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Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) Government through the Lense of Print Media: Exploring the Predominant Narratives. Global Social Sciences Review, 9(1), 10-21 (2024)
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Islam and Muslims in the Indian Press: A Content Analysis. Pakistan Journal of Law, Analysis and Wisdom, 3(3), 109-122. (2024)
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Self-Objectification and Social Media: An Exploratory Study Using Multimedia Influence Scale Pakistan Journal of Social Research, (4) 3: 963-968 (2022)
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A Comparative Analysis of the Coverage of the Arrest of Imran Khan and the May 09 incidents (Pakistan) in Global Media. . Pakistan Journal of Law, Analysis and Wisdom. 3(1): 50-67 (2024)
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Religious minorities and the role of press in Pakistan: A case study of the Jaranwala incident. Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition, 20 (2): 142-150 (2023)
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Representation of Islam and Muslims in the Bollywood During Modi Era (2019-2022). Pakistan Journal of Law, Analysis and Wisdom, 2(03), 56–70 (2023)
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Social Media as an Extended Public Sphere: A Study of Twitter (X) in the Context of India-Pakistan Relationship. Forman Journal of Social Sciences. 3(2). (2023)
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Political Comics: An Emerging Trend in Social Media and Its Impact on Youth. Bulletin of Business and Economics, 12(3), 393-397. (2023)
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Coverage of the Arrest of Imran Khan and the Subsequent Political Unrest in Pakistan: A Thematic Analysis. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 4(4), 603-613 (2023)
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Religious Minorities in Pakistan: A Thematic Analysis of the Editorial Coverage of the Lynching of a Sri Lankan Citizen in Sialkot. Annals of Human and Social Sciences, 4(4), 127–136. (2023)
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Perception of Youth Regarding The Credibility of TV News Channels In Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 5(1): 302-307. (2023)
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The role of social media in changing the littering behavior of tourist: A perspective of the Theory of Planned behavior, Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 2 (2): 925-935 (2023)
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Grandiose Narcissism and Social Media Usage; An Exploratory Study Using the Narcissist Personality Inventory, Journal of Positive School Psychology, 7(1): 334-343 (2023)
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Social Media Consumption as a Predictor of Narcissism and Exhibitionism, Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 4(4): 717-723 (2022)
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Impact of e-Commerce on Consumer Behaviour: A Study of Online Shopping Trend Among Youth in Lahore City, Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 21(1): 883-895 (2022)
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Pattern Of Social Media Usage During Covid-19: Sentiment Analysis Of Twitter; A Study Of China, India And Pakistan, Webology, 18(6): 7887-7896 (2021)
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The Dilemma of the Partitioning of the Subcontinent 1947: A Tale of Sacrifices and Hardships of Immigrants. Turkish Journal of Qualitative Inquiry Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022)
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Turkish dramas and its effects on culture of Pakistan. Media and Communication Review, Vol 1 No 1 (2021)
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Representation of Psychological Violence against Women in TV Dramas: Perception of Young Females. Journal of Media & Communication (JMC), Volume 2.2, 143-157
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Impact of Social Media on Social Capital 3rd International Conference on "State and Society of Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities"
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Virtual Socialization; A step towards Social Transformation. Journal of Distance Education and Research (JDER) 2016; 1
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MDB as effective platform of communication between Students and Teachers; A study of Virtual University of Pakistan. International Journal of Research in E-learning (IJREL) Vol. 4 (2), 2018
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Freedom of expression in digital age; An Analysis of Twitter in Context of Pak-China Relationship. Global mass Communication Review (GMCR) , 5(4): 217-227. (2021)
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Portrayal of Islam and Muslims in western media: A study of Fox News. Global mass Communication Review (GMCR). 6(I), 108-116. (2021)
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Critical analysis of the effects of electronic media coverage during Covid-19. Psychology and Education Journal. 58(5): 3961-3972. (2021)