Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University

Adjunct Faculty Profile

Dr. Muhammad Tayyab Chaudhary
University of Malaya, Malaysia


I am here since April 2006. COMSATS is a nice place to be at. Over this time, I completed MS in Networks and Distributed Systems from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden in 2009. Later I joined the robotics research group at CIIT Lahore. My interest was in high speed distributed processing of data generated by multiple mobile robots for path planning and obstacle avoidance. This lead me towards Cloud Computing and I chose to proceed for PhD with title related to Cloud Computing. In 2015, I completed my PhD from University of Malaya, Malaysia with research title: Thermal-aware Scheduling in Green Data centers. I am now one of the members of Networks Research Group at CIIT Lahore. I am more interested in research related to Distributed Systems. Currently I am looking for graduate students to perform research in the areas of Energy-aware Computing, Big Data and Software Defined Networks (SDN).