- Ph.D. in Computer Science The University of Sheeld, UK, 2012
Thesis title: Natural Language Descriptions of Video Streams.
- M.Sc. in Computer Science UET, Lahore, Pakistan, 2007
Major in Articial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing.
- B.Sc.(Hons) in Computer Science UET, Lahore, Pakistan, 2004
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, UET, Lahore, Pakistan
October 2014 - currently employed
Assistant Professor (TTS), Department of Computer Science & Engineering, UET, Lahore, Pakistan
December 2012 - September 2014
- Concepts in Bioinformatics Computing, BS Session 2010
- Web Engineering, MS Session 2011.
- Software Engineering, BS Session 2010.
- Computer Vision, MS Session 2011.
- Computer graphics and Image Processing, BS Session 2009.
- Digital Image Processing, MS Session 2012.
Consultant, Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science, UET Lahore
October 2012 - currently employed
Lab Director, Bioinformatics and Medical Imaging Lab.
Manager Software Hut project, Spring 2011 and Spring 2012 Department of Computer Science, The University of
Working as a manager for 4 teams - comprising of of 4 students each - while the students build software for external business
clients. Database and E-Commerce related projected are developed using PHP, mySql, ASP.Net and SQL Server softwares.
Duties include meeting with the teams, checking on their progress, recording their progress and liaising with Professor Mike
Holcombe 1.
Manager Darwin Research projects, 2010, 2011 Department of Computer Science, The University of Sheled
Worked as a supervisor for 2 teams - comprising of of 4 to 7 students each - Master students work on research projects for a
complete year.Duties include supervising students in writing project proposals, implementation, evaluation and writing research papers
based on their work.
- Speaking person identication in videos.
- Video ngerprinting and digital video watermarking.
Second supervisor in Masters and Undergrad Projects, Department of Computer Science, The University of Sheled
Working with Dr. Yoshi Gotoh2 in helping his undergrad and masters students to help them complete their projects. I
mostly help them in coding and evaluation procedures during software development.
- Rubab Alkasah (2010). Head gestures identication in video.
- Amruta Mane (2010). Indoor/ outdoor scene classication of images.
- Pallathanaparambil Ullas (2010). Emotion recognition using facial expression.
- Alanazi (2009). Who is speaking?.
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, UET, Lahore, Pakistan
May 2006 - November 2012
- Software Engineering, Session 2005.
- Database systems and Applications,Session 2005.
- Internet Based Software Development, CS-2003, Lab.
- Object Oriented Programming CS-2003(F) Theory & Lab
- Computer Graphics & Image Processing, CS-2004, Theory & Lab
- Computer Programming CS-2004 Theory & Lab.
- Articial Intelligence CS-2004 Theory & Lab.
- Programming in JAVA CS-2003 Theory & Lab.
- Data Structures & Algorithms CS/CSE 2005 Theory.
- Computer Graphics & Image Processing, CS-2005 Theory & Lab
- Numerical Methods and Analysis Mech-2003,2004,2005 Theory.
Research Assistant, Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science3, Lahore, Pakistan
October 2007 - September 2008
Research Assistant, Department of Computer Science, UET, Lahore, Pakistan
March 2005 - April 2006
Senior Software Engineer, PowerSoft19 Pvt. Ltd., Lahore, Pakistan4
September 2006 - September 2007
Software Engineer, Accountancy Outsourcing Services, Lahore, Pakistan5
March 2004 - August 2006
Journal Publications
1. M. U. G. Khan and Y. Gotoh. A Framework for Creating Natural Language Descriptions of Video Streams.
International Journal of Information Sciences. (accepted) (Impact factor: 3.939)
2. M. U. G. Khan and Y. Gotoh. Generating Natural Language Tags for Video Information Management.
International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding (In review - submitted June 2013).
3. L. Zhang, M. U. G. Khan, and Y. Gotoh. Spoken Document Retrieval Based on Confusion Network with
Syllable Fragments, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems,ISSN 1729-8806, InTech, November 11,
2012. (Impact factor: 3.939.)
