Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University


  1. The facilities allocated to VU shall be exclusively dedicated and will not be used for any other purpose. 

  2. The institution should be located in an easily accessible area. 

  3. The location, building and outlook should be well suited for the purpose of higher education. 

  4. Properly finished and maintained exterior and interiors

  5. Preferably, parking facilities should be available in the vicinity.

Specific (minimum requirements)

  1. Covered area of at least 2000 Sq. ft. of usable space;

  2. Air conditioned computer lab(s)

  3. Dedicated Server room(s)

  4. Adequate space for generator and UPS

  5. Lecture viewing areas

  6. Student discussion room(s) with adequate furniture & white board

  7. Common room(s) / waiting room(s) for female students

  8. Separate wash rooms for male and female students

  9. The PVC will have to meet all the standards relating to health and safety (cleanliness, Emergency Exits, firefighting equipment, First Aid box etc).

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