CS001: Computer Proficiency License 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction to computers, Using the computer and managing files, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Presentation, Information and communication, Web and internet
Recommended Book/Material:
Ø VU Lecture DVDs
CS101: Introduction to Computing 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction to Computer. Evolution of Computing. The World Wide Web. Computer Systems. Building a Personal Computer. Developing and Hosting a Web Page. Microprocessor. Binary Numbers & Logic Operations. Lists and Tables. Computer Software. Operating Systems. Interactive Forms. Application Software. Word Processing. Algorithms. Objects, Properties and Methods. Programming languages. Software Development Methodologies. Data Types and Operators. Spreadsheets. Flow Control and Loops. Design Heuristics. Web Design for Usability. Arrays. Computer Networks. Introduction to the Internet. Function and Variable Scope. Internet Services. Developing Presentations. Event Handling. Graphics and Animations. Intelligent Systems. Mathematical Methods. Data Management. Database Software. String Manipulations. Cyber Crime. Social Implications of Computing. Images and Animations. The Computing Profession. The Future of Computing. Programming Methodology. Review and Wrap up.
Recommended Books:
Ø Understanding Computers: Today & Tomorrow, 2000 or any latest Edition (by Deborah Morley, Charles Parker)
Ø Learn JavaScript in a Weekend, Second Edition (by Jerry Lee Ford)
CS201: Introduction to Programming 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction, Software Categories / History of C / IDE, Starting to 'C', Expressions and Operators, Decisions, Repetition Structures, Loops and Operators, Switch Statement, Functions, Arrays, Pointers, Strings, String Manipulation Functions, File Handling, Structures, Bit Manipulation, Pre-processor Directives and Macros, Dynamic Memory Allocation using C, Structured Programming, Classes and Objects, Memory Allocation in C++, Friend Functions, Reference Data Type, Arrays of Objects, Streams, Stream Manipulation, Overloading Insertion and Extraction Operators, User Defined Manipulators, Copy Constructor & Assignment Operator, Template Functions, Template Classes
Recommended Books:
Ø C++ How to Program, Third Edition by Deitel & Deitel
Ø The C Programming Language by Kernighan & Ritchie
CS301: Data Structures 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction, the Array data type, the List abstract data type (ADT), Linked lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, AVL Trees ,Huffman encoding , The Heap ADT, Priority queue implementation using the heap ADT, The Disjoint Sets ADT, The Table ADT, implementation using arrays, Skip lists, Table ADT implementation using Hashing, Collision resolution in Hashing, Other uses of Hashing, Sorting, and Selection sort, insertion sort, bubble sort algorithms, Divide and conquer strategy: merge sort, quick sort.
Recommended Books:
Ø “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++”, by Mark Allen Weiss, 2nd edition, Addison Wesley. ISBN 0-201-36122-1.
CS302: Digital Logic Design 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: An overview & number systems, Number systems & codes, Logic gates, Digital circuits and operational characteristics, Boolean algebra and logic simplification, Karnaugh map & Boolean expression simplification, Comparator, Odd-Prime Number detector, Implementation of an odd-parity generator circuit, BCD adder, 16-bit ALU, the 74xx138 3-to-8 decoder, 2-input 4-bit multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Implementing constant 0s and 1s, the gal16v8, Abel input file of a quad 1-of-4 MUX, Application of S-R Latch, Flip-Flops, the 555 Timer, Up-Down counter, Digital Clock, Shift Registers, Memory, Analog to Digital Converters
Recommended Books:
Ø “Digital Fundamentals” by Thomas L. Floyd. (Pearson Education) 8th edition.
CS304: Object Oriented Programming 03Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction, Abstraction & Inheritance, Introduction to Generalization & Specialization, Multiple Inheritance & Associations, Object-Oriented Modeling, Introduction to Objects and Classes, Constructors, Destructor, Accessor Functions & this Pointer, Constant data members & Static Variables, Constant data members & Static Variables& Array of objects, new Operator & Getter and Setter, Composition, Composition& Aggregation and Friend Functions, Operator overloading, Inheritance, Access Specifiers, Copy Constructor &Assignment Operator, Overriding, Types of Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstract & Concrete Classes, Polymorphism – Case Study, Multiple Inheritance, Generic Programming, Templates and Friends, Generic Algorithms Revisited, Cursors & Vectors, Standard Template Library, Iterators, Techniques for Error Handling
Recommended Books:
Ø C++ How to Program by Harvey & Paul
Ø Object-Oriented Software Engineering by Jacobson, Christerson, Jonsson, Overgaard (For OOP introduction and explanation)
Ø The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup (Good Book for C++ understanding)
CS401: Computer Architecture and Assembly language Programming 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Basic Computer Architecture, Intel iapx88 Architecture, Register Architecture, Addressing Modes, Address Wraparound Branching, Conditional Jumps, Unconditional Jump, Bit Manipulation, Multiplication Algorithm, Shifting and Rotations, Extended Operations, Masking Operations Subroutines, Stack, Parameter Passing Through Stack , Display Memory, Display Memory Formation, Screen Location Calculation, String Instructions STOS, LODS, SCAS, MOVS, CMPS examples
Recommended Books:
Ø Assembly Language Programming and Organization of the IBM PC By: Ytha Yu and Charles Marut
Ø Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium, Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium III, and Pentium IV: Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing By: Berry B. Brey
CS402: Theory of Automata 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Languages, Kleen Closure, Recursive Definitions, Regular Expressions, Finite and Infinite languages, Regular Languages, NonRegular Languages, Finite Automata with output, Finite Automata and their languages, Transition Graphs, Nondeterminism, NonRegular Languages, The Pumping Lemma, Context Free Grammars, Tree, Ambiguity, Pushdown Automata, Decidability
Recommended Books:
Ø Introduction to Computer theory by Daniel I A Cohen.
