Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University

Adjunct Faculty Profile

Mian Ahmad Farhan
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

Chartered Accountant

   Chartered Accountant 
   •  The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan Public Accountant 
   • The Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants

   Bachelor of Commerce 
   • Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab

• Coordinating ACCA courses and teaching professionals for Chartered Accountants (ICAP), ACCA (UK) and Accounting Technicians (Pak &
   UK) at The Professionals’ Academy of Commerce (PAC), Lahore.
• Conducting capacity building program of the Commissioners, Additional Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners of Income Tax at
   Directorate of Training (Income Tax), Lahore.
• Teaching the students of MBA (Executives) being funded by Commonwealth of Learning, Canada in collaboration with AIOU, Pakistan.
• Teaching students of BSc. (Accounting & Finance), external program of University of London, at University College Lahore (UCL), Lahore.
• Successfully managed college affiliated for B.Com, I.Com, ICS, and Accounting Technicians (Pak).
• Currently working at the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of the Punjab, as a lecturer.

• Declared Best Teacher for the year 2005, by University of the Punjab.
• Declared Best Teacher for the years 2003, 2004 and 2005 by The Professionals’ Academy of Commerce.
• Declared Excellent Resource Person in each Capacity Building sessions of The Directorate of Training (Income Tax)