Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University

Adjunct Faculty Profile

Mr. Naimatullah Abid

Master in Business Administration



BA, B.Sc. Electrical Engineering


Business Administration (MBA) from Canada




  • Member of Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants (PIPFA).
  • A vast experience of over 35 years in Federal Government Service as member of Pakistan Audit & Accounts Service (PAAS) in Auditing, Accounting, Budgeting, and Administration & Financial Management
  • One year exposure to performance Audit and Evaluation, and Financial Management in the office of the Auditor-General of Canada during Fellowship Program in comprehensive Audit Foundation, Canada
  • Conducted Seminars, Workshops on Accounting, Auditing, Performance Evaluation, Financial Management, etc
  • Worked on key positions as Deputy Accountant General- NWFP, Deputy Chief Accounts Officer-Pakistan Railways, Director General Audit-NWFP, Controller Accounts-PAF, Accountant General Punjab, and Controller General Accounts-Government of Pakistan and as Financial Advisor ERRA-PM Secretariat, Islamabad.