Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University
Published On:  Thursday, October 27, 2022
Spring 2022 semester result has been declared and published

Spring 2022 semester result has been declared and published. The students are advised to check their LMS Grade Books. 

In case of any result related query, Generate Ticket: Contact Us--->Support System--->Examinations--->Result--->Result Related Queries

Telephone: 042-99204760, 042-99203899


  1. A student who wishes to get his/her paper(s) rechecked is advised to visit the Student Services section and request for Paper Rechecking on VULMS within 7 days of the result announcement.
  2. Students whose degree requirements are complete (with the declaration of current result) but wish to improve their CGPA (under defined rules) may confirm for improvement of CGPA by sending email at by October 30, 2022. Thereafter, graduation status will be updated as per current results, and it will not be revocable in any case. The Final Transcript(s) of the successful graduates shall be issued accordingly in due course.