This program, which spans a minimum of three years, provides an established and successful route to a professional doctorate. It is aimed at academics and professionals who wish to become effective members of the research community. This program is designed, structured and assessed in a way that supports distance and on-campus study, research and training. It utilizes evaluation criteria and guidelines that lead to achieving the PhD objectives.
Note: PhD Computer Science program is offered only once a year.
Program Objectives
The objective of the program is to provide a nurturing environment to young professionals where they gain critical and deeper insight into state of the art research methods and practices in order to develop and exercise their skills to demonstrate the ability to:
- plan and carry out independent and original academic research,
- effectively document the research results in the form of research articles,
- present and defend their research at various national and international forums and among their peers,
- foresee and create exploitation plans for the research results,
- appreciate the existing knowledge,
- execute independent research in future.
The PhD program is divided into various phases, the interplay of which routes a student to successful completion of the doctorate degree as shown in the following Figure.

Figure: PhD program structure showing sequence and interaction of program components starting from establishing the eligibility of the candidate for admission to the final award of PhD degree.
Admission Eligibility Criteria
- 18-year education i.e., MS / M.Phil in Computer Science / Information Technology / Computer Engineering / Software Engineering or equivalent with thesis and minimum CGPA 3.0 out of 4.0 in the Semester System or 1st Division in the Annual System. For any other qualification, which corresponds to 18 years of education but does not fall under semester system or annual system or degree obtained from foreign country, then the student should obtain degree equivalence certificate from Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) to determine the academic eligibility for PhD.
- Each candidate is required to pass the VU Entry Test with minimum 70% marks OR 60% marks in GRE Subject Test along with interview and presentation.
Click here to Download Entry Test Sample
Course(s) exemption is not allowed.
Degree Completion Duration
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Assessment of Study Progress
The students’ study progress evaluation mechanism is based on continuous assessment throughout the semester by giving assignments, Quizzes, Graded Discussion Boards (GDBs), academic papers, seminars, mid-term and final term examinations.
Research Thesis
The students are required to submit a Research Thesis. Topic of the thesis must be decided after consultation with the supervisor.
Award of degree
For the award of PhD in Computer Science degree, a student is required to complete 18 credits hours of prescribed course work with minimum CGPA of 3.00 out of 4 along with Dissertation/Thesis of 12 credit hours. The student has also to:-
- Pass written and oral comprehensive examinations securing minimum 65% and 50% marks respectively, with maximum two attempts;
- Defend PhD research proposal;
- Get published at least one research paper in HEC recognized journal as first author;
- Get presented/read one research paper in a national/international conference as first author;
- Get approved dissertation from two foreign experts.
Fee Structure
Click here to View Fee Structure
- The courses may be revised time to time as a result of continuous review to bring them at par with courses from being taught at top-class foreign universities. While reviewing the courses, needs of local industry and job market are also given full consideration.
- The University reserves the right to change fee structure from time to time.