Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University

Adjunct Faculty Profile

Dr. Zafar Cheema
Harvard University USA.

Ph. D in Crisis Management


a. Foreign Qualifications:

1) Ph. D in Crisis Management Harvard University USA.

2) Diplomas in Man-Management, Human Resource Development, Organizational Discipline, Training and Teaching Techniques,

Project Supervision, System Analysis, Progressive Development.

3) Anti-Terrorism (Planning and Executing) etc. (USA).

4) M.Sc. Criminology (U.K).

5) Diploma in Communication Skills, B.B.C London.

6) Methods of Research and Instructions (teaching) USAMPS Anniston USA.
7) Personality Development Programme:
 Featuring leadership skills, speech mannerism, speech techniques, body language, public speaking, mike handling, organizing and conducting seminars, workshops, social functions, TV Talks etc. (B.B.C London)

b. National Qualifications:

1. M. Sc. Defence and Strategic Studies (Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad).

2. M.A English Language and Literature (Punjab University).

3. M.A Urdu Literature (Karachi University).

4. Education Planning, Organization, Administration, and Management (Army College of Education Murree).

5. Research Methodology and Islamic Research (Fiqha, Shariah and Islamic Issues), (International Islamic University, Islamabad).

6. Diploma in Teaching English Language (University of Modern Languages Islamabad).

7. M.A. Panjabi (Panjab University).

8. Human Resourec Management and Management Skills (Army College of Logistics Murree).


1. Awarded Tamgha-i- Imtiaz by the Govt. of Pakistan.

2. Awarded US Nationality on outstanding performance during studies in USA.

3. Awarded Honourary rank of Lieut. Colonel to me and my parents by the US Government.

4. Declared best poet of the year 1983 by a committee of Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad after study of poetic literature of the whole year.

5. Declared best speaker (English & Urdu) – in a national level declamation contest.

6. Remained best debater of English, Urdu and Panjabi throughout my academic career and received hundreds of prizes.

7. An outstanding sportsman; have received many prizes in various sports (indoor as well as outdoor).

8. Received many awards on “Naat” recitation.

1. HEC Trainer

2. Have delivered 58 lectures in various elite organizations of USA, on various subjects, e.g., force posture, crisis management, man management, creative writing, personality development, role of literature in life, diplomacy, global problems relating to education, (teaching, infrastructure, teaching aids, division of subjects, syllabus, teachers training etc).

3. Have headed global level education institutions of Pakistan Army, where selected officers from world over come for a vast variety of courses.

4. Visiting professor in Punjab University, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamic University Bahawalpur, Government College for Women University Lahore and many other institutes.

5. Delivered talks in various organizations as guest speaker.

6. Organized and conducted global level seminars.

7. Managed my own institution for C.S.S., P.C.S preparation, English language classes, and personality development courses, comprising faculty of 49 teachers.

1. Managed multinational officers training institute as chief instructor with the responsibility of curriculum management, supervision, syllabus designing & updating, administrative smoothness and resources management.

2. Raised an organization comprising one thousand people. Recruited, organized, equipped, trained, administered, lead and managed to the goal.

3. Directed the human resource office consisting of 106 staff members for various multi-campus colleges and institutes with rapid growth and change.

4. Managed accounts receivable for over 1000 accounts with average active monthly balance of Rs. 25 millions.

5. Scheduled, coordinated, and conducted various orientation, training, and staff development programmes.

6. Conducted staff performance reviews and made salary recommendations.

7. Handled top-level organizational issues ranging from human resource management and development to the management of finance and equipment.

8. Worked with attorneys on legal matters concerning organization’s legal and financial disputes.


1. Conducting Officer / PRO to the President, Prime Minister and Chief of the Army Staff.

2. Served in Inter Services Public Relations Directorate for five years as Media Manager. (Electronic and Print media). Covered and co-ordinated the famous Exercise Zarb-e-Momin, single handedly and handled the whole foreign media.

3. Planned and scripted documentary films on Pak Army, Navy, Air Force and Civil Armed Forces.

4. Organized and compered a number celebrations presided over by various Heads of the States, and on special occasions.

5. Conducted the visits of a number of Foreign Heads of States and delegations in Pakistan.

6. Wrote and delivered commentary on 23rd March Parade, when the venue was changed from Rawalpindi to Islamabad for 5 years. Script written by me is still going “on air”.

7. Have participated in many radio broadcast programmes including discussions, debates and compeering etc.

8. Conducting several national level intellectual discussions in English, Urdu and Punjabi, in the last two decades, on PTV World.

9. Am conducting international level seminars in English, Urdu and Punjabi, for the last many years, on television and on ground.


At present, Chief Editor of the following:

 1. The Education Scenario International (Monthly).

2. The Glance International, a wide range (Fortnightly).

3. The Tourism International (Fortnightly).

4. “Panjab Rang” a tri-lingual research oriented quarterly of DSRCF.

5. Ex-Chief Editor of Monthly "Harawal".

6. Over Hundred (100) research articles have been published in various global and national level Periodicals and Dailys, in English, Urdu and Panjabi.

1) Published Books

 1. Success English

 2. Bagh-e-Urdu (Essays)

 3. Bagh-e-Urdu (General)

 4. Gul-e-Farsi I – poets from 4th Hijra to date, translated into Urdu.

 5. Gul-e-Farsi II – prose writers from 4th Hijra to date, translated into urdu).

 6. Gul-e-Farsi III – self learning book for Persian language.

 7. Compiled and edited Syllabus for C.S.S (compulsory subjects).

 8. Compiled and edited Syllabus for C.C.S (optional subjects).

2) Books under publication

 1. Islam: a Philosophy

 2. Own poetry “Saba”

 3. Anokha Sarkash (Translation of “No Surrender” from English to Urdu).

 4. Autobiography: Victory and Defeat; The story of a Soldier and a Citizen.

 5. A number of articles published in various periodicals, covering a wide range of international affairs.

1. Working with Quaid-e-Azam Foundation for social welfare services, which helps providing education to needy, education counseling in the remote areas, providing food and shelter to needy and shelter-less, providing assistance to widows and arranging health facilities for those who cannot afford.

2. Chief Adviser “Sahara for Life”, organized by vocalist Ibrar-ul-Haq.