Ø Introduction to Languages and Theory of Computation by J. C. Martin
CS403: Database Management System 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction to Basic Database Concepts, Database Architecture, Database Planning, Conceptual Database Design, Logical Database Design, Transforming E-R Design to Relational one, Data Manipulation Languages, Normalization, Physical Database Design, Database Tools, Data Storage Concepts, Indexes and Views, Concurrency Control
Recommended Books:
Ø Database Systems Principles, Design and Implementation” by Catherine Ricardo, Maxwell Macmillan.
Ø Database Management Systems”, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, McGraw-Hill
Ø Modern Database Management”, Fred McFadden, Jeffrey Hoffer, Benjamin/Cummings
CS408: Human Computer Interaction 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction, Goals and evolution, Cognitive framework and process, Human input-output channels, Computer devices, Design principles, Interaction framework and styles, HCI process and methodologies, Requirement, Evaluation, User, Information retrieval, Emerging paradigms.
Recommended Books:
Ø Alan Dix. 2003. Human-Computer Interaction, 3rd Edition. Pearson Education.
Ø Jenny Preece. 2002. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction. Wiley.
Ø Alan Cooper. 2002. About Face 2.0: The Essentials of Interaction Design. Wiley.
CS410: Visual Programming 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: The Not So Basic C, Windows Basics, Introduction to Win32 Programming‐I, Introduction to Win32 Programming II, Windows Resources, Controls and Dialogs, Static, Button, Edit and List box controls, Keyboard, Mouse and Timers, Menu, Accelerator, Icon and String Resources, Dynamic Link Libraries, Threads, Synchronization and Synchronization Objects.
Recommended Books:
Ø Programming Windows (fifth edition) by Charles Petzold
Ø Win32 Programming by Brent E. Rector & Joseph M. Newcomer
Ø Mastering Windows 2000 Programming with visual C++ by Ben Ezzel
Ø Programming Windows 98/NT Unleashed by Viktor Toth
CS501: Advance Computer Architecture 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Distinction between Computer Architecture, Organization and design,
Levels of abstraction in digital design ,Perspectives of different people about computers, General operation of a stored program digital computer, The Fetch – Execute process, Concept of an ISA ,A taxonomy of computers and their instructions, Instruction set features, Addressing Modes, RISC and CISC architectures, Measures of performance, Introduction to the ISA and instruction formats, Coding examples and Hand assembly, Using Behavioral RTL to describe the SRC, Implementing Register Transfers using Digital Logic Circuits, Introduction to the ISA of the FALCON – A,FALCON-E,EAGLE and Modified EAGLE, The Design Process, A Uni-Bus implementation for the SRC, Structural RTL for the SRC instructions, Logic Design for the 1-Bus SRC, The Control Unit, The 2-and 3-Bus Processor Designs. The Machine Reset, Machine Exceptions, Pipelining, Microprogramming, I/O interface design, Programmed I/O Interrupt driven I/O, Direct memory access (DMA),Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division for integer unit, Floating point unit, Memory organization and design, Memory hierarchy, Cache memories, Virtual memory
Recommended Books:
Ø Vincent P. Heuring . Harry F. Jordan, Computer Systems Design and Architecture(Second Edition)
Ø William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture (6th edition).
Ø Lecture Handouts
CS502: Fundamentals of Algorithms 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Analyzing the worst-case running time of an algorithm as a function of input size, solve recurrence relations, Basics of Divide and Conquer strategy, Understand the concepts of Dynamic programming, Understand the concepts of Greedy Algorithm, Understand the concepts of Graph traversing, Understand the concepts of MST and their algorithms, Understand the algorithms for computing shortest path, Basics of Complexity theory.
Recommended Books:
Ø Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein (CLRS) 2001, Introduction to Algorithms, (2nd ed.) McGraw Hill.
CS504: Software Engineering-I 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction to Software Engineering and well engineered software, Introduction to software development, Introduction to software requirements, Levels and types of requirements Use case modeling, Documenting user requirements and use case modeling, Use case modeling ,Domain Modeling, Data flow modeling, Data flow modeling, User Interface and prototyping, Introduction to Software Design, Coupling and Cohesion, Introduction to object-oriented analysis and design, Object Oriented Analysis - Abbot's approach, Object Modeling using UML and OOD heuristics, OOD heuristics and OOA using Coad's methodology, Coad's methodology, OOA and OOD - an example using Coad's methodology, Example , Dynamic Modeling using UML Dynamic Modeling using UML, Introduction to software architecture, Software architecture - Krutchen's model, Architectural Models Architectural Models, Introduction to design patterns, Design patterns , Coding Practices for industrial strength software and style guides, Coding Practices for industrial strength software and style guides, Coding Practices for industrial strength software and style guides, Coding Practices for industrial strength software and style guides –continued, Coding Practices for industrial strength software and style guides, Coding Practices for industrial strength software and style guides, Portability, Exception handling, Introduction to software verification and validation, Introduction to software testing ,Black box testing and Equivalence partitioning White box testing, Unit testing, Inspection, Introduction to debugging, Bug classes and effective debugging ,Holistic approach to debugging
Summary and conclusion.