4. M.U.G. Khan, M.Nadeem, A. Nasir, A. A. Shah and A. A. Gill, A Systematic Approach to Generate Query
Model for DNA, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, Vol(46), 2014. (Impact factor: 0.4)
5. Nasir, A., and M. U. G. Khan, Towards a secured design methodology for cloud based bioinformatics
applications, Jounral of Animal and Plant Sciences. Volume: 24, No.5, October, 2014. (Impact factor: 0.638)
6. M. U. G. Khan, M. Amir, A. Nasir, R. Iqbal and Y. Gotoh Quality Preserving Video Security Enrichment
using Watermarking., Journal of Quality and Technology Management, Volume X, Issue I, August 2014.
7. Nasir, A., A. Shah, and M. U. G. Khan. Requirements Analysis Algebra: designing quality software., Journal
of Quality and Technology Management, Volume IX, Issue II,December 2013, Page 107:136.
8. M. Idrees and M. U. G. Khan, SMGCD Metrics for Biological Sequence Data, The Nucleus Journal, Volume
51, Issue I, March 2014.
9. Ghani Khan, M. U., Shahzad Asif, H. M., Asif, K. H., Tauqir, M., & Afzal, M. (2014). Visual Speaker Identication
Using Lip and Body Movements. Journal of faculty of engineering & technology, 21(1).
10. M. Idrees and M. U. G. Khan, Unied Data Model for Biological Data, Mehran University Research Journal of
Engineering & Technology, August 2014.
11. S.Bashir, M. U. G. Khan, A. Shah and Nasir, A. Towards computational model of Human Brain Memory
Punjab University Journal of Mathematics.
12. M.U. G. Khan et al., Determination of pollutants in water of BRB canal, Journal of the Pakistan Institute of
Chemical Engineers, 2014.
13. M.U. G. Khan et al., Development of an ultrasound assisted rapid digestion method, Journal of the Pakistan
Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2014.
14. M. U. G. Khan, P. Iqbal, K. Asif, A. Nasir, J. Arshad and S.AmanatAn Agent-based CBIR System for Medical
Images, Journal of Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Punjab University, Vol 21(2), 2014.
15. M.U.G. Khan, M. Zafar, K. Asif, A. Nasir, A. Shah Design Extraction Technique of Web Applications ? A
Reverse Engineering Process Journal of Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Punjab University, Vol 21(2), 2014.
16. M. J. Arshad, N. Nigar, H. Ahmad, A. Farooq, M.U.G. Khan and M. Idrees, Security Techniques & Solutions
for preventing the cross site scripting web vulnerabilities: A general approach. Journal of Faculty of
Engineering & Technology, Punjab University, Vol 21(2), 2014.
17. M. Idrees, M. U. G. Khan, and S. Iqbal. Modeling of ontological schema for biological data management,
Pakistan Journal of Science (submitted Jan 2014)
18. M.U.G. Khan, S. Amanat, A. Nasir and M. Idrees, A Computational Framework for Unied Biological Data-
bank to Overcome the Heterogeneity of Biological Data Format, Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of
Sciences. (submitted April 2014)
M. J. Arshad, M.U.G. Khan and M. Idrees, A study of Internet Threats avoidance and Bio-metric Journal of
Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Punjab University, Vol 21(2), 2014.
20. M.U.G. Khan, H. Aslam, A. Nasir,A cloud based approach for classication of communities across social
networks, Pakistan Journal of Science (submitted Feb 2014)
21. M. Ahmed, S. Mahmood, M. U. G. Khan, and M. Shoaib. Performance Evaluation Metrics: Can buer size
override the higher rotational speed of hard disk in terms of overall performance or throughput?, Journal
of American Science 2010, 6(10), 503-508.
22. M. Shoaib, M. U. G. Khan, S Kalsoom, and K Khurshid. Design and Implementation of ecient Information
Retrieval Algorithm for Chest X-Ray Images, Journal of American Science 2009. 5(4):43-48
23. M. U. G. Khan and A. Saeed. Human detection in videos, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information
Technology, Pakistan. Vol 5. No2. 2009
International Conferences
1. A. A. Shah, F. Maqbool , and M. U. G. Khan. Dynamic Ontology Management for Bioinformatics Domain,
The Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Open-Source Systems and Technologies, ICOSST 2013.
2. M. U. G. Khan, L. Zhang, and Y. Gotoh. Natural language description of video streams. In International
conference on Image processing, Orlando, FL, USA, 2012.
