Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University
Published On:  Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Organized Orientation Session for Students of Semester ‘Spring 2024’

The Department of Economics at Virtual University of Pakistan organized an online orientation session on April 17, 2024, to welcome new students enrolled in the semester Spring 2024. The session was led by the department incharge, Miss Samina Saghir, followed by presentations from faculty members on Virtual University's study system and guidelines regarding degree programs in the domain of economics. Miss. Maida Amjad hosted the event while Miss. Kanwal Zahid, Mr. Farooq Ahmed, Dr. Shakeel Ahmed, Miss. Anam Alamdar and Mr. Hassam Shahid guided the students regarding their studies through presentations. The event concluded with a live question-and-answer session, addressing students' queries.