Recommended Books:
Ø Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, 6th Ed., Edison Wesley, 2001.
Ø Grady Booch, et. al, The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Addison Wesley, 1999.
Ø Grady Booch, Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 2nd Ed., Addisonn Wesly, 1993.
Ø 5. Erich Gamma, et. al, Design Patterns.
CS506: Web Design & Development 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction to Java, Object Oriented Programming, Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Collections, Exceptions, Streams, Abstract Classes and Interfaces, Graphical User Interface, Event Handling, Database Connectivity, Meta Data Graphics, Applets, Socket Programming, Serialization, Multithreading, Web Application Development, Servlet, Java Server Pages, Java Beans, Model View Controller, Layers and Tiers, Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library, Java Server Faces, Web Services.
Recommended Books:
Ø Core SERVLETS and JAVASERVER PAGES by Marty Hall; A Sun Microsystems Press/Prentice Hall PTR Book ISBN: 0-13-089340-4 URL: http:/www.coreservlets.com/first-edition.html,
Ø Java How to Program, Sixth Edition by Deitel & Deitel ISBN: 0-13-148398-6 URL: http://www.deitel.com/books/jHTP6/
CS507: Information Systems 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction, Information In Organizations, Organization and Information Requirement, Organizational structure, Business Environment, Information System, Component of System, Types of System Infrastructure, Online Analytical Processing, CBIS from Functional View Point, Financial Sector Application Accounting & Financial Information Systems, Critical Decisions Making, Phases of decision-making process, Planning for System Development, Systems Development Life Cycle, System Design, Incremental Model, Spiral Model, System Analysis, Analysis & Design Methods, Symbols, DFD’s, Entity Relationship Diagram, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Critical Success Factor, Security of Information System, Threat Identification, Control Adjustment, Viruses, Antivirus software Types of Controls, Audit trails and logs, Risk Management, Control Analysis, Business Continuity Planning, Web Security, Factors Encouraging Internet Attacks, E-Commerce, Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Resource Planning, Change Management, Importance of ethics in IS.
Recommended Books:
Ø Laudan & Laudan; Management Information Systems 8th edition, Turban, Rainer & Potter; Introduction to Information Technology 2nd edition.
CS508: Modern Programming Language 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction and Historical Background, An introduction to SNOBOL, Ada Language , LISP Language , Prolog Language , Java Language, C# Language , PHP Language
Recommended Books:
Ø Concepts of Programming Languages (6th Edition) by Robert W. Sebesta.
CS601: Data Communication 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction, Network Models, Signals, Digital Transmission, Analog Transmission, Multiplexing, Transmission Media, Circuit Switching and Telephone Networks , High-Speed Digital Access, Error detection and Correction, Data Link control and Protocols, Point to Point Access, Multiple Access, Ethernet, Connecting LANs, Internetworking
Recommended Books:
Ø Primary Text:Data Communications and Networking, 4th Edition (Behrouz A. Forouzan)
Ø Data and Computer Communication, 6th Edition (William Stallings)
CS602: Computer Graphics 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Graphics hardware. Fundamental algorithms. Applications of graphics. Interactive graphics programming graph plotting, windows and clipping, and segmentation. Programming raster display systems, panning and zooming. Raster algorithms and software Scan-Converting lines, characters and circles. Region filling and clipping. Two and three dimensional imaging geometry and transformations. Curve and surface design, rendering, shading, colour and animation.
Recommended Books:
Ø Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice, J. D. Foley, A. van Dam, S. K. Feiner and J. F. Hughes, Addison-Wesley ISBN: 0-201-12110-7
Ø Computer Graphics, F.S.Hill, Maxwell MacMillan ISBN: 0-02-354860-6.
CS604: Operating System 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction, Single-user systems, Operating system components and services, Operating system structures, Process concept, Inter-process communication (IPC) and process synchronization, UNIX/Linux IPC tools and associated system calls, Use of FIFOs in a program, Thread models, schedulers, Dispatcher, Algorithm evaluation, Process synchronization, The Critical Section Problem, The Bakery Algorithm, Deadlock and starvation, Deadlock handling, detections and Recovery, memory management, Paging, Memory Management in Intel 80386, Virtual Memory, Demand Paging, , Page Fault, Belady’s Anomaly, Stack Replacement Algorithms, Thrashing, File Concept, Directory Structure, File System, Mounting, File Sharing and Protection, Space Allocation Techniques, Disk Structure and Scheduling, Free Space Management
Recommended Books:
Ø Avi Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne Operating System Concepts (6th, 7th edition)
Ø John Wiley & Sons, William Stallings ,Operating Systems (5th edition)
Ø Andrew S Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems (2nd edition), Prentice Hall,
Ø Dietel and Dietel , Operating Systems (2nd , 3rd edition)
CS605: Software Engineering II 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction and overview to software development process, Software process models, Project Management Concepts, Function Point Analysis, Software Process and Project Metrics, Software Project Planning, Risk Analysis and Management, Project Schedules and Tracking, Software Quality Assurance, Formal Review techniques, The ISO 9000 quality standard, The CMM, Software Configuration Management, Requirement Management Processes, Verification and Validation, Software Re-engineering, Software Re-factoring.
