Taxonomy) Organized by Virtual University of Pakistan
Year: 2014
Category: Labor Economics
Batool, S. A., Tabassum, A., & Saghir, S. (2019). Dynamics of Female Labor Force Participation in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 39(3), 751-762.
Category: Social Issues
Amina Tabassum and Zafar Iqbal (2017) "Causes of Late Marriages in Pakistan: A Survey Based Analysis", Journal of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Research, 6(1).
Category: Online Learning of Economics
Samina Saghir, Kanwal Zahid, Amina Tabassum, Zafar Iqbal, Munazza Ahmed and Hira Liaquat (2016), “Challenges in the Online Learning of Economics”, ASEAN Journal of Open Distance Learning, 8(2),55-66.
Category: Labor Economics
Amina Tabassum, Samina Saghir and Kanwal Zahid (2017), “Determinants of Labor Force Participation of Females in Pakistan” presented in SAICON (9th South Asian International Conference) held on August 23-25, 2017.
Category: Macroeconomics
Amina Tabassum and M. Tariq Majeed (2008), “Economic Growth and Income Inequality Relationship:Role of Credit Market Imperfection”, Pakistan Development Review, 47:4, pp. 727–743.