Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University
Dr. Mubashar Majeed Qadri
Manager Quality Assurance
Directorate of Quality Enhancement
Directorate of Quality Enhancement

PhD (Management)

Official Email
Contact +92 (42) 111 880 880 (Ext: 4432)
Mr. Mubashar Majeed Qadri, is associated with Virtual University of Pakistan since 2006 and as currently he is working as a Manager Quality Assurance in the Directorate of Quality Enhancement (DQE). He completed his PhD in Management from UMT. His areas of interests include Shared Value, CSR, Organization Development & Quantitative Research. In addition to this, his services are transferred to Directorate of Quality Enhance as Manager (Quality Assurance) since 2012.
Manager Quality Assurance
Virtual University of Pakistan
From Mar 24, 2015 To present
Virtual University of Pakistan
From Jan 20, 2015 To Mar 23, 2015
Virtual University of Pakistan
From Nov 21, 2006 To Jan 19, 2015
Honors And Awards
2nd Position in MS (Management)
Year: 2012
2nd Position in MBE (Marketing Group)
Year: 1999
Winner of President Talent Scholarship offered by University Grant Commission (Now HEC) in BSc
Year: 1995
Developed an online record keeping system (database) to measure performance of faculty members
Developed and designed faculty training manual
Designed a sample layout/format for an online course
Designed Quality Assurance Templates for New program launch and revision
Develop QA Manual for ODL Institutes
Additional Charge
Holding a position as a "Quality Assurance Officer" in Directorate of Quality Enhancement, Virtual University of Pakistan
Category: E-Learning
Qadri, M. M., (2018). Quality Assurance Toolkit for Open and Distance Learning Institutes: A Glimpse of E-Leaners’ Perspective. Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning, 4(2),1-24.
Category: E-Learning
Javed, M.M., Qadri, M.M. (2018). Perception and the Level of Awareness about Workload among Faculty: A Tool of Exploitation for Academic Career and Faculty Development in Proceedings of 32nd International Conference of Asia Association of Open Univ
Category: Management
Ayub, U., Kausar, A. R., & Qadri, M. M. (2017). Linking Human Capital and Organisational Innovative Capabilities of Financial Institutions: Evidence from a Developing Country of South Asia. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 16(4), 1-23.
Category: Management
Qadri, M. M., & Mamoon, D. (2017). Understanding "Shared Value" and social capital: Link to pave the path of next generation of innovation. Journal of Economics Library, 3(4), 587-602.
Category: E-Learning
Tanweer, M., & Qadri, M. M. (2016). Quality Assurance in Higher Education: A Framework for Distance Education. Journal of Distance Education and Research, 1(1), 7-24.
Category: Management
Qadri, M. M., Ayub, U., & Mir, U. R. (2016). Globalization and regionalization: At a glance on debate in pursuit of guiding principles leading policy implications. Journal of Management and Research, 3(2), 1-32.
Category: Management
Qadri, M. M., Azhar, T. M., & Imam, A. (2015). Environmental Impediments in the adoption of Balanced Scorecard in Pakistan. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, 11(3), 172-184.
Category: Entrepreneurship
Mir, U. R., Sadiqque, A., & Qadri, M. M. (2014). Effect of Caste on Entrepreneurial Abilities in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Business Management (ICoBM), February 26-27, 2014, School of Business Management, University of Manage
Category: E-Learning
Zaheer, M., Babar, M. E., Gondal, U. H., & Qadri, M.M. (2015). E-Learning and Student Satisfaction in Proceedings of The 29th International Conference of Asia Association of Open Universities (AAOU), 30th November to 2nd December, Open University Mal
Category: E-Learning
Javed, M.M., Qadri, M.M. (2018). Perception and the Level of Awareness about Workload among Faculty: A Tool of Exploitation for Academic Career and Faculty Development in Proceedings of 32nd International Conference of Asia Association of Open Univer
Category: Quality Enhancement
Qadri, M. M., (2018). Quality Assurance Toolkit for Open and Distance Learning Institutes: A Glimpse of E-Leaners’ Perspective. Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning, 4(2),1-24.
Category: Funded Project
Review of the Implementation of Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC) at Universities (Federal Capital, KPK & AJK) under HEC Tertiary Education Support Program (TESP) in 2014. Worked as Data analyst, Sponsored by HEC
Category: Quality Enhancement
Qadri, M.M., & Malik, Naveed A. (2017). Case Study about Internal Quality Assurance Mechanism of Virtual University of Pakistan. In L. Chen (Eds.) Open and Distance Education: Internal Quality Assurance Cases (pp. 81-94). China: Beijing Normal Univer
Category: Management
Mir, U. R., Hassan, S. M., & Qadri, M. M. (2014). Understanding Globalization and its Future: An Analysis. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS), 34(2), 607-624.
Category: Management
Determinants and Outcomes of a Successful Workshop. A Test Study of Workshop Held at Virtual University of Pakistan
Category: Management
Organizational Identity: Understanding and Misunderstanding
Category: Management
Measuring Organizational Performance: A Balanced Scorecard Approach...
Category: Leadership
E – Leadership: Is it the ‘e’ OR the ‘Leadership’ that matters?
Category: Management
Ayub, U. & Qadri, M.M. (2013). Organizational Analysis: A Case of Kohinoor Weaving Mills, in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Business Management (ICoBM), February 27-28, 2013, School of Business Management, University of Manageme
Category: Management
Imam, A., Abbasi, A. S., Muneer, S., & Qadri, M. M. (2013). Organizational Culture and Performance of Higher Educational Institutions: The Mediating Role of Individual Readiness for Change. European Journal of Business and Management, 5(20), 23-34
Category: Management
Qadri, M. M., Azhar, T. M., & Imam, A. (2013). Organizational Determinants as a Barrier of Balanced Scorecard Adoption for Performance Measurement in Pakistan. European Journal of Business & Management, 5(20), 7-22
Category: Finance
Bukhari, SMH., Nawaz, H., Imam, A. & Qadri, MM. (2014). Religious Aspects of Finance Promises: Evidence from Pakistan. Science International, 26(5), 2471-2475
Category: Quality Enhancement
Ghouri, I, Abbasi, M., Qadri, M. M., & Nawaz, M. (2013). Modeling Quality Requirements for Diversity of Resources in Online Distance Learning from Learners’ Perspective, in Proceedings of 27th International Conference of Asia Association of Open Univ
Category: E-Learning
Zaheer, M., Jabeen, S., & Qadri, M. M. (2015). Role of e-learning in capacity building: An Alumni View. Open Praxis, 7(1), 71-81.
Category: E-Learning
Qadri, M.M., Ali, Zeeshan. (2013). Instructor-Driven or Learner-Driven: The Influence of Mode of Instructions on Academic Performance of Learners in Proceedings of 27th International Conference of Asia Association of Open Universities (AAOU), 1-3 Oct
Research Grants
DateTitleAgency / OrganizationHeadingAmount (Rs.)
2014Review of the Implementation of ORIC at at Universities (Federal Capital, KPK & AJK)HECCompleted2500000.0000