Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University

Adjunct Faculty Profile

Dr. Shahzad Ansar
Sorbonne, France

PhD in Management


    1- PhD (Management) ; Thesis on the “SME MANAGEMENT WITH SPECIAL REFERNCE TO PAKISTAN” as non resident student from Sorbonne, France.

    2- Certification in Intellectual property Laws, Marketing, Personal Finance, Mediation 2005, Nipomo, California USA.With Role of Honor

    3- MBA (Entrepreneurial Management) 2003 as distant student University of Hartford.

    4- MBA (EXECUTIVE) 2001; Logix College of Business Studies Pakistan with specialization in Marketing.

5- M.Sc (Engineering Geology & Ground Water Hydrology) 1984; Thesis of Specialization on “KALABAGH DAM PROJECT” from University of the Punjab, Lahore.


  • Member American Management Association.

  • Member Sloan-C Consortium USA. (The World largest Consortium on Distant Education).

  • Member Councils of Advisors (A Gerson Lehrman Group International consultants Network) USA.

  • Member Social Enterprise Development Programme (SEDP) LUMS-McGill-CIDA.

  • Member American Society for Testing of Materials (A WTO Standardization Body).

  • Member Society for International development (SID) Italy.

  • Member Punjab Geological Society.

  • Ex-Member All Pakistan Gem merchants and Evaluation Association

  • Member Lahore Chamber Of Commerce & Industry.

  • Fellow Trinity College Of Fellows

  • Advisor SEE (Society of Entrepreneurial Encouragement) a joint effort of  Punjab business collage and Lahore Chamber of Commerce and industry


  1. Princeton University Department of Physics R&D Cell. NJ

Learned solar energy techniques, installation, maintenance, and operation methods on behalf of WWC (NJ) for onwards training to community in Pakistan.

2 Rutgers University, NJ

Techniques for drip irrigation, Brackish water Tilapia Fish Farming for further training to Cholistani community.

3 Seminar on “The opportunities for Private sector Small Power Plant Investment in Saudi Arabia.”28-29 October, 2000 Intercontinental Hotel, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Under the sponsorship of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Green & MacRae, L.L.P. & SAUD M.A SHAWWAF LAW OFFICE. Participated on behalf of Saiti Group.

4 World Bank Washington meetings for Water supply Funding on Solar based Pumping, July 19, 1999.

Mr.Mehash Sharma GEF/World Bank Building S, 2nd Floor, Room 135.

Mr. Andrew Macoun

Mr.Hirashi Suzuki

Mr. Aziz Bouzaher

Joseph Wambia

5 Dialogue with Trade Development Agency (TDA) for competitive Financing on 20th, July, 1999.Arlington, VA

MS Menasha Kothari

6 Donetsk Regional Charity Foundation Kiev, Ukraine May, 1999.

7 SAARC Geological Congress, Lahore.2000 As participant in Hydrology research. Read paper on “Water Resources In Chlolistan”

8 Conference on WAPDA-IPPs RELATIONS, October 28, 2002.

9 Seminar on Generalized System of preferences (GSP), conducted in Lahore Lahore Chamber of Commerce and industry in collaboration with 1987.