Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University

Adjunct Faculty Profile

Prof. DR. Mughees Uddin Sheikh
Iowa USA



Ph.D. Mass Communication (USA), M.A. Journalism (Iowa USA), M.A. Journalism (Pb), M.A. Pol. Sc. (Pb) 


Dr. Mughees UD Din Sheikh is a renowned international scholar and analyst of Pakistan.

He was the professor and founding director of Institute of Communication Studies and  Dean, Faculty of Behavioral & Social Sciences.

He obtained two degrees (MA & PhD) from the University of USA and was awarded Journalism 4th Estate Award, USA for two successive years in recognition of his exceptional research work in 1991 & 1992. He was bestowed upon John F Murray Award (USA). He reviewed Encyclopaedia of International Media and Communication, USA. He was therein awarded Fellowship Salzburg Seminar (Austria). He is the recipient of Presidential Award “Izaz-i-Fazeelat” and University Best Teacher Award by HEC. He is the awardees’ of Quaid-e-Azam Gold Medal and Excellence Crown Award (International Public Relations Association). He is the first unanimously elected President of Pakistan Media Educators Council and a member of Board of Studies of all the major universities of Pakistan. He is the nominee of Chancellor as Education Expert and as member of academic council, university of Gujrat. He was acknowledged Mass Media Laureate/XVIth Star Award 2005, Leader of the New millennium Gold Medal/XVIIth Star Award 2006 and the Star Laureate Award/XVIIIth Star Award 2007 by South Asia Publications.