Recommended Books:
Ø Software Engineering by Pressman
Ø Software Engineering by Ian Somerville
CS606: Compiler Construction 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Passes of a Compiler. Lexical Analysis, Specification of Tokens, Recognition of Tokens, Top-down Parsing, Predictive Parsing, Recursive Descent Parsing, LL Parsing, LL Pasing Table Construction, Left Factoring, Bottom-up Parsing, Shift-Reduce Parsing, LR(1) Parsing, LR(1) Canonical Collection of Items, LR(1) Parsing, Shift-Reduce Conflicts, LALR Parsing, Parser Generators – YACC, Sematic Analysis, Attribute Grammars, Ad-hoc scheme for attribute grammars, Intermediate Representation (IR), Intermediate Representation taxonomy, Syntax-directed translation: assignment statement, Code Generation, Code Optimization
Recommended Books:
Ø Compilers - Principles, Techniques and Tools'', by Aho, Sethi and Ullman, published by Addison-Wesley, 1986.
CS607: Artificial Intelligence 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Problem Solving, Genetic Algorithms, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Expert Systems, Uncertainity (Introduction, Classical sets, Fuzzy sets, Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy inference system), Introduction to Learning (Symbol-based, Connectionist, Artificial Neural Networks supervised and unsupervised), Planning, Advanced Topics (Computer vision, Robotics, Soft-computing Clustering), Conclusion.
Recommended Books:
Ø Artificial Intelligence (3rd Edition), Winston,
Ø Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving (5th Edition), George Luger,
Ø Artificial Intelligence , Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight.
CS609: System Programming 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction of System programming, Means of I/O, Interrupt Mechanism, Use of ISRs for C Library functions, TSR Programs, Interval Timer, Peripheral Programmable Interface (PPI), Parallel Port Programming, Serial Communication, COM Ports, Real Time Clock (RTC), Processor Types, Keyboard Interface, Direct Memory Access (DMA), File Systems, Hard Disk, Partition Table, File System Data Structures, FAT 12, FAT 16, FAT 32, New Technology File System(NTFS), Disk Utilities, Memory Management, Viruses
Recommended Books:
Ø PC Intern: The Encyclopedia of System Programming (6th ed.) by Michael Tischer, Bruno Jennrich
Ø Intel Micro Processor by Barry B. Bery
Ø Advanced DOS (6th ed.) Prentice Hall, Inc. by Vijay Mukhi
CS610: Computer Networks 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Define Computer Networks, name uses of Computer Networks, and list the basic components of a Network system. Describe other pieces of hardware and software which make networks more efficient, faster, more secure, easier to use, able to transmit several simultaneous messages, and able to interconnect with other networks.
Understand the basic technical concepts of Computer Networks. Be familiar with the various types of network configurations. Describe the circuits that are available for voice and data networks, their transmission speeds (bandwidth), and how they are packaged for commercial use. Understand the importance of adapting a Computer Networks offering to meet the changing and challenging networking needs of organizations. Understand how to design networks by using manual or hand calculations. Define the differences between protocols, software, and network architecture. Define the concept of local area networks and describe their use. Describe how a local area network is installed, its topologies and its protocols. Understand why networks need security and control, what errors might occur, and how to control network errors.
Recommended Books:
Ø Computer Networks and Internets, with Internet Applications by Douglas E. Comer
Ø Computer Networks by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
CS614: Data Warehousing 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Why Data Warehousing? What Is A Data Warehouse? Types and Typical Applications of DWH, De-Normalization, De-Normalization Techniques, Issues of De-Normalization, On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP), Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP), Relational OLAP (ROLAP), Dimensional Modeling, Process of Dimensional Modeling, Issues of Dimensional Modeling, Extract – Transform – Load (ETL), Issues of ETL, Data Extraction & Transformation, Data Cleansing, Data Duplication Elimination & BSN Method, Data Quality Management (DQM), Quantifying Data Quality, Total DQM, Need for speed:, Parallelism, Hardware Techniques, Conventional Indexing Techniques, Special Indexing Techniques, Join Techniques, Data Mining, What Can Data Mining Do?, Supervised Vs. Unsupervised Learning, DWH Lifecycle: Methodologies, DWH Implementation Steps, Goal Driven Approach, Pitfalls, Mistakes, Tips, AGRI-Data Warehouse Implementation case study, Web Warehousing Implementation case study, Lab and Tools, Data Transfer Service (DTS), Lab Data Set, Extracting Data Using Wizard, Data Profiling, Data Transformation and Standardization
Recommended Books:
Ø Paulraj Ponniah, Data Warehousing Fundamentals, John Wiley & Sons Inc., NY.
Ø W. H. Inmon, Building the Data Warehouse (Second Edition), John Wiley & Sons Inc., NY.
