Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University
Published On:  Thursday, July 4, 2024
Session on Shariah Compliant Alternative of Conventional Bank’s Credit Cards

Mr. Imran Yousaf Sheikh-Head Islamic Conversion and Mufti Haroon from Faysal Bank conducted an interactive session held by the Department of Management Sciences on the topic of “Shariah Compliant Alternative of Conventional Bank’s Credit Cards”. Both members highlighted the general principles of Islamic banking and thoroughly explained the procedures of different financing instruments including the Alternative of Credit Cards. They told the audience that Islamic banks have gained 22% share of the market, and it is growing further. 

The session was informative, interesting and insightful, allowing the audience to fully participate in the Question/Answer session. Dr. Jam Kausar Ali Asghar, in his concluding remarks, appreciated the knowledge of the speakers and the active involvement of the participants. He also thanked the esteemed guests and appreciated the organizers.