Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University
Dr. Ambreen Anjum
Associate Professor (Incharge)
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Arts

PhD (Psychology)

industrial and organizational psychology, Workplace harassment, bullying,Psychometrics
Official Email
Contact +92 (42) 111 880 880 (Ext: 4718)
Dr. Ambreen Anjum has joined the Department of Psychology at Virtual University as an Associate Professor. She has fifteen years of university teaching experience. She is a member of various academics and research bodies. She has also worked as a master trainer at higher education commission Islamabad. Organizational Psychology, workplace harassment and bullying are her areas of interest. She has also worked on the psychometrics including scale construction, translation, linguistic validation and adaptations. She has supervised around 70 MS thesis. Ph.D. students are also working under her supervision. She is also serving as an international as well as national reviewer for different journals. She has around 30 publications with cumulative impact factor of 12.866 and high H index citations on her credit. Her aim is to bring closer international psychology to her country and strive opportunities to uplift field of psychology in Pakistan.
Associate Professor
Virtual university of Pakistan
From Dec 01, 2021 To present
Assistant Professor
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
From Dec 18, 2016 To Dec 01, 2021
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
From Oct 26, 2006 To Dec 18, 2016
Honors And Awards
Certificate of merit in M.Sc Psychology from Bahaudddin Zakariya University Multan.
Year: 2003
Certificate of merit in Bachelor from Government College for Women Khanewal.
Year: 2000
Head girl award from Government College for Women Khanewal
Year: 2000
Certificate of merit in intermediate from Government College for Women Khanewal.
Year: 1998
Paper presented as first author “Workplace Harassment, Employees’ Health and Coping Strategies”. 1st international multidisciplinary conference on sustainable development:Avenue for knowledge and research collaboration, Turbat University Balochistan
Paper Presented as first author “Impact of Distance Learning on Psychological and Physical Health of Students and the Use of Coping Strategies” International Conference on Strengthening Teaching and Research Capacity: Collaborative Partnership in S
Workplace bullying and physical health of teachers working in higher education institutes.
Mental health challenges, academic performance and coping strategies of online learning students  Turkey
Category: IF2.26
Alexithymia, Posttraumatic Growth, and Life Contentment among Cardiac Sufferers
Category: y
Translation and Validation of Turnover Intention Scale on a Pakistani Sample
Category: IF 0.781
Bacteriological Profile and Drug Resistance Pattern of Isolates of ICU Patients In Hospital Of Peshawar. Pakistan medical journal
Category: IF 2.26
The Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Uncontrolled Hypertension among Antihypertensive Medicines Taking Patient
Category: IF0.15
Fear of Childbirth: Wellbeing and Partner Support in First-time Pregnant Women.Journal of the Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences
Category: Y
Ambreen Anjum, Mamoona Mushtaq, Tayyaba Noor, Iram Jahangir, Nageen Maryam SEQUELAE OF TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY Palarch 19(1)2022
Category: Y
Nasar, M., Maqbool, R., Rafiq, M., Anjum, A., Qamar, S., & Ahmed, M. Alexithymia, posttraumatic growth, and life satisfaction among cardiac patients. Pakistan Journal of Medical Research. Accepted
Category: Y
Anjum, A & Atif, M. The hospital environment, mental health and turnover intention among doctors of Lahore. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal. Accepted
Category: Y
Anjum, A.,Shoukat. A., Jaffar, M. (2022).Mental health, death anxiety and religious coping among Covid-19 patients.Harf-o- Sukhan, 6(1), 88-96.
Category: Y
Shoukat. A., Jaffar, M., Anjum, A. (2022). Religion with lens of mysticism amid inhabitants of desert: a study of Cholistan. Jahan e Tahqeeq. 5(1), 42-51.
Category: Y
Shoukat.A., Jaffar, M., Anjum, A. (2022). Social protection sources and coping strategies adopted by religious minority women in Pakistan. Harf-o- Sukhan, 1(6),97-111
Category: IF 0.81
Kausar. Y., Anjum, A., Yasmeen, K.Ambreen, S., Tawakal.(2011). Impact of Workers’ Remittances on Private Investment and total Consumption in Pakistan. International journal of accounting and finance 1,173-174.
Category: IF. 0.876
Anjum, A., Kausar. Y., Yasmeen, K. (2011). Bullying at work: a comprehensive definition and consequences based on an empirical study. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 1(1), 80-88.
Category: Y
Yasmeen, K., Anjum, A., Zahra, Z., Yasmeen, K. (2011). Minority Parents’ characteristics and Choice of Religious Verses Non-Religious Schools. International Journal of Industrial Marketing. 2(1).