Ø A. Abdullah, “Data Warehousing for beginners: Concepts & Issues” (First Edition).
CS615: Software Project Management 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction to Project Management. Goals of Project management. Project Characteristics. Project Dimensions. Project Life Cycle. Software Development Lifecycle Models. Costs and Cost Management. Project vs. Program Management. Trade-Off Triangle. Project Management Skills. PM’s Knowledge Areas. Team leader. Leaders and Managers. Project Organization. Software Development Fundamentals. Management Fundamentals. Technical Fundamentals. Software Process Vs Software Engineering. PM Process Groups. Planning Process Tasks. Project Planning Steps. The Software Development Plan (SDP).Estimation. Decomposition Techniques. Estimation Tools. Work Breakdown Structure. Scheduling. Risk and Change Management. Software Quality. Application Tools (Microsoft Project 2000). Commissioning & Migration.
Recommended Books:
Ø Software Project Management by E.M. Bennatan
Ø Software Engineering by Roger S. Pressman
Ø A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)
Eng 001: Elementary English 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction to Journalistic Writing, Qualities of Good Writer, The Process of Writing, All about Words, Dictionary a Writer’s Language Tool, Parts Of Speech, Basic Clause Patterns, Active and Passive, Modifiers and Sentence Types, Reported speech, Grammatical Sentence –Issue, Effective Sentence, Style: Guidelines and Pitfalls, Paragraph Writing: Types and Techniques, Paragraph Writing: Types and Techniques, Essay Writing, Signal Words, Expository Writing, The Writing Styles: Report and Narrative Writing, The Writing Styles: Descriptive and Persuasive Writings, Research Writing and Documenting Sources, Summary and Precise Writing, Punctuation, Mechanics
Recommended Books:
Ø Skill Worker by Dr. Surriya Shafi Mir’s,A Practical English Grammar’ by Thompson A.J, Martinet A.V,Practical English Usage’ by Swan, Michael
ENG101: English Comprehension 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Reading and Dictionary, Pronunciation, Reading for Main Idea , References, Reading Skills, Reading and Vocabulary, Word Formation- Prefixes,
Description, Locating Information, Word Forms, Understanding Reading, Making Inferences, Assessing the Text, Evaluating Texts: Interpreting Visual Data, Cloze for Comprehension, Skimming and Scanning, Scanning and Language Functions, Classifying, Cause and Effect Relationship, Presenting Information Graphically, Writing: Sentence Types, Effective Sentences: Unity, Coherence, Emphasis, Identifying sentence errors, Revising Sentence Errors, Subject Verb Agreement, Writing, Punctuation, Paragraphs: Structural Parts, Essay Writing, Essay Content, Selecting and Researching an Essay Topic, Ways of Organizing Texts: Linear, Writing Skills, Summary Writing, Grammar and Usage: Tenses and Passive Sentences, Grammar and Usage: Word Order: Adverbs.
Recommended Books:
Ø English for Computer Science by Norma D Mullen & P. Charles Brown
Ø Skill Worker by Dr. Surriya Shafi Mir, Prof. Sabiha Mansoor, Prof. Humaira Irfan
Ø A Practical English Grammar by Thompson A.J, Martinet A.V.
Ø Practical English Usage by Swan, Micheal
ENG201: Business and Technical English 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Basics of Effective Communication, Forms of Written Communication, Letters, Report Writing, Proposals, Visual Aids Language Review, Format and Mechanics, Listening and interviewing skills, Review of the entire course content
Recommended Books:
Ø Anderson Paul V., 1994. Technical Writing: A Reader Centered Approach (2nd ed.) Harcourt Brace & Johanovich,
Ø Slides Charles H., 1984. How to Write Papers and Reports about Computer Technology. ISI Press
ENG301: Business Communication 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction to Communication, Flow of communication, Theories of Communication, The process of communication and misconceptions, Barriers in effective communication, Non-verbal communication, Traits of good communicators, Principles of business communication, Intercultural communication, Individual cultural variables, Process of preparing effective business messages, The appearance and design of business messages, Communication through technology, Basic organizational plans , Letter writing, Memorandum and Circular, Minutes of the meeting, Business reports, Market reports, Job search and employment, Resume writing, Resume and application letter, Job inquiry letter and interview, Process of preparing the interview, Oral presentation, Language practice and negotiation skill, Negotiation and listening, Thesis writing and presentation, Research methodology
Recommended Books:
Ø Murphy Herta A., Herbert W. Hildebrandt , Jane P. Thomas. 1997. Effective Business Communications (7th ed.) McGraw Hill.
Ø Bovee C.L, J.V Thill.1995. Business Communication Today. McGraw Hill.
Ø Business Communication. Munir Ahmed
ETH201: Ethics 01 Credit Hours
Course Content: The nature of ethics. The division of the subject. Theories of the Moral Standard. The standard as Law. The standard as happiness. The standard as perfection. The individual and society. Rights and duties. Moral institutions. The duties. Moral Pathology. Ethical teachings of Hinduism. Ethical teachings of Buddhism. Ethical teachings of Christianity. Ethical teachings of Islam. Ethical teachings of Islam. Islam attitude towards minorities.
