Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University
Published On:  Thursday, July 4, 2024
Department of Management Sciences Celebrated the Iqbal Day

The Departmental Activity Committee of Management Sciences, Virtual University of Pakistan, organized an event to pay tribute to Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, “The Poet of East,” on the eve of Iqbal Day. Mr. Muhammad Munir, Former Chief Manager, State Bank of Pakistan, was the guest speaker. Mr. Munir is an eminent scholar whose work is mainly on Iqbal and the Islamic economic system. He is the author of the book “Madina Economics”. He enlightened the audience with the message of Allama Iqbal by discussing the relevance of his philosophy to the 21st century. Mr. Munir discussed the poetry of Iqbal and related it to the modern theories of management. As an example, he quoted the following verses of Iqbal to highlight the characteristics of true leaders.

The poetry of Iqbal is full of such examples that can prove to be guidelines for today’s leaders. The speaker encouraged the faculty to study Iqbal, analyze his poetry and compare it with the contemporary theories of Management. Dr. Muhammad Zaheer presented souvenir to the guest speaker. In the end, Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Saleem Sandhu appreciated the efforts of Dr. M. Jam-e-Kausar, In charge (Management Sciences), for organizing such an intriguing and inspirational session.