Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University

Adjunct Faculty Profile

Mr. Wali Muhammad
Government College University, Lahore.

M.Sc. Psychology


M.Sc. Psychology


Career Summary

Research Associate

Project Manager, Interpartner Program Pakistan (IPP)

Free Lance Research Executive (Qualitative Research)

Academic Projects


2001                            The Initiation of Postgraduate Course of MBA in Organization Development & The Establishment of Ravi International Institute of Research

The project was submitted to Government College, Lahore


2001                            The Establishment of Campus Counseling Center

The project was submitted to Government College, Lahore


1995                            The Treatment of Schizophrenics in the Fountain House, Lahore

Post graduate thesis submitted to Government College, Lahore



·      Sheikh, K., Ahmad, T., Mohammad, W. and Khan, A. A. 1996. Some Notes on Avifauna of Mangla Reservoir, AJK, Pakistan. Pak. Jour. of Ornithology, 1(1) 31-37

·      Sheikh, K. and Mohammad, W. Perceptions of Hunters in Wildlife Management: A Case Study from Naltar Valley, Northern Areas, Pakistan. In prep for JWM.

·      Muhammad, W., Imam, Sohail., 1995. Role of Fountain House, Lahore in Treatment of  Schizophrenics, LHR, Pakistan, University of the Punjab

·      Muhammad, W., Rizvi, Ali, Azhar., 1995. Urdu translation, “Introduction to Social Psychology” by David.G.Myers LHR, Pakistan, University of the Punjab