Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University
Published On:  Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Conducted Student Orientation for Spring 2024

On April 3, 2024, the Department of Sociology at Virtual University of Pakistan held an in-depth orientation session for Spring 2024, lead by Dr. Sadia Jabeen, the department Incharge. Faculty members actively contributed, providing essential information on website guidelines, the Learning Management System (LMS), graded activities, and the role of mentorship in academic success. The orientation also addressed upcoming exams, guidelines for internships and projects, and various extracurricular opportunities such as boot camps, blood donation drives, and sports activities. Emphasizing support and connectivity, the session introduced academic counsellors and advisors to foster a collaborative environment. The orientation ended with a comprehensive Q&A session, allowing students to ask questions and reinforcing a strong academic support system.