Recommended Books:
Ø A Manual of ethics, John s. Mackenzie, London. University tutorial press Ltd.1962.
Ø An Introduction to Ethics, William Lillie, London, Methuen &Co Ltd.1966.
ISL201: Islamic Studies 01 Credit Hours
Course Content: Faith. Taqwa (Fear of Allah).Obedience of God. Obedience of Prophets and executive authority. Sincerity (IKHLAAS). Morality of the Prophet (S.A.W). Practical Law (Ibadat). slamic Practices . Knowledge and its Islamic concept. Knowledge and its Islamic concept. The Islamic social system. The manners of meeting and talking. Respect of parents. Brotherhood. Honesty and Obligation. Forgiveness
Recommended Books:
Ø An introduction to Islam by Prof. Dr. Hameedullah.
Ø Islamic Studies by M D Zafar
Ø Islamic Studies by Muhammad Rafiq.
Ø The ways of the holy prophet by Dr Abdul Hai Muhammad (S.A.W)
Ø Lessons in Islam by Mulana Muhammad(TA'LIMUL ISLAM) Kifayatullah
Ø Ma’ariful Hadith by Mulana Muhammad Manzoor No’mani
Ø Our socio-Economic order by Justice Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani
Ø Ma’ariful Qur’an by Mulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi
IT430: E-Commerce 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction to E-Commerce and its types, Internet and WWW Basics, Internet standards and protocols, IP addressing, Data communication on internet, Domain name system. Networking devices, Role of ISP’s on Internet. Markup languages and the Web, Web designing using HTML, CSS and Java Scripting. Introduction to Client side & server side processing, Cookies, Maintaining state in a stateless environment, two tier/n-tier architecture. Security issues on the internet. Electronic Payment Systems. E-banking and ERP. Territorial jurisdiction and conflict of laws, online contracts, online defamation, Copyright in Cyberspace. Issue of ISP’s liability, domain-name and trade mark conflicts, privacy issue on the internet, Cyber crimes.
Recommended Books:
Ø Electronic Commerce (4th edition), Gary P. Schneider.
Ø Electronic Commerce : Security, Risk Management and Control, Greenstein and Feinman.
Ø Electronic commerce : A Managerial Perspective , Turban et al.
Ø Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Networking (3rd edition), Joe Habraken.
Ø Creating a Web Page (5th edition) , Paul Mcfedries.
Ø Data Mining – Concepts & Techniques , Han Kamber
Ø E-commerce – Strategy, Technologies and Applications, David Whiteley.
Ø Internet Law in Canada (6th edition) , Michael Geist
MTH001: Elementary Mathematics 02 Credit Hours
Course Content: Logic , Truth Table , Logic Equivalence, Laws of the Algebra of Propositions, Translating Word Statements to Symbolic Notation & Vice Versa, Bi-Conditional Statements and their Equivalence, Arguments, Valid and In Valid arguments, Sets, Venn Diagram and Membership Table , Operations on sets, Venn Diagrams for operations on sets , Ordered Pairs, Relations and Matrix Representation of a matrix, Types of relations and Directed graph, Irreflexive and antisymmetric relations and partially ordered relations, Functions, Domain Codomain and Range, Types of function, Sequence, Arithmetic and Geometric Sequence, Series ,Sum of Arithmetic and Geometric Series, Performing basic arithmetic operations using Microsoft Excel, Basic calculations of percentages and investments using Microsoft Excel , Discount, Simple and compound interest, Average due date, Annuity, Accumulated value, Accumulation Factor, Discount Factor, Discounted value, Matrix, its Dimension and Types of matrix, Operations on Matrices, Merchandising, Introduction to Statistics, Data Representation, The Central Tendency of a data-set, Median, Empirical Relation, Quartiles, Geometric mean, Harmonic mean & relationship between them, Measures of Dispersion, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation and Variance & Coefficient of variation, Permutations, Combinations, Definitions of Probability, Relative Frequency, Axiomatic Definition & Laws of Probability, Independent and Dependent Events, Multiplication Theorem & Marginal Probability.
Recommended Books:
Ø “Discrete Mathematics with Applications” by Susanna S.Epp.
Ø “Discrete Mathematics and its Applications” by Kenneth H.Rosen
Ø Business Mathematics and Statistics by 'A Francis'
Ø “Introduction to Statistical Theory (Part I &II)” by “Sher Muhammad Chaudhry and Dr. Shahid Kamal” published by Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.
MTH101: Calculus and Analytical Geometry 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Absolute value ,Coordinates plane and graphs , Distance; Circles, Quadratic Equations, Limits, Continuity, Differentiation, Tangent Lines, Rates of Change, The Derivative, Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions Maximum and Minimum Values of Functions, Newton's Method, Roll's Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem, Integration by Substitution, Sigma Notation, Definite Integral, First and second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Applications of the Definite Integral: ,.Area between two curves, Volumes by Cylindrical Shells, Length of Plane Curves, Improper Integral , L'Hopital's Rule, Improper Integral, Infinite Series, Sequence and Monotone Sequences, Alternating Series; Conditional Convergence, Taylor and Maclaurin Series.