Category: IF. 0.876
Anjum, A., Kausar.Y., Khan, B. (2011). Performance appraisal systems in public sector universities of Pakistan. International Journal of Human Resource Studies. 1(1), 41-51.
Category: Y
Anjum, A., Shoukat, A. (2013).Workplace bullying: Prevalence and risk groups in a Pakistani sample. Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 3(2), 92-97.
Category: Y
Anjum, A., Kausar. Y., Yasmeen, K. (2011). Role Model has Impact on Fan’s Social view, Political view, educational level, motivation and thoughts. International journal of industrial marketing. 1(1).79-87.
Category: Y
Anjum, A., Muazzam, A. (2018). Workplace Bullying and Turnover Intention among University Teachers. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. 5(2), 51-62
Category: Y
Anjum, A., Tahir, A., Ahamad, W. (2017). Cognitive sequelae of traumatic frontal lobe injury: Pakistan armed forces medical journal Rawalpindi, 67 (4), 587-92.
Category: Y
Anjum, A., Muazzam, A. (2018). Workplace harassment in Higher Education: A True Understanding of Phenomenon. International Journal of Educational Enquiry and Reflection, 4(1), 8-21
Category: X
Anjum, A., Muazzam, A. (2018).The Gendered Nature of Workplace Bullying in the Context of Higher Education. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. 33(2), 493-505.
Category: W IF: 2.576
Anjum, A., Muazzam, A., Manzoor, F., Visvizi, A., Nawaz, R. (2019). Mediating bullying and strain in higher education institutions: the case of Pakistan. Sustainability.11(8), 2244. doi:10.3390/su11082244.
Category: X
Anjum, A., Noor, T., Sharif, S. (2019). Relationship between parenting style and aggression in Pakistani adolescents. Khyber Medical University Journal. (2)2, 98-101. DOI: 10.35845/kmuj.2019.18568.
Category: W IF: 2.576
Anjum, A., Muazzam, A., Manzoor, F., Visvizi, A., Pollock, G., Nawaz, R. (2019). Measuring the scale and scope of workplace bullying: an alternative workplace bullying scale. Sustanabilty, 11(17), 4634.doi:10.3390/su11082244.
Category: Y
Anjum, A., Muazzam, A. (2019).Workplace bullying and physical health of teachers working in higher education institutes. Journal of Post Graduate medical institute Peshawar. 33(3), 227-230.
Category: Y
Anjum, A., Kazmi, R. (2019). Narcissism and body-esteem: Distinct motivations for selfie posting behavior among adolescents. Journal of Gender and Social Issues18(1),109-123.
Category: W IF: 2.576
Ejaz, B., Muazzam, A., Anjum, A., Pollock, G., Nawaz, R. (2020). Measuring the Scale and Scope of Social Anxiety among Students in Higher Education Institutions: an Alternative social anxiety scale. Sustainability.
Category: Y
Hassan, N., Muazzam, A., Anjum, A., (2019). Development and Validation of Scale for Neuro-Psychological and Physiological Side Effects of Interferon Therapy (NPPSI) in HCV Patients. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 17 (2), 3-12.
Category: Y
Ahmad, S., Muazzam, A., Anjum, A., (2020). Factors of obesity and personality traits among middle-aged women of Lahore. Pakistan armed forces medical journal. 70(4), 1153-57.
Category: W IF: 2.576
Ahmad, M., Muazzam, A., Anjum, A., Visvizi, A., Nawaz, R. (2020). Linking Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Talent Management: Insights from a Developing Country. Sustainability, 12, 2861; doi:10.3390/su12072861
Category: Y
Anjum, A., Jahangir, I. (2020). Fast food addiction, body esteem and psychological well- being among university students, 70(4), Pakistan armed forces medical journal.114-118.
Category: Y
Anjum, A., Shoukat, A. Muazzam, A., Ejaz, B.(2020). Emotional intelligence and life satisfaction of teachers working in special education institutions of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. 7(1), 21-27.
Category: Y
Imtiaz, T., Muazzam, A., Anjum, A. (2020). Development and Validation of Bio-psychosocial problems scale for patients with Thalassemia Major. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology18 (2).
Category: X
Mushtaq , M., Anjum, A., Butt, M. M.(2020). Nutritional, lifestyle and psychological factors as predictors of coronary heart disease. Pak Heart Journal 53 (03): 254–262
Category: Y
Mushtaq , M., Anjum, A., Butt, M. M.(2020). Stigma of disability, social phobia and self-es- teem in adolescents with physical disability. Journal of post graduate medical institute.34(2): 98-103.