Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University
Published On:  Saturday, October 29, 2022
Spring 2022 Semester Result - Important Announcement

The University has a very transparent, uniform and fair grading policy which covers performances of students in all graded activities i.e., quizzes, assignments, midterm exam and final term. The weightage of semester work and midterm exams is 40% and weightage of final terms is 60%. Thus, the final grade is heavily dependent on the performance in the final term exams.  Any student failed to get good marks in the final terms may end up with D or F grade eventually. 

It is pertinent to note that the result has been computed with utmost care and data analysis and it is based on students’ performances in all graded semester activities including Assignments, Quizzes, GDBs, Mid Terms and Final Term examinations. More than 100,000 students were registered in the semester and the overall PASS percentage is around 54% excluding those who failed to appear in the final terms.

However, to eliminate the misunderstanding/confusions among students, the University is offering free of cost physical paper review option.

For this, the student(s) may generate a ticket for physical review of their paper(s) by following the below procedure in VULMS:

Log in VULMS -> Contact Us--->Support System--->Examinations--->Result--->Physical Paper Review


  1. Last date to apply for physical paper review is November 1st, 2022.
  2. No request will be entertained after the last date.

Students are encouraged to follow the proper channels and not to believe in rumors.