Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University

Adjunct Faculty Profile

Dr. Waseem Haider
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign USA



 PhD Crop-sciences (Bioinformatics), University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign USA. 

Dissertation title: “Exploring Flowering gene networks in soybean and Arabidopsis through transcriptome analysis”.      2014          CGPA 3.9/4

Master of Computer Sciences (MCS), PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan.                                   2008    CGPA 3.85/4

MCS Project: “Bioinformatics Suite: A toolkit for Genome analysis”. (.Net framework)

M.Phil Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan.                                     2002          CGPA 3.7/5

Thesis:  “Selection of the best tomato cultivar for callus induction and regeneration”

MSc Biology (Animal Sciences), 1999, Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan



1: “Functional and Evolutionary characterization of the CONSTANS gene family in short-day photoperiodic flowering in soybean”. Wu, F., Price, B., Haider, W., Seufferheld, G., Nelson, R. and Hanzawa, Y. (2014). PLOS ONE 9(1): e85754. Impact factor ~ 4


2 more manuscripts in preparation;


2: “Global gene expression patterns revealed the photoperiodic flowering gene networks in soybean”. Haider, W., Wang, M. Price, B. and Hanzawa, Y.


3: CONSTANS regulates flowering repressor TFL1 through SOC1 and AGL24.” Serrata, A., Mei, Y., Haider, W., Emad, A., Gregis, V., Bradley, D., Kamater, M., Alon, U., Milankovic, O., Madueno, F. and Hanzawa, Y.


Conference presentations:


                                American Society of Plant Biology (ASPB) 2012

                                Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) 2013


§  Distinctions:   Received “Grad College Conference Travel Award” twice (It is awarded to 1 student/department per year)



University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (August 2009 to May 2014)

·         Worked in the field of Bioinformatics on following projects;

   1: Transcriptome analysis of photoperiodic flowering in soybean

   2: Reconstruction of flowering gene networks in soybean

   3: Identification of network motifs in Arabidopsis and soybean

   4: Transcriptome analysis of Arabidopsis tfl1 mutants

   5: Identification of DNA polymorphisms in Arabidopsis tfl1 mutants


·         Worked as teaching assistant (TA) in the school of molecular and cell biology in following courses;

     MCB-250 Molecular Genetics

     MCB251 Experimental Techniques in Molecular biology


·         Worked as teaching assistant (TA) in the department of Crop Sciences for;

           CPSC 440: Applied Statistical Methods

     CPSC 241: Introduction to Applied Statistics



COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Islamabad Pakistan

Lecture Bioinformatics (since March 2005)

§  Taught Bioinformatics courses to undergraduate/grad students (Spring 05 to Spring 09)

§  Co-Supervised Undergrad (BS-Bioinformatics) research projects

§  Coordinator BS-Bioinformatics program

§  Faculty proctor

§  Sports Coordinator

§  Assistant to Campus in-charge (Biophysics block)



Lecturer Biology (over 5 years)

§  Taught college level biology courses

§  Experience includes teaching in country’s renown institutions like cadet college Hasan Abdal



§  Organized a full day workshop on ‘Next Generation data analysis” at CIIT Islamabad.

§  Attended a three-day symposium on “Bioinformatics” at CEMB (Centre of Excellence in Molecular biology) Lahore Pakistan

§  Attended two days workshop on “RNASeq” conducted by W. M. Keck Centre of Genomics at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign


Professional Memberships (UIUC)

§  CSGO (Crop science graduate student organization)

§  CIMIC (Central Illinois Mosque and Islamic Center)

§  Member Alpha Sigma Delta fraternity

§  FHC Family Housing Counsel, Orchard Downs. Served as Vice President from 2010-2012

Sports and Extracurricular Activities

§  Play cricket, hockey, volleyball and Karate (Shotokaun).

§  Enjoy meeting new people and learn from them.