3. M. U. G. Khan and Y. Gotoh. Natural language descriptions of visual scenes - corpus generation and
analysis. In EACL 2012 workshop, JOINT WORKSHOP OF ESIRMT AND HYTRA, Avignon, France.
4. M. U. G. Khan and Y. Gotoh. Describing video contents in natural language. In EACL 2012, Workshop on
Innovative hybrid approaches to the processing of textual data, 2012, Avignon, France.
5. M. U. G. Khan, L. Zhang, and Y. Gotoh. Human focused video description. In ICCV workshop, Video Event
Categorization, Tagging and Retrieval for Real-World Applications, 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
6. M. U. G. Khan, L. Zhang, and Y. Gotoh. Towards coherent natural language description of video streams.
In 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Stochastic Image Grammars, 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
7. L. Zhang, M. U. G. Khan, and Y. Gotoh. Video scene classication based on natural language description. In
2nd IEEE Workshop on Analysis and Retrieval of Tracked Events and Motion in Imagery Streams, 2011, Barcelona,
8. M. U. G. Khan, S. Mahmood, M. Ahmed, and Y. Gotoh. Visual speech detection using OpenCV, The Proceedings
of third International Conference on Open-Source Systems and Technologies, ICOSST 2009.
PhD Thesis
(Abdul Nasir) Secured Design Methodology for Cloud Applications, completed July 2014 .
(Muhammad Idrees) Unied Data Model for Biological Data in progress.
(Umar Hayat) Statistical Models for Interpretation of Uncertain Data, in progress.
(Satwar Bashir) Storage, Indexing and Retrieval of Brain Data in progress.
(Nasir Mehmood) currently taking course work.
(Omer Irshad) currently taking course work.
MS / MPhil Thesis
(Haider Ali Aslam) Classication Based Community Detection Across Social Networks, 2013 .
(Sarfraz Ahmad) Repetitive Scene Detection in Videos, in progress.
(Umair Naushad) Human Action Recognition, in progress.
(Mehwish Amiruddin) Patient Monitoring, in progress.
(Hassan Imtiaz) Visual Scene Modeling, in progress.
(Hasan Rehman) Automatic Number Plate Recognition System, in progress.
(Tanveer Ahmad) Robot Navigation based on Visual Scene Interpretation, in progress.
(Waleed Mirza) Computational Model of Human Cardiolic System, in progress.
(amjad majeed) Computational Model of Human Kidneys, in progress.
(Zafar Saleem) Unied Data Model for Biological Data, in progress.
BSc Final Year Projects
Multi-model Summarization of Multimedia documents , BS,CE 2010
Suspicious Activity Detection & Video Annotation Utility in Real Time Environment , BS,CS 2010
Virtual Brain: Graphical Simulation and Modeling of Human Brain. , BS,CE 2010
Urdu Talking Head and Lip Reading , BS,CE 2010
Semantic Video Retrieval and Repetitive Video Finding , BS,CS 2010
Semantic Search Engine for Biological Data , BS,CS 2010
Gait analysis for Human Identication BS,CSE 2003
Human Action Recognition BS,CSE 2003
English to Urdu Translator BS,CS 2004
Veelox Human Character Generator BS.CE 2004
Enterprise Recourse Planner for Enterprises BS,CS 2004
Mobi Messenger BS,CE 2004
- (Higher Education Communication, Pakistan) Extension and Development of Analysis node for Bioinformat-
ics, 4.6 million Pak Rs.
- (Higher Education Communication, Pakistan) Robotic Visual Scene Interpretation, start up grant 0.5 million
Pak Rs.
- (EPSRC , Eurpoe) Statistical summarisation of spoken language, 2.4 million UK Pounds
(UET Faculty Research Grant) Robot Navigation Using Brain Computer Interface, 0.8 million Pak. Rs.
- Research Internship (Edinburgh University) Summer 2009
- Member Pakistan Engineering Congress, Membership No.3891
- Best teacher award- Deptt. of CS & ENGG., UET, LAHORE (2006-2007)
- Quaid-e-Azam scholarship in Matriculation
- Rawalpindi Board scholarship in F.Sc.
- University Research scholarship for M.SC in Articial Intelligence
- Higher Education Commission, Pakistan scholarship for PhD.
- Administrative Experience