VU Virtual University of Pakistan
Department of English
Sidra Mahmood
Department of English
Faculty of Arts

M.Phil (English Linguistics)

Linguistics and Literature
Ms. Sidra Mahmood is currently serving as an instructor in English Department at Virtual University of Pakistan. She has done M.A English (Linguistics and Literature) from National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad. She has completed M.A TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). Her dissertation topic is “Teaching English Idioms through Mnemonic Devices at SSC level”. She has done her B.ED from Federal College of Education Islamabad, Punjab University. She did internship as instructor in Computer Center, Govt. Viqar-un-Nisa College, Rawalpindi. She has done literary contribution in numerous magazines and daily newspapers (Daily The News, Daily Nawaiwaqt, Daily Pakistan, Phool magazine and Quami digest etc) .
Honors And Awards
Award of Certificate for presenting research paper as author
Year: 2013
Award of Certificate for attending CPD Workshop at VU Islamabad
Year: 2013
Award of Certificate and Shield for presenting research paper as author
Year: 2013
Exhibitor VU in VC Moot (VC Forum 2013) at Serena Hotel Islamabad
Year: 2013
Award of First Position Certificate for English Poetry Writing Competition held at VU
Year: 2011
Award of Special Encouragement Certificate for Short Story Writing Competition held at VU
Year: 2011
Award of Certificate for attending SPELT 26th International ELT Conference
Year: 2010
Award of Certificate for attending Workshop on “Oxford Progressive English’
Year: 2010
Award of Shield for best story writer Phool Magazine
Year: 2007
Research Paper was presented in 29th SPELT International Conference1st-3rd Nov 2013 at COMSATS Islamabad
Research Paper was presented in 2-Days International Conference 29-30 April 2013 at IIUI Islamabad