Virtual University of Pakistan recently celebrated the return of its cricket team following their impressive performance in their debut Higher Education Commission (HEC) Cricket Tournament. The team showcased remarkable talent and dedication, narrowly losing a close match to NUST in the latest encounter.
In a thrilling match, NUST posted a score of 184 runs, while Virtual University followed with a commendable effort, reaching 150 runs. Despite the defeat, the team won two previous matches, establishing themselves as a promising competitor in the national sports arena.
Professor Dr. Arshad Saleem Bhatti, Rector of Virtual University, extended his heartfelt congratulations to the team upon their arrival at the university’s head office. He lauded their achievements and commended their resilience and skill, particularly as Virtual University participated for the first time in this national-level tournament. “Patience and discipline are the pillars of sportsmanship,” remarked Dr. Arshad Saleem “These values are central to our players, who have demonstrated exemplary sportsman spirit throughout the competition.”
The team, comprised of players from diverse regions including Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Gilgit, and various areas across Punjab and Sindh, was warmly welcomed by the Virtual University community. The institution looks forward to further supporting its cricket team and expanding its footprint in national sporting events.