Recommended Books:
Ø CALCULUS 5th Edition by Howard Anton, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 0-47-59595-4
MTH202: Discrete Mathematics 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Logic, Sets & Operations on sets, Relations & Their Properties, Functions, Sequences & Series, Recurrence Relations, Mathematical Induction, Loop Invariants, Loop Invariants, Combinatorics, Probability, Graphs and Trees.
Recommended Books:
Ø Discrete Mathematics with Applications (second edition) by Susanna S. Epp
Ø Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (fourth edition) by Kenneth H. Rosen
Ø Discrete Mathematics by Ross and Wright
MTH301: Calculus II 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction to three dimensional geometry. Limits, continuity and Partial Derivatives of Multivariable Function. Vectors. Directional derivative. Tangent Planes and Normal Lines to the Surfaces. Maxima And Minima of Functions of two variables. Applications of Extrema of Functions. Double Integration in rectangular and polar coordinates. Vector Valued Functions. Integration of Exact differentials. Line integrals. Greens Theorem and its application. Divergence and Curl of a vector. Scalar Fields, Vector fields, Volume and Surface integrals. Conservative Fields. Divergence Theorem. Fourier Series. Laplace Transforms.
Recommended Books:
Ø CALCULUS with Analytic Geometry, Howard Anton, Fifth Edition.
MTH302: Business Mathematics & Statistics 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Perform arithmetic operations. Simple and compound interest. Perform basic calculations of the percentages, averages, commission, brokerage and discount. Solve linear equations in one variable, Matrices, Mathematics of Merchandising, Break-even Analysis, Measures of central tendency. Measures of dispersion and skewness, Line fitting. Time series and Exponential smoothing. Permutations and Combinations. Elementary Probability, Chi-Square, Binomial Distribution, Normal Distributions, Estimating from Samples, Hypothesis testing: Chi-Square Distribution.
Recommended Books:
Ø Business Mathematics & Statistics by Prof. Miraj Din Mirza
Ø Business Mathematics by Mirza Muhammad Hasan & Muhammad Ali Mirza
Ø Elements of Statistics & Probability by Shahid Jamal
Ø Quantitative Approaches in Business Studies by Clare Morris
MTH401: Differential Equations 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Separable Equations, Homogeneous Differential Equations, Exact Differential Equations, Integrating Factor Technique, First Order Linear Equation, Bernoulli Equations, Applications of First Order Differential Equations, Radioactive Decay, Applications of Non Linear Equations, Higher Order Linear Differential Equations, Homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients, Method of Undetermined Coefficients ( Superposition Approach), Method of Undetermined Coefficients (Annihilator Operator Approach), Variation of Parameters for Higher-Order Equations, Applications of Second Order Differential Equations, Damped Motion, Forced Motion, Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients, Cauchy-Euler Equation: Alternative Method of Solution, Power Series, Solution about Ordinary points, Solution about Singular Points, Bessel's Differential Equation, Legendre's Differential Equation, Systems of Linear Differential Equations, System of Linear First Order Equation, Eigen value Problem, Matrices and Systems of Linear First-Order Equations, Homogeneous Linear Systems, Linear and Repeated Eigen values, Non-Homogeneous System
Recommended Books:
Ø Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems, Third Edition by Dennis G. Zill and Michael R. Culler Publisher: PWS Publishing Company, Boston Reproduced by National Book Foundation in 2000.
MTH501: Linear Algebra 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Systems of Linear Equations, Row Reduction and Echelon Forms ,Vector Equations, The Matrix Equation, Solution Sets of Linear Systems, Linear Independence, Linear Transformations, The Matrix of a Linear Transformation, Matrix Algebra, Iterative Solutions of Linear Systems, Determinants, Cramer’s Rule and Linear Transformations, Vector Spaces and Subspaces, Coordinate Systems, Applications to difference equations, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalization, Discrete Dynamical Systems, Applications to Differential Equations, Iterative Estimates for Eigen Values, Orthogonality and Least-Squares, Inner Product, Least Square Problems, Applications to Linear Models, Inner Product Spaces, Applications of Inner Product Spaces.
Recommended Books:
Ø Linear Algebra and its Applications (3rd Edition) by David C. Lay
MTH601: Operational Research 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: An Overview and Back Ground, OR Process, OR techniques and Applications, Networks, Inventory Control Models, Linear Programming, Duality Analysis, Transportation Problems, Assignments Problems, Queuing Theory, Replacement Models, Dynamic Programming, Miscellaneous (Introduction of some new programs).
Recommended Books:
Ø Operations Research An Introduction by Hamdy A .Taha( 7th edition)
Ø Introduction to Operations Research by Hillier / Lieberman ( 8th edition)
Ø Operations Research by Richard Bronson (schaum series ) 2nd edition
MTH603: Numerical Analysis 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Number systems, Errors in computation, Methods of solving non-linear equations, Solution of linear system of equations and matrix inversion, Eigen value problems, power method, Jacobi’s method, Different techniques of interpolation, Numerical differentiation and integration, Numerical integration formulas, different methods of solving ordinary differential equations.
Recommended Books:
Ø Numerical analysis By Burden Faires.
Ø Numerical methods for mathematic ,science and Engineers By John H.Mathews
PAK301: Pakistan Studies 02 Credit Hours
Course Content:Ideology of Pakistan, Ideology of Pakistan in the Light of Statements of QUAID-I-AZAM and ALLAMA IQBAL, The Aligarh Movement, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and His Contributions, MAJOR POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS 1857-1918, The Khilafat Movement, Muslim Politics in British India: 1924-1935, ALLAMA IQBAL’s Presidential Address December 1930, Muslim Politics and Chaudhry Rahmat Ali, The Congress Ministries-- Policies towards Muslims, The Lahore Resolution, 1940, Major Political Developments in 1945-46, Towards Independence, 1947, Constitutional Development in British India, The Problems of the New State, The Objectives Resolution (1949), Constitutional Issues, Constitution Making (1947-56), Constitution Making (1947-56), The 1962 Constitution, The 1973 Constitution, Political History (1972-71), Political History (1972-2003), Geography, Land, Boundaries and Neighborhoods, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Industrial Development, Education in Pakistan, Foreign Policy of Pakistan, Pakistan and the Muslim World, Over View
Recommended Books:
Ø Khalid bin Sayeed, Pakistan: The Formative Phase, 1857-1948, Karachi: Oxford University Press, various editions.
Ø Louis D. Hayes, The Struggle for Legitimacy in Pakistan, Lahore: Vanguard, 1986.
Ø Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi, The Struggle for Pakistan, Karachi: Karachi University, the latest edition. ITS URDU VERSION IS ALSO AVAILABLE.
Sharif al Mujahid, Ideology of Pakistan, Islamabad: Islamic Research Institute, 2001
Ø Qutubuddin Aziz, Jinnah and Pakistan, Karachi: Islamic Media Corporation, 200.
Ø Shahid Javed Burki, Pakistan: A Nation in Making, Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1986 or later edition. Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5.
Ø Safdar Mahmood, Pakistan: Political Roots and Development, 1947-1999, Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2000. Chapters 2 and 4.
Ø Muhammad Rafi Anwar and Hasan Askari Rizvi, Tehrik-i-Qiyam-i-Pakistan (Urdu), Lahore: Ilmi Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar, any edition. Here we are mentioning two books which shall be most helpful to the students
Ø PAKISTAN AFFAIRS Published by Jahangir Book Depot, Lahore Pakistan in 2006
Ø PAKISTAN STUDIES by M. Ikram Rabbani
Ø Apart from book students can go for News papers' articles that can help you regarding your subject studies. Pakistani newspapers publish useful articles in their special supplements on the Pakistan Day (March 23), the Independence Day (August 14), and the birth anniversary of the Quaid-i-Azam (December 25). These articles may be consulted because some of them are directly relevant to the course.
PHY101: Physics 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Introduction to Physics, Kinematics Force and Newton’s Laws, Application of Newton’s Laws, Work and Energy, Conservation of Energy, Momentum, Collisions, Rotational Kinematics, Physics of Many Particles, Angular momentum, Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies, Oscillations, Physics of Materials, Physics of Fluids, Physics of Sound, Wave Motion, Gravitation, Electrostatics, Electric Potential, Capacitors and Currents, Currents and Circuits, The Magnetic Field, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves, Physics of Light, Interaction of Light with Matter, Interference and Diffraction, The Particle Nature of Light, Geometrical Optics , Heat, Special Relativity, Matter as Waves
Quantum Mechanics, Introduction to Atomic Physics, Introduction to Nuclear Physics, Physics of the Sun.
Recommended Books:
Ø Halliday and Resnick. College Physics (any edition)
Ø John Wiley & Sons Young and Freedman. University Physics.
PHY301: Circuit Theory 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: System of unitsOhm’s law Resistance Types of circuits Resistors-inductors-capacitors and their series parallel combinations,Current,divider and voltage divider,Current and voltage sources,Kirchhoff's Laws,Nodal analysis ,Loop or Mesh analysis,Superposition,Theorem ,Source Transformation ,Thevenin's Theorem,Norton's Theorem ,Semiconductors, Doped semiconductor,Depletion region,PN Junction Diode,Terminal characteristics of the Junction diodes Analysis of diode circuitsTransformers,Half wave and Full wave rectifier-Bridge Clippers-Clampers-Filters,Diode Types,Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) Characteristic of Transistor,Transistor in Circuits and its application
Recommended Books:
Ø Grob Basic Electronics By Bernard Gob
Ø Electronic Devices By Floyd
Ø Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis 7th Edition by J.David Irwin, John Wiley & Sons,
Ø Electronic Devices And Circuit Theory by Robert L. Boylested And Nushelsky
STA301: Statistics and Probability 03 Credit Hours
Course Content: Types of Frequency Curves, Measure of Location, Measure of Dispersion, Simple linear regression and correlation, Probability,Random Variable, Discrete and continuous distributions, Estimation, Hypothesis-Testing
Recommended Books:
Ø Beg, Afzal and and Miraj Din Mirza. Statistics theory and methods: Volume | & || The Caravan book house Karachi road, Lahore.
Ø Chaudhry, Mohammad Rauf. Modern Statistics Polymer Publications, Urdu Bazar, Lahore
Ø McClave, James T. and Frank H. Dietrich, II. Statistics Dellen Publishing Company, California, U.S.A
Ø Yeomans, K.A. Applied Statistics Penguin Books